=# aes-ni ransomware #=

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INTRO: If you are reading it, your server was attacked with NSA exploits.
Make World Safe Again.

SORRY! Your files are encrypted.
File contents are encrypted with random key (AES-256 bit; ECB mode).
Random key is encrypted with RSA public key (2048 bit).

We STRONGLY RECOMMEND you NOT to use any "decryption tools".
These tools can damage your data, making recover IMPOSSIBLE.

Also we recommend you not to contact data recovery companies.
They will just contact us, buy the key and sell it to you at a higher price.

If you want to decrypt your files, you have to get RSA private key.
In order to get private key, write here:


IMPORTANT: In some cases malware researchers can block our e-mails.
If you did not receive any answer on e-mail in 48 hours,
please do not panic and write to BitMsg (https://bitmsg.me) address:
or create topic on https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/ and we will find you there.

If someone else offers you files restoring, ask him for test decryption.
Only we can successfully decrypt your files; knowing this can protect you from fraud.

You will receive instructions of what to do next.
You MUST refer this ID in your message:


Also you MUST send all ".key.aes_ni_0day" files from C:\ProgramData if there are any.

=# aes-ni ransomware #=