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Thread: filehost review  

  1. #31
    Elite Prospect nekkator's Avatar
    21 Sep 2010

    Re: filehost review

    they're all terrible for free users except mediafire and but it's also easy to lose your account if your links get reported on those, the encryption key at mega is user account specific so it's a definitive identifier that the files come from your account and without the key nobody can open your files so you have to include it w your links

    wetransfer is very fast but with a free account files only last 7 days, but it's very fast for free d/l's - for free users suprafile, cloudyfile and zippyshare are best

  2. Liked by 4 users: bOOmy, pevets, SkyBlue, spackman

  3. #32
    Elite Prospect mesager01's Avatar
    18 Mar 2016

    Re: filehost review

    Depositfile it's very good

  4. Liked by 1 user: Ork666

  5. #33
    Private Member
    21 Jun 2011
    North of equator between Pacific and Atlantic Oceans 

    Re: filehost review

    Depositfiles (I have premium) has great speed - 10 - 20 mb/s most times of the day. I recall that when I was using it as a free acct it was reasonably fast at ~150 kb/s, and had no wait times between downloads.
    Of the free users zippyshare, cloudyfiles, and suprafiles are good with nice speeds of 1-5 mb/s.
    The worst free accounts for me have been filejoker, filefox, uploaded, fileboom, K2S, upstore: slooooowww, long wait times between downloads. In Rapidgator and Upstore case, they even have a 3 file download limit per 24 hr period. Ridiculous!

  6. #34
    Elite Prospect Weaz3L's Avatar
    29 Mar 2013

    Re: filehost review

    Rapidgator sucks even when you pay for premium. You can supposedly download as much as you want but it constantly disconnects so that it sometimes takes 8 or 10 tries to download a couple hundred megabyte file. As a free user it sucks balls. Only occasionally do I get 100 kb downloads. Mostly it is between 30 kb and 70 kb. Long delays between downloads. Usually a 3 minute wait to even start a download and only rarely 1 minute or less. Limit of 3 files per day sucks too.

    Upstore is trash most of the time with download speed of 100 kb if you are lucky but most of the time only 15 kb. Long waits between files as a free user. and Filejoker are trash.

    Filefox is trash as a free user for sure. As others have said it seems to have an endless loop of captcha.

    Keep2share is mediocre at best. If you buy premium they are fast and reliable but they have a fairly low download limit per day if you don't want to pay extra. I hate that whole tiered Premium bullshit.

    Uploaded is garbage for free users. Slow 50 kb max download speed and long waits between files. Luckily it takes so long to download many files that the wait period is over by the time a download finishes.

    Depositfiles is pretty decent and consistent for free users. Not the fastest but no endless captcha and at least it is consistent. Fairly low wait times between files usually. Also lets you download more than one file at a time if your first file isn't done when the wait time is up.

    Zippy and Mega are both decent. Good speeds and quite reasonable limits. Mega lets you download a pretty high amount before putting you on a wait timer. I don't think Zippy even has a limit other than the 500mb filesize limit.

    Mediafire is pretty good other than popups and the deceptive advertising shit they allow. Can be handled pretty well with AdBlock.

    Fileboom is shitty most of the time but occasionally you get lucky.

    Suprafiles and CoudyFiles are okay if you can get through the fucking ReCaptcha hell.

    I personally hate Google reCaptcha with a whitehot passion so I dislike ANY site that uses it. I am often banned with some stupid message that my IP may be using automated responses or some shit like that. But they don't tell you that unless you click on the headphone icon to get an audio captcha for some retarded reason. They just keep giving you new captchas until you get fed up and quit trying. And on the rare occasions that you actually get a "correct" captcha the website you are trying to download from will very often tell you that it is incorrect. The only way I can get around this is by opening the site in Chrome's "incognito" window. A few sites do have a link for when you can't use ReCaptcha but most don't. I usually have trouble even logging in to buy or use fricking premium because of shit like this. Looking at YOU K2S!

    So yeah. Most of them are shit in one way or annother
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    I just don't care anymore. Hiatus indefinitely extended.

  7. Liked by 2 users: Jumala, Ork666

  8. #35
    Elite Prospect
    9 Jan 2014

    Re: filehost review

    All my reviews refer to free mode (also unregistered). I will not give some shady website [that could be seized any day] a working email address and too many trash mail services are blocked.

    filejoker is the absolute worst because of the countdown that forces you to stay on their page while it counts down, and then adding to it it has a 5h break between downloads. Adding to the drama, for months i have been unable to download simple 350Mb files from filejoker within Jdownloader. Every time I try, the downloads fail at some point. It is beyond me how a filehost can be that terrible in 2018
    2nd worst is filefox, quite often I had to "wait" for hours even though I did not even download before. Adding to that, it was not seldom that I had to go through more than 10 captcha loops before I could even start a download. All my filefox downloads have been sitting in Jdownloader for months without finishing (some of them site-rips sadly). I simply deactivated them now and gave up on that host, the daily captcha overdose makes is too much to bear with. Also terribly slow download speeds. At some point, I gave up on them completely.
    3rd worst is wdupload, because it's terribly slow at 30 Kb/sec and has long wait times
    4th worst is upstore, since it is very slow (20-30 KB/sec) and long wait times between downloads. Sadly it is barely part of any premium link website
    5th worst is takefile. It really has a 24h wait between downloads, like wtf.
    6th worst is Seems like 99% of the files on this host are premium-only. But it's no biggy: Experience tells me that if is used, you know you are on a website with extremely shady content and should leave asap.

    Sadly all those hosts seem to be uploader's favorites lately, since apparently you can earn some bucks off of downloads.

  9. Liked by 2 users: IJAMES5677, SkyBlue

  10. #36
    Member IJAMES5677's Avatar
    26 Apr 2016

    Re: filehost review

    1fichier is the best for premium and non premium downloads. Fantastic speed and reliability. I have not seen this host used on this forum but many others allow it because it doesn't rip you off while trying to get your business. Also I am premium k2s and have no problems with it but I do understand the free is not so hot.

  11. Liked by 1 user: imarco

  12. #37
    Private Member
    5 Oct 2014
    Left Coast 

    Re: filehost review

    I use mega to grab TV shows and from a particular web-cam archive site. I like K2S since it allows downloads to resume. What I have noticed recently is a breakdown in the captcha system which is either accidental or deliberate. Mountfile via JD2 would often require upwards of 100 clicks across a dozen screens, and the pixelation of the photos with "cars" is nearly impossible to decipher. If I use JD2 to collect and store URL's and then open them in a browser it seems to go much quicker, so maybe the systems are geared to hassle JD2 users. Are those two red pixels under the tree a car or not? I wonder if the different sites are using different levels of captcha frustration to get premium signups. I do only free since I refuse to open any accounts up to the internet, especially the international internet. And the bottom line is that it is free, so I really have no right to complain.

  13. Liked by 1 user: spackman

  14. #38
    Elite Member
    6 Nov 2013

    Re: filehost review and work for me.
    Depositfiles is Good too.

    I stay away from the rest.

  15. #39
    Elite Prospect nekkator's Avatar
    21 Sep 2010

    Re: filehost review

    people who are having a lot of capthcha problems might need updates to their browser, flash or java - i realize capthchas can be a maddening pita but i find the ones at suprafile/cloudyfile to load and execute quickly and simply, most times without even making me do the picture puzzle crap, just check the are you a robot box type thing and i'm good to go - i'm using the latest chrome and i have ublock origin activated when i go there, i also have SetupVPN as an extension and it's also on, connected to a US server. Hope that helps somebody.

  16. #40
    Elite Prospect JBA121's Avatar
    4 Oct 2016

    Re: filehost review

    I guess its like most things, you pretty much get what you pay for. The annoying part is :-

    1. Even if you have a premium account sooner or later, something will go wrong. The test is how it is dealt with.
    2. Free downloads are always slow, why would a vendor lease you some bandwidth whilst trying to service paying clients.
    3. There are numerous hosts inevitably the file you want is on a different host. and not on the one you subscribe to.
    4. The multi link hosts (such as Link Share) still have issues in providing decent bandwidth and throughput on some hosts. Providing a common interface is the key.
    5. One thought I guess is to package up the hosts (say on VG) and have a deal with a multi host provider to provide specific hosts.

    If you are using a VPN then even using Google generates lots of captchas' as they detect traffic and possible DDOS attacks from specific IP's.

    So not really a review, except the ones I have had premium accounts with have been great, what sucks is how many there are and I cannot have premium accounts with them all.

  17. #41
    Private Member
    11 May 2014

    Re: filehost review

    I use JDownloader. I will often grab an entire thread. The problems with advertising aren't an issue and slow downloads and download limits don't bother me. I don't care how long it takes, as long as it eventually finishes. It just runs in the background and I occasionally get a notification that I have a captcha to solve.
    I have noticed if I have a couple hundred downloads queued that:
    Deposit & Zippy always finish first, even if they are downloading twice as many files
    The others are a mixed bag and more or less equal
    Rapidgator seems to always finish last, Stops in middle of download but it resumes OK and eventually gets there. is another late finisher.
    Filejoker countdown page is the worst, if you try to do anything else the countdown stops as soon as the window loses focus.

    All of the above was true until the advent of Google's ReCaptcha. See here:

    Google's product is anathema to downloading from file hosters; since, if you have frequent requests for access, you are by their definition a robot and must be given more and more difficult captchas to solve.

    These hosters persist in using recaptcha; even after receiving multiple complaints and requests to use a different captcha provider.

    ALL of them fail to allow free downloads, even after successfully completing recaptcha. They just have you do it again.
    I don't know if they have a faulty installation of the software or if they are purposefully setting it up that way; but bottom line is you can't download from them without a premium account. This is a violation of allowed hoster rules.

    Seriously, these sites, by forum rules, should not be allowed as hosters.

    BTW K2S used to be on the list but after contacting them, and some discussion, they have reverted to a sensible captcha provider.

  18. Liked by 1 user: Weaz3L

  19. #42
    Elite Prospect Weaz3L's Avatar
    29 Mar 2013

    Re: filehost review

    ReCaptcha is the Devil's work. I used to occasionally get banned for a couple of hours. Then it turned into a couple of days. The last ban lasted for more than 4 months! The only thing that ended that ban was a "Fresh start" installation of Windows. The longest single attempt that I bothered to count was 27 pages of stupid images to check. 27! And that ended in another "Try Again" message!

    I still try not to use ReCaptcha for anything except logging into a website unless it is in an Incognito window because I don't want to get "banned" again. Yeah Incognito window is the only thing that works when you get one of those damn bans. You will almost always fail the first one but the second try will work. Took me friggin hours of googling to find that little tip. Just make sure you allow AdBlock in Incognito windows so you don't get stuck in popup hell
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    I just don't care anymore. Hiatus indefinitely extended.

  20. Liked by 1 user: daffdaemon

  21. #43
    Private Member
    5 Oct 2014
    Left Coast 

    Re: filehost review

    It is always nice to make a comment and discover that I'm not the only one who is dealing with this stuff. Some of the re-captcha scenes are clearly broken, and "cars" is the worst. I have never finished an attempt with a "cars" screen. With mountfile in JD2, as I mentioned, I would simply start counting the number of clicks needed, with usually a minimum of 30 to 40, avg around 60-80, occasionally over 100 (about 10 different screens by this point) and the record was over 200, as I was well past 100 when I refreshed thinking that somehow I was stuck in an endless loop, and it took about 100 more clicks with "take 2." About then I did a D/L from mountfile that hadn't been copied to JD2 and it took about 3 screens, so now I just save the links with the JD2 copy function and then load them into the browser. I have discovered that JD2 will double up mountfile D/L if the browser-loaded download has been going for more than an hour. Again, this is all free so like Al Bundy, I can't complain about service (cable TV) because I'm stealing it in the first place.

    My general philosophy is to never ascribe to malice that easily explained by stupidity. But the fact that both my and other people's experiences with different sites tells me that the site has some control over the PITA factor with captchas. I got so sick of the "cars" choice one day tht i clicked refresh about 6 times pretty quickly and suddenly got a "we are blocking captcha because it may be an attack." I was doing this from a public wi-fi location and they stopped the site's IP which pissed off a number of patrons (and no, I didn't volunteer that it was me) who loudly complained to the barrista. And of course, there is the whole other issue of D/L material being glommed from a free site, that link being reported, and the same exact D/L now showing up on a premium only site with the free one gone having been reported. That is a whole new level of dickishness well above and beyond leeching and posting it in the first place.

  22. #44
    Elite Prospect
    8 May 2013
    United Kingdom 

    Re: filehost review

    Quote Originally Posted by nekkator View Post
    people who are having a lot of capthcha problems might need updates to their browser, flash or java - i realize capthchas can be a maddening pita but i find the ones at suprafile/cloudyfile to load and execute quickly and simply, most times without even making me do the picture puzzle crap, just check the are you a robot box type thing and i'm good to go - i'm using the latest chrome and i have ublock origin activated when i go there, i also have SetupVPN as an extension and it's also on, connected to a US server. Hope that helps somebody.
    I once heard a story that difficulty settings vary from site to site. I just logged out of my (free) Suprafiles account to try out their ReCaptcha puzzles (free registration entirely removes ReCaptcha puzzles). I did ten different puzzles, with the longest taking 23s to complete (one of those irritating click until there are no images left puzzles). Generally they take less than 10s to complete though. It's also worth noting that my AdBlock is disabled at Suprafiles and I don't get any pop-ups, just three static family-friendly ads which admittedly do make the "free download" link look microscopic.

    FileJoker have made their puzzles easier since the last time I decided to torture myself and attempt a download from them (so I can quickly proceed to be infuriated by the countdown process). K2S I couldn't test properly due to the recharge time between puzzles for me do the test probably taking a week, because of the absurdly long cooldown times and daily limit

  23. #45
    Administrator V's Avatar
    31 May 2010

    Re: filehost review

    Thank you everyone for your input. I will catalog all issues and make an attempt at contacting the file hosts.

    I'll also put up a poll where you can select your favorite file hosts. This poll will aid in determining which file hosts should stay and which ones are better off being blocked.

  24. Liked by 6 users: daffdaemon, GV56, imarco, RaptureZ, SkyBlue, spackman

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