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Thread: Billy by openyoureyes  

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    14 May 2012

    Billy by openyoureyes

    Billy Ch. 01
    by openyoureyes©

    When I met Kieran I was a sophomore in college, and I really hadn't had what I'd call a truly satisfying sexual experience with a man. I'd dated a lot of guys, and gone all the way with a few, but I don't know if had to do with their technique, or the chemistry not being right, or what, but I'd never had a real orgasm during sex. Part of the problem was that the guys I was with tended to come so quickly that I barely even got a chance to get heated up. They always apologized, and said it didn't normally happen, and it was because I was so beautiful and they were so excited to be with me, etc., but the next time, it would often be the same thing.

    I didn't start dating Kieran because I thought things would be different with him, exactly. If anything, I had decided not to go all the way, and to really get to know a guy and take it slow. Guys were always hitting on me, asking me out, even borderline stalking me, and even with the nicer ones, it just seemed like they were so sex-obsessed that I couldn't even figure out if there was really something there or not. Basically, it seemed like they all wanted to have sex with me, and would say anything -- even believing it, sometimes -- to try to make that happen.

    So with Kieran, I was upfront about the fact that I wanted to take it really slow. I'd said that with other guys, and found out they got impatient quickly, so I really wanted to make sure he got it. He said he did, and I believed him.

    Kieran was really a quality guy. He wasn't a "bad boy" or an arrogant athlete like some of my other boyfriends had been. He was patient with me, and I really believed he liked me for me. Of course, we kissed and stuff, and I could definitely tell he got aroused when we did, but I was pretty firm with my "rules." As far as "petting" went, I told him my erogenous zones were all off limits -- because I knew, from experience, that when I got triggered by being touched or kissed on certain parts of my body, all my thoughts about going slow might go out the window.

    Of course, he didn't love this, especially when he realized, early on, that that included my breasts -- that he wasn't going to touch me there, and I wasn't going to take my top off -- or at least would make him stop at my bra. This was hard for me, too, but I really felt like I was doing the right thing. But sure, it was probably harder for him.

    I guess I should tell you a little bit about what I look like. I'm notoriously critical of my looks, but I guess it's safe to say I'm not hideous. When I was in high school my mom got me into pageants, and I was a runner up for Miss Teen Georgia. I also got voted homecoming queen my sophomore year, which I guess was a really unusual thing, but it was more trouble than it was worth, because a lot of the girls kind of turned against me -- and I took myself out of the running my last two years.

    People occasionally told me I should try modeling. Sometimes men would stop me on the street or in restaurants, giving me their card and telling me they were "in the business," but I was like, "whatever," and didn't really trust it. Plus I wasn't that interested in what seemed like a superficial way to make a living.

    Honestly, I got tired of guys staring at me, following me, chatting me up for no apparent reason, and didn't really want to create more of that. Don't get me wrong -- it was nice at times, the attention I got from guys -- if it was the right guys. And I was aware I would be treated differently from other girls -- by certain male teachers in high school, for instance. Especially when I dressed to look my best.

    Which is something I usually do. I like to look pretty, and for the most part I'm proud of my body (I spend enough time in the gym, I should get to show it off!). And I like at times to wear form-fitting or revealing clothes, depending on the situation.

    Of course, this didn't make matters any easier for poor Kieran. We always had warm weather at school, so I dressed accordingly. I might wear a loose jacket or yoga pants when I walked across campus -- it's just less hassle -- but when we'd hang out in the dorm, you'd be more likely to find me in little boy shorts and a t-shirt. With a bra, of course -- I'm not looking to create a scandal -- but still, Kieran would tell me it was torture to look at me in some tight top with a hint of bare belly showing -- and know that for the most part, my body was "off limits."

    I admit that I got lucky, somehow -- I don't know why. I'm one of those rare girls who finds it easy to stay slim and tight -- although the crunches and cardio help bring out the hint of stomach muscles that wouldn't be there on their own. But at the same time, I have a pretty full rack. C cups, actually, and that's without surgery, thank you very much. I have a long torso and my breasts sit pretty high on my chest, and I guess you could say they attract attention. Or they can, depending on how I dress.

    I actually think my legs are my best feature -- long (I'm 5'7"), slender, and toned from years of dance lessons -- and certainly when I strap on wedges or pumps, or cross my legs while wearing shorts or a short skirt, I can sense that I'm having an impact on men in the vicinity.

    But my upper body kind of stops traffic more. Kieran sometimes got a thrill out of walking across campus a few steps behind me, while I'm wearing a tight t-shirt or something, and watching how guys stare, and turn their heads after they pass -- and sometimes even chase after and start talking to me.

    I think it's kind of silly and borderline annoying, but Kieran loves the pride of knowing I'm "his" at such moments, and so once in a while I'll indulge him. It's the least I can do -- after all, I'm not putting out!

    I guess having long blonde hair helps ensure that I get noticed by guys from a distance, but I like to think I am better looking close up, and when you get to know me. They say beautiful faces tend to include large eyes and a large mouth, plus good skin, high cheekbones, and symmetry -- and I've been blessed with all of those. I suppose if I had blue eyes that would complete the picture you're probably forming as you read this, but -- sorry to disappoint you -- my eyes are brown. But they are big, and I think they're pretty. But I have to admit guys don't tend to stare into them as their first option -- unless maybe I'm wearing a parka or something.

    I was definitely not wearing a parka the first time I met the second of Kieran's two suite mates at his dorm. After a few drinks and a long makeout session in the common room that he shares with two other guys, one night, Kieran practically begged me to sleep over. I wasn't that hard to convince, as I was tired, enjoying his company -- and the kissing, of course -- and have to admit I'm not the closest of friends with my own roommates, one of whom I share a bunk bed with.

    Kieran had lucked into getting a bedroom to himself -- while the other two guys in the suite had to share the other one. Still, he only had a twin bed, and I knew I'd probably have to fight him off with a stick if we slept in the same bed together, but perhaps against my better judgment, I agreed. I would have to break my own normal rule about always having a bra on, because there was no way I was going to sleep in one. But my cotton tank top and shorts were plenty comfortable enough for sleeping. I waited until the lights were out to slip out of the bra -- no reason to torture the poor boy -- and climbed into bed with him behind me, spooning me.

    Of course he was hard, and I could feel it against my leg. Up to this point, I'd never seen his penis, but it felt like had the usual size and shape. I felt bad for him. His arms were around me, and he was being so careful not to even graze my breasts, or wander below my waist. I had to admit that the closeness (added to the drinks and the kissing from before) had me buzzing a little, but I wanted to be a good girl, and keep to my plan. We'd only been together a few weeks -- definitely not long enough to count as "taking it really slow." But there was no reason, I decided, that I couldn't give him a little relief.

    I wish I could have seen his expression when I asked him if he wanted a hand job. He was silent for a long beat before he said "Yeah. Okay!" I didn't know if it was kind of an insult or a sad compromise, but I figured an orgasm was an orgasm, and what the hell. He had his shorts off before I could say another word, so I guess he saw things the same way!

    "Can we turn the light on?" he asked, in such a sweet little voice, as my hand began to slide down his stomach toward his private area.

    I decided I might as well make it as nice as I could for him. I trusted Kieran. I really didn't think he'd try to push things further. So I flipped on the light.

    Of course his eyes went straight to my braless chest, which my white t-shirt gripped pretty tightly. I was getting turned on, and my nipples were poking through the fabric, and I'm sure creating quite a sight for him.

    As for me, I was focused on his cock, which I was relieved to see looked pretty normal and functional -- probably about five to six inches long, nothing painful to accommodate (yes, I was thinking ahead to after we stopped taking things slow). As he felt my delicate fingers wrap around it for the first time, his whole body jerked. God, was he pent up! I tickled and stroked it with a light, slow touch, which seemed to be doing the trick. He was breathing super fast and heavy, sitting there propped up against the headboard, his eyes taking in my body hungrily, but keeping his hands to his sides.

    "You like how I look with no bra on?" I teased, taking my free hand and cupping one of my breasts with it.

    That was all he needed. He let out a huge groan, and the cum started pouring onto my hand. It started with a little jerk that flew onto the sheet, but the rest just kind of dripped down onto my fingers and wrist. When I was sure he was done, I removed my hand, and pulled it up toward my mouth. This was naughty, I know, and probably not nice. I acted like I was about to lick it off my hand -- extending my tongue toward it -- but then using his underwear to wipe my hand clean.

    "Sorry, was that cruel?" I asked, knowing how much guys are into having girls taking their cum in their mouths. (Yes, I've had some experience with that -- can we just leave it there?)

    "No, not at all..." he practically gushed, SO grateful for what I'd just done.

    I gave him what I hoped was my most dazzling smile and said, "You are very welcome. And if you'll excuse me, I'm just gonna wash my hands now."

    It was after two in the morning, so I really thought I'd be able to sneak through the common living room area to the suite's nice little bathroom without being seen by anyone, so I didn't bother putting my bra back on.

    But wouldn't you know it, the one of Kieran's two roommates that I hadn't met yet (the other was a sweet geeky guy who could barely seem to speak around me) happened to be coming in from the hall, at the very moment I emerged from Kieran's bedroom in my braless state.

    The first thing I noticed about Billy was his eyes -- they were kind of a sparkling dark blue, piercing you might say, and as he came in the door they flashed in surprise at the sight of me, caught there in no man's land on the way to the bathroom. I guess the second thing I noticed was his smile, which was wide, bright and winning as he took a moment to drink me in.

    I just kind of gave a very quick, embarrassed wave as I scurried off to the bathroom, where I took a few minutes to wash my hands, adjust my hair, and otherwise kill time, hoping that when I came back out, he'd have gone off to his bedroom, and I could return to Kieran without incident.

    But of course, he hadn't. He was sitting on the couch with the TV on, playing a video game with the sound off. Oh, and he was shirtless.

    That's right, in the few moments while I was hiding out in the bathroom, he'd planted himself on the couch where he'd get another gander at me when I came out, and he just happened to doff his t-shirt.

    "Hey," he said. "Billy." He stood up. "Want to play?" He was holding an extra video game controller, offering it in my direction. As if!

    But I didn't say anything at first, too struck by his appearance. It was now impossible not to really notice the guy, with the view he was offering of his shirtless torso. First of all, he was tall -- probably about 6'4". Secondly, he was built like a God -- completely ripped, and just gorgeously muscular -- from his huge shoulders, chest and upper arms down to his shredded eight-pack. It kind of took my breath away for a second. I'm sure that was the desired effect.

    Now I'd been with some guys with really nice physiques, and I guess you could say I have a weakness for muscles. And he was probably both bigger and more cut than any guy I'd ever been with. Of course, they have to be on the right guy, but they're certainly a bonus. Kieran had a nice body, by the way, and was a handsome guy. Kind of slim, about 5'10", and definitely didn't have a weight-lifter's torso. Billy probably outweighed him by sixty pounds -- and from the looks of things, every ounce of it was muscle.

    "Um, I think I'll pass..." was about all I could say. He just stood there, kind of smirking at me, clearly just showing off his body. I guess with some girls, that worked. I had to ask him: "So, you come home and just tear off your shirt in the first sixty seconds?"

    "I don't know, it just seemed kind of warm in here," he grinned.

    I couldn't help taking another gander at his chiseled upper body before beginning my trek back to Kieran. "What do you, work out six hours a day?" was about the cleverest thing I could think of to say.

    "If you want to get the really hot girls, it helps to stand out," he said. "But you're probably not so easily impressed."

    I wasn't going to dignify his obviously inappropriate flirting with a response. But as I noticed his eyes drift openly to my chest, I realized that my nipples were like two bullets tenting my cotton tank top. Had they gotten hard again just from looking at his muscles? I tried to tell myself that I was still aroused from what Kieran and I had done, but some part of me knew that wasn't the case. I quickly folded my arms to cover them.

    He grinned: "Or maybe you are. Anyway, there's space on the couch, and I could use a partner here..."

    "I think I'll be getting back to my boyfriend now."

    "Boyfriend? Seriously?"

    "Yes, seriously."

    "Huh. That's weird. I keep thinking I'm catching him checking me out. Maybe I'm imagining it. Or he's bi. Anyway... good luck with that."

    Oh my God, what an asshole! I was burning with irritation at this cocky jerk as I let myself back into Kieran's room. He was asleep, but he stirred as I got back into bed.

    "What's up," he said groggily.

    "Your roommate is kind of an asshole."


    "Apparently I just met Billy."

    "Oh." He didn't sound pleased. "What happened? What did he say?"

    "Nothing, it doesn't matter. Let's go to sleep."

    He wrapped his arms back around me and happily complied.

    But I had trouble sleeping. I imagined Billy still sitting out there with his shirt off, just hoping and waiting for me to come back out and throw myself at him, like I'm sure skanks across campus happily were doing. I mean, yes, he was pretty amazing looking, physically. There was no denying it. But what a jerk, to say those things about my boyfriend.

    Eventually, I fell asleep.

    In the morning, Kieran overslept and had to race off to class, leaving me to let myself out. Thinking the other roommates were also gone -- their bedroom door was open, and nobody in there -- I decided I might grab a quick shower. I knocked on the bathroom door and waited a moment, just to make sure. No one answered.

    Carefully, I tiptoed in -- only to discover that the shower was running, and guess who was in there, with the curtain halfway open? You guessed it. Mr. Arrogant. I tried not to look, but for some reason, my eyes flashed down for a moment to his crotch. He was soft, but clearly swinging some pretty hefty -- and lengthy -- pipe.

    In the split second as I registered this, he noticed me, and rather than pull the shower curtain shut for modesty, he turned slightly to face me more full-on. "The water's warm," he grinned. He looked at me for a moment, in my underwear, and I couldn't help but notice his cock start to stir. "You can join me if you want."

    "Yeah, no thanks," I said, covering my eyes, and rushing to the sink to find my toothbrush and get out of there.

    "God, I never thought I'd say it, but I envy Kieran," Billy said.

    Was he really trash talking my boyfriend that brazenly? I glanced at him one more time, as I sped for the door. He was practically staring a hole through me -- and his cock was rising and lengthening in a hurry. I tried not to stare -- I didn't want to give the bastard the satisfaction -- but it was hard not to do a double take at his size. The guy was massive. And he wasn't even all the way hard yet.

    I got the hell out of there in a hurry.

    The rest of that day, though, I found myself thinking about him. I mean, who cares if he's got a big cock? I've had guys of various sizes -- some smaller than Kieran, some bigger. The biggest guy I'd slept with had been painful at times, and certainly no better than the smaller guys. And it was pretty obvious that Billy could put him to shame. I was curious -- that's what I told myself. Who wouldn't be?

    I tried to put Billy out of my head, but the next night, I found myself asking Kieran about him. What was his deal? Kieran clearly didn't want to talk about him. All he would say is that he was in the school on some kind of athletic scholarship, and they weren't really friends.

    I was curious if he had a girlfriend -- just curious, girls are like that -- but I knew how it would sound if I asked. Instead, I just asked if he came home most nights at such late hours. Kieran said he did often, and also didn't come home at all fairly frequently. At times, he brought girls home, and Jared (the third roommate) found himself sacking out on the couch to get some privacy.

    Another makeout session with Kieran -- in the bed this time, but with my usual rules -- led to another hand job. As I was giving it, I found myself wondering what such a big cock was like, and whether some girls were really into the size. I mean, I was certainly curious, though I would never want Billy (or Kieran) to know. But I had to admit, as I excused myself to go the bathroom to wash my hands again, I was a little tingly at the thought of running into Billy again.

    He wasn't in the living room and his door was closed, but as I stood at the sink in the bathroom -- this time in a t-shirt of Kieran's -- I heard the door open, and it was Billy entering. Wearing only boxers. My eyes flashed at the view of him in the mirror. He stopped to return my gaze, standing behind me. God he was big, and god that body was jaw-dropping. His legs were as extravagantly muscled as his upper body.

    "You again," he said. "Couldn't get enough of me?"

    "Yeah, something like that," I stammered, a bit intimidated about being alone in the bathroom -- his bathroom -- with him.

    "I'll let you have some privacy. I just wanted to say -- sorry if I came on a little strong. I can be an asshole sometimes."

    "That's okay, I was just leaving," I said curtly, turning now to face him, but heading for the door.

    "You've got a really nice body," he said, looking me up and down shamelessly.

    "Is that how you talk to girls that are dating your friends?"

    "He's not my friend. He's my roommate. And just so you know, if we each wanted the same thing, it would be every man for himself."

    "Good to know. But Kieran and I have something special."


    "Have you let him inside you yet?"

    I couldn't believe he would ask that. I didn't know what to say. I was truly speechless. I wanted out of there, but he was blocking my way to the door. And also, in some weird way, I didn't want to leave. It was stimulating to be around him, that's for sure. Part of me liked his cocky attitude, to a point. I mean, I like it when a guy takes charge, and is confident -- isn't scared by a woman. So many guys seem to be scared of saying the wrong thing.

    "I'm gonna take that as a 'no.' So let me start over. I'm Billy...I'd love to meet you for a drink some time. No one has to know. So you can see the other side of Mr. Asshole. I promise not to say inappropriate things. I'm better out in public."

    "What about the word 'boyfriend' did you not understand?"

    "You haven't gone all the way with him yet. Maybe there's a reason. Maybe you're holding out for someone... or something... different. Anyway, it's just a drink. Tell you what, I'll be at Bar M tomorrow night at nine. If you happen to also be there, we can call it a coincidence." With that, he turned and headed out of the bathroom. And yes, I took a peek at his ass as he did. And yes, it was a great ass.

    So what was I going to do? Was I going to meet this guy for a drink? Why was I even considering it? Was I out of my mind? What would Kieran think?

    I knew what he'd think. But I had to admit, part of me was curious what this Billy would be like in public, on his best behavior. And of course, physically, I was attracted to him. Not that I would ever, ever give him the satisfaction, nor could I betray Kieran. That would be awful. I'd hate myself. But somehow, I found myself asking what one of my girlfriends was doing, and if she wanted to have a drink with me that night. Guess what place I chose?

    And somehow, I found myself putting my hair up and wearing a tiny black dress and six-inch pumps. What was I doing? I told myself that I wanted to look my best because I wanted him to burn with desire for what he couldn't have -- I wanted to torture him with lust, and rub his face in his cocky attitude. But another part of me felt something else I didn't want to admit. As much as I wanted to stand up to him, there was also a more feminine impulse somewhere in me. To surrender to this big strong guy with the huge cock. Or at least to flirt with doing so.

    As my friend and I walked into the bar, I knew people were staring. I was used to it. We took a seat at the bar and ordered drinks.

    But when Billy came in, wearing tight jeans and a tight t-shirt, I swear he got even more stares. God, the guy could command a room. Women were checking him out openly -- including my friend. "God, who is THAT?" she asked me, and was surprised when he walked over to us.

    "I knew you'd come" was the first thing he said to me.

    Seeing I'd come with a wing girl, he texted a couple of his buddies, and soon she was occupied trying to fend off two cocky jocks while Billy sat down next to me. He wanted to go to a booth, but there was no way I was going to be seen there alone at a table with him, like it was some sort of date. But that's exactly what he pronounced this -- a date. And it was pretty hard for me to protest that it wasn't. After all, I'd met him, at his time and place!

    And I had to admit, the public version of him was pretty easy to be around. Gone was the bravado -- although he was still pretty cocky, there were no outrageous comments. Instead, he asked all about me, and didn't make the slightest move toward getting physical, or wanting to take things outside the bar. Almost to the point where I found myself wondering if he really was that impressed with me after all. He didn't seem nervous around me like a lot of guys, he wasn't checking me out, he wasn't trying to get closer. Oddly, I found myself doing stuff I never did -- like leaning forward to show more cleavage, laughing, touching my hair, brushing an arm against him "innocently". Maybe it was some sort of instinct taking over -- the desire of the female to attract the alpha male. Not that I would do anything with him -- I knew I could control myself. But I guess I wanted him to want me.

    Then the DJ started working. "You like to dance?" he asked innocently. I love to dance. And the music he was playing was right up my alley -- chill grooves, very clubby and atmospheric. "So we'll dance," he said, seeing the look on my face. "You can act like you're dancing in a group."

    I followed him to the dance floor, Kieran the furthest thing from my mind in that moment. He was a good dancer, very relaxed, very confident in his body, and several of us moved to the music with no physical contact. But then a slow song came on. He held out his hand.

    Oh shit. What was I going to do now? I really had to admit myself that I wanted to dance close with him. Would one song really hurt? He had a little puppy dog look on his face, like "Don't leave me hanging." So I put my hand in his.

    In a quick dramatic gesture that practically took my breath away, he pulled me to him, and suddenly I found myself pressing up against his powerful torso, one of his hands holding mine, the other going to the small of my back. My free hand instinctively went to the side of his waist.

    God, it was hot! I could feel the energy between us. He pulled me closer and I let him. I gave him the treat of feeling my breasts press against his broad chest. He returned the favor by pressing his crotch against mine. Holy shit. He felt truly enormous, and I could tell it was getting bigger and harder, from dancing with me. How could any girl let that inside of her?

    I was getting a little light headed. What was I doing here? Kieran was my boyfriend! And by all appearances, this guy was a total player, a cocky bastard that just wanted to score -- no matter how nice he was being at the moment. Trust me, I'd seen this before. And the cock pressing aggressively against me just confirmed his true intentions, and what this was all about.

    And yet, could I blame him for being aroused? Plus the feel of both of those big strong arms around me now, pulling me against him, was electrifying and warm at the same time -- I didn't want it to end. I found myself resting my face against his neck. Just part of slow dancing, I told myself. And when one of his hands moved gently down my back to rest on my ass, cupping it and holding it from outside my dress, it felt so good, like the place where his hand was meant to be. I decided to give him -- or us -- that momentary treat.

    But then, he went too far. He moved his hand up under the short skirt of my dress, and found its place again on my bare ass. It felt great, but somehow I was shocked into realization of what was happening. This guy's bare hand was on my ass! I pulled away.

    "What is it?" he asked.

    "I can't do this. I shouldn't be here," I stammered, having trouble making eye contact with those piercing masculine eyes.

    And I left.

    The next day, I couldn't believe I had even gone to meet him. I prayed that he didn't tell Kieran, and that nobody saw us together and it got back to him. I really liked Kieran! And I didn't want to lose him. He was a great guy, and I was very attracted to him. Yes, something about Billy was super hot, but I knew that kind of thing would pass quickly. Kieran and I had real potential.

    Thankfully, it didn't seem that Billy had said anything to Kieran, and things returned to "normal". But now I found myself spending the night there every night, and actually kind of hoping for some sort of Billy sighting. I didn't know what I'd do if one happened, but I knew that the energy between us wasn't over, somehow.

    But for the next week or so, Billy wasn't there. Kieran gave me a key so I could come and go as I pleased. Then one weekend he was leaving town to go home to his parents. He told me I was welcome to sleep in his bed if I liked. He enjoyed the thought of me keeping it warm for him. And he knew how I felt about my roommates. How trusting that he didn't even consider that his roommate had been openly hitting on me, and that I'd even met him out for a drink, and slow-danced with him, letting him feel my ass and press his cock up against me! I was so bad.

    Part of me didn't want to go there when Kieran wasn't there. Maybe I didn't trust myself. But another part of me couldn't be kept away. I knew I was going to take him up on his offer, and actually found myself eagerly anticipating the first night -- and even packing some sexy lingerie to wear for keeping his bed warm. What did I think was going to happen? I didn't know, but I was giddy about the illicit thrill of it all.

    What I didn't expect when I showed up at the suite was to find Jared on the couch, reading a magazine, looking glum. "Hey, what's up?" I asked. His eyes glanced toward his own closed bedroom door. Now I heard it. The sounds of unabashed love making.

    I took a moment to process this unexpected development. Then I realized Jared was probably wondering what I was doing here. "Kieran said I could stay here while he's gone. I'm not crazy about my roommates."

    "I know the feeling," Jared said. "I'm going to head to my parents for the weekend. I'm about ready to leave."

    It didn't take my little brain long to do the math on that one. That meant me and Billy alone in the suite. At least, potentially. As of right now, there was another female in the suite. A point that was brought home seconds later, when Billy's bedroom door opened, and out popped the visitor who Jared said had been in there with him for "hours" -- and who was, as he put it, "a new one, but that's nothing unusual."

    The girl was sexy, I had to admit. A tall brunette with long, thick hair that had that "freshly fucked" look to it, blue eyes, and a slamming body, which was currently clad in a pretty white bra and panties. She also had a sleeve tattoo down one arm - an elaborate and multi-colored design that I couldn't decide whether I found ugly or hot.

    "Who are you?" she asked as she saw me.

    Immediately, I noticed Billy in the room behind her, jumping off the bed and coming out to mediate. He had on boxers, and nothing else -- at this point, pretty much his average attire when I was around, it seemed. I tried not to glance in the direction of his crotch this time.

    "Hey," he said to me, with a deep significance to the word, as if I'd showed up to see him. Of course, in a way, I had. His girl picked up on that energy right away, turning to look at him with growing outrage.

    "I'm Kieran's girlfriend," I said, seeking to defuse the situation quickly.

    Jared was taking this moment to slink out of the room, not wanting to be part of any of this. I guess I couldn't blame him.

    "I'm glad you're here," Billy said to me, and the girl looked back at him again. "You seem mad," Billy said to her. "If you want to leave, I'll understand."

    You could tell that this girl was really not used to guys talking to her this way. Join the club, I thought.

    She just looked at him, kind of silenced by this, then back at me. She checked me out. I was wearing jean shorts, wedges, and a scoop top with a hint of cleavage. And a little makeup. Yes, I wanted to look good for Billy. I can't tell a lie.

    "Hey, if you want to join us," she said to me, "I'm up for it."

    Oh. My. God. She did not just say that.

    Now I'm not a total prude, or a total innocent. And yes, I've kissed girls a couple of times. Not a huge deal. Nothing beyond that. And I've had my share of wild propositions. But something about this one...

    Billy had a gleam in his eye. I'm sure the porn movie images were flying around in his head. I half expected him to say there was enough cock to go around. Instead, he said something that surprised, impressed, and kind of thrilled me.

    "No, you should go."

    Completely humiliated, his date headed for the door. I definitely heard the word "whore" under her breath. I didn't bother trying to explain.

    So now it was me and Billy, standing there facing each other. Him in his boxers. Me looking all sexy... for him.

    "Sorry... I didn't expect to see you..." he said "I thought Kieran was gone..."

    "He is. He said I could sleep in his room. I don't really love my roommates."

    "So you came for the weekend, knowing he'd be gone?"

    "Don't get any ideas. Yes. And I'll try to stay out of your hair. I know it's like grand central station over there."

    "Well, when you can't have what you really want, sometimes you distract yourself with lesser options."

    "Uh huh. Keep talking."

    "Believe me or not. But... I wanted to apologize. I got carried away the other night. I went too far."

    "It's okay," I said quietly.

    "I just... got caught up in the moment. You looked so hot, and felt so good pressed up against me. It felt good, right?"

    I paused. Should I admit this? I couldn't meet his gaze right now. But I could sense a stirring in his crotch. I tried not to look at his gorgeous body. I just wanted to get out of there.

    "Yes," I found myself saying quietly.

    "If I had tried to kiss you, would you have let me?"

    I honestly didn't know the answer to that. I went the safe route.

    "No. I have a boyfriend. It was good you did what you did. It reminded me of that, and that I needed to go. Now if you don't mind, I think even this conversation -- with you in your boxers, straight from..." I gestured with my head toward the door the girl had left through. "Is highly inappropriate."

    "I'll throw on some clothes."

    He darted off to his bedroom. God, he was actually cute, he was so excited to see me, so eager to fix things. I couldn't help but smile as he pulled on jeans -- and watch admiringly as he stretched a t-shirt over those incredible shoulders, and wide back and chest. Was I going to just stand there? It wasn't bed time. It was four in the afternoon. Why was I even there, anyway?

    Before I had a chance to come up with an answer for myself, he was back, and headed for the TV. "Come on. Call of Duty," he grinned. "This time you have no excuse not to play."

    He sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. What the hell was going on here? I knew one thing, quite honestly. I didn't want the interaction to end. And this was a safe way for it to continue.

    And so... Call of Duty. And a couple of beers. If Kieran only knew... God how trusting he was to give me a key. When my thoughts went there, I instantly hated myself. But then, Billy would say something funny, or there'd be an exciting moment in the game, or his eyes would flash to mine and I'd find myself caught up momentarily in his gorgeousness, and the fun of the situation.

    He was very playful in the game, showing me how to play, doing some trash talking, and I found myself enjoying it. Harmless fun, it felt like, when he put his hand on mine to show me how to use the controller, or he grabbed it away and I grabbed it back, or he pushed me on the arm to throw me off just as I was about to shoot his character.

    After a couple of these shoves, I shoved him back, pressing both hands against his massive upper arm. I liked how hard it felt. Of course, I couldn't budge him. He grabbed one of my wrists in his hand. "Careful now," he grinned. "Remember who's in charge."

    "Oh, really?" I asked. "Is that you? Are you in charge here?"

    "Yes, and if you push me again, I will have to pin you down and tickle you until you pee."

    Empty threats don't work on me. Or maybe I wanted this. Who knows? I shoved him again.

    He was on me in a nanosecond, that gorgeously muscled torso rising up over me and pushing me down onto my back on the couch, one hand holding one of my wrists, as the fingers of his other hand found my rib cage. I used my free hand to slap at one of his powerful arms, uselessly.

    I was laughing hysterically -- I am very ticklish -- but also incredibly aware of the electricity of the moment as he finally stopped, mouth inches from mine, staring into my eyes. Now he took both of my hands, fingers intertwining, pushing them down onto the couch on either side of my head.

    This was the moment. I knew it. He was going to kiss me. And I couldn't somehow form the words to stop him, or take what I knew was a "kiss me" look off my face. He leaned in and gently, very softly, placed his huge closed lips against mine. I kept my mouth closed, but my lips were puckering to accept his, enjoying the feel of his pressing against them. He held his mouth there, softly, barely moving -- and the heat between us was incredible.

    And then I felt his crotch lower against mine -- and the feel of that gigantic hardness in his jeans pressed into my jean shorts. Much more fully than dancing, because of the angle, I could now feel his shaft up against my moistening pussy. And I was incredibly turned on.

    But then, as he moved it against me subtly in a back-and-forth manner, something broke the spell. Again, he'd moved too soon, made his intentions too obvious. Images of him feeding that cock to the hot brunette flashed into my mind, and of Kieran, and what would happen if he knew about this.

    "No," I said. Firmly. He stayed there. "Please get up."

    He did, slowly. I could tell he wasn't used to being shut down like this. He seemed a little pissed.

    "If this was the whole point of us playing... well, I should've guessed that."

    "It wasn't."

    "You're very convincing."

    "You're very irresistible."

    "You'll live."

    And I excused myself for Kieran's room.

    I stewed alone on the bed for a while, trying to fall asleep. It was impossible to do. Even though he had definitely pushed things too far, too fast, the reality is I was enjoying myself with him. And maybe I was lying to myself, not admitting where this was really headed. Could I enjoy this guy's company and not let it get physical? Remain faithful to Kieran?

    I also really did not want to give Billy the satisfaction of scoring with me, which I knew, when all was said and done, was probably all this was. Every girl wants to feel like they're the one who can 'turn' a player, but this guy... I just had a feeling it was all an act. He was just trying to seduce me.

    See, I didn't tell you that I had also asked around about him a little -- did some amateur sleuthing through Facebook, etc. -- and I found out a few things. The main thing that kept coming back was that he was not interested in a relationship. He had been with a lot of girls on campus. One of them was a friend of a friend, who apparently couldn't stop raving about Billy's big cock -- so much so that other girls decided they wanted to try it out, too. She was hurt at first to realize she was only a several-night fling, but she knew at least two other girls who also were with him about that same amount of time, and would have done it all over again, if they'd had the chance. And these were really pretty girls!

    Was I missing something? Was the whole "huge cock" thing something I just didn't understand -- how great it was? I mean, yes, he turned me on, but I didn't think it was so much about that. His cock size intrigued me, but I think I was more turned on by his muscles, his eyes, and just his cocky attitude.

    Whatever. The point was, I couldn't sleep. And I figured he was probably still awake, too, wondering what he had to do to get me to come worship his cock like all the other girls seemed to be doing. At least I knew I could stop him and he would respect it. I mean, he had gotten up off me when I asked him to. I had to admit it was kind of fun, too -- the push and pull of it, having such power over a guy who is physically so much more powerful than me.

    I was playing with the idea of going back out there to see if he was awake. Why? I didn't know. But god help me if I didn't first put on the sexiest little bra-and- thong-panties sleepwear combo I'd brought with me. What was I going to do? Tease him? Or was I hoping that he'd seduce me, and do it right this time?


    Clearly all reason had left me. I found myself opening the door and taking a peak. He was nowhere to be found. His door was closed. A bit disappointed, I took a seat on the couch, and turned on the TV. I knelt there, legs curled up under me, watching Jimmy Fallon come out to do a monologue, with the sound off.

    And then, I heard his door open. Immediately, my heart started racing. I didn't look over. I let him come to me. He did. He was wearing cargo shorts and no shirt.

    "Couldn't sleep?" he asked.

    I looked up at him. He stood there, those amazingly jacked arms at his sides, seemingly ready for anything. I drank in how good he looked. I shook my head "no."

    "You don't like sleeping alone?" he asked. The truth was, I didn't. Although I wasn't going to answer this obviously loaded question. So he continued.

    "How do you guys normally fall asleep together?"

    I couldn't believe he was bringing up Kieran.

    "On our sides, with him spooning me."

    "Ah. I like that position too."

    "Most guys do."

    "Does he press it up against you pretty firm-like?"

    "He's a gentleman. He doesn't do anything I don't want him to do."

    "I'm sorry for what I did. That kiss was just so hot. Wasn't it?"

    Uh, yeah! But was I going to admit that to him? If I did, I'm sure he'd be coming over to recreate it. Did I want him to? I decided to go with silence, for now.

    "Come on, you're not going to be honest with me, now? It was hot."

    "So what if it was? I could have hot kisses with lots of guys who aren't my boyfriend."

    "And yet you're not spending the night in the same suite with any of them."

    "I told you, I don't like my roommates."

    "Is that what you wear when you want a guy to back off?"

    He had me there. Clearly I didn't want him to back off. At least, not all of me.

    "I know your reputation."

    "What, the sideshow? That ripped guy with the big dick, that every girl has to try at least once or twice?"

    "From what I hear, they're not the ones who flake off."

    "Maybe I haven't met the right one yet."

    "Maybe that's what you say to every girl you want to have sex with."

    "I don't want to do anything you don't want to do. In fact, I think spooning sounds pretty nice."

    "Yeah, right. In my boyfriend's bed."

    "Mine's fine."

    "No thanks. I know what you were doing in there earlier."

    "So his bed it is."

    He was grinning at me, that playful look again. God, he was gorgeous. I wanted him to kiss me... and more. I didn't want to return to our separate rooms again. But I couldn't say so out loud.

    I got up and went to Kieran's room. But I left the door open. I turned out the lights and lied down in the bed, on my side, my heart pounding, breathing so fast I thought I might pass out.

    After making me wait a good five minutes, he came in. I closed my eyes. Maybe if I didn't look at him, I wouldn't do anything I'd regret later.

    He climbed in bed behind me. I could feel the heat of his body as he slid toward me. And then that big strong arm, wrapping around my bare waist, and pulling me into his bare chest.

    God, the skin on skin contact felt good! His mouth was at my ear as I adjusted to the feel of him pulling me against him.

    "So you guys just go to sleep like this?"


    "What about the other times?"

    I couldn't answer that. What was I going to say, "I give him a hand job?" He already had a low enough opinion of Kieran. And here I was letting him into his bed with me!

    He was being very careful, I could tell, not to let his hardness -- if he even was hard -- come into contact with me at this point. I guess he'd learned his lesson.

    "Let me guess," he said. "He gets really excited. You feel a little bad, because you're not putting out. So you take care of him."

    It was almost like Kieran told him. But somehow I sensed Billy would be the last person Kieran would talk to about us. I remained silent, trying to just enjoy the feel of his thick fingers and heavy palm resting against the bare skin of my stomach.

    "Does he even get to touch your tits, or anything?" he asked. I said nothing. It was like I told him everything. "God, now I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy."

    "Don't talk about him."


    "It's okay."

    A beat passed. His hand didn't move. If it had, I had a feeling it would be all over. If he moved to touch my breast, I was so excited, that I probably would've just given myself to him. Little did he know how close he was to having me... And that I actually kind of wanted him to do it.

    "Just so you know, I'm trying not to press up against you like that, because of before. But I am aroused. Very."

    "Thanks for letting me know."

    "In case you weren't sure."

    "I hope you're not thinking that I'm going you out with that."

    "Of course not. I know you wouldn't want to."

    Well, I wouldn't go that far. The fact was, I was curious as hell about seeing that big cock, even touching it, at least with my hands. But I was afraid of where things would go after that -- and reluctant to go down that slippery slope of cheating even worse than I already was -- and of giving him what he wanted.

    "I guess you find it kind of... unappealing. The size."

    "Please. Don't act like it's your cross to bear that you're well-endowed."

    "You'd be surprised how many girls it scares off."

    "Poor baby. That girl today didn't seem so scared."

    "I'm not saying it doesn't attract some of them too. I said that before. But it's not necessarily as great as everyone thinks."

    "Uh huh. Well, just for the record, I'm neither of those. I'm just a girl who's trying to be good."

    "So I guess if I'm going to get taken care of, I'll have to do it myself."

    "That would be a yes."

    "And you don't want to like... watch. Or let me look at you. Or both."

    The truth was, both sounded pretty cool to me. At this point, I'd have almost paid money to watch that show -- and I could also enjoy putting on a show for him, to see him enjoy looking at me, to get off on watching me, even to jerk off. But seriously, I'm going to say "yes" to that? No.

    "I'm afraid you'll have to leave the room if you want that."

    To my surprise, he let go of me, and got up off the bed! The guy was actually going to leave me, to go jerk off!

    But before he left, he wanted to confirm one last thing: "So you don't want to be the visual inspiration."

    Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. A few weeks ago, this photography major I know named Stephen talked me into posing for some lingerie and swimsuit photos for him. It's a long story. I like Stephen as a friend, he definitely wants more than that, and I was uncomfortable about doing it, for that reason. But he showed me some other shots he'd done, and the guy was good. He offered to supply a hair and make-up person, and give me the shots for free. He even said I could give them to my boyfriend if I wanted -- just if I submitted them anywhere professionally, to give him photo credit.

    So we went out to the beach one Friday -- I took a friend with me just to feel totally on the up and up -- and he spent hours photographing me in various little swimsuits and underwear. He was totally professional about it, complimenting me on how great I looked, how well I moved and took direction, etc. It was actually pretty fun.

    In fact, it was so fun that over the course of the day, he wore me down with his urging for me to do a couple topless shots at the end, just to have, in case I ever wanted to submit them to Playboy or something. He promised me he'd give me all the originals and never do anything with him. I trusted the guy, so I agreed.

    When he sent me the shots, I was really impressed with how well they turned out. And I had to admit, I looked pretty fucking hot, if I do say so myself.

    I just remembered, in that moment, that I had them on my iPad. I handed it to Billy. He looked at me quizzically. I just said "photos."

    He took it with him to his bedroom.

    God, this was crazy! What was I doing! I just sent my boyfriend's suitemate off to jerk off to pictures of me, on my own iPad! Including topless ones! What was I doing?

    The crazier part was I did want to watch.

    I decided things couldn't get any more out there, and what really was the harm? So after a moment, I got up off the bed and tiptoed toward his room.

    He'd left the door open -- of course. He was lying on the bottom bunk, shorts still on, scrolling through the iPad. He pretended not to notice me as I climbed the ladder up to the top bunk. There was a mirrored closet door across from the beds so I could see him as he found the photos. And I could watch as he unbuckled his shorts, and pulled them off.

    God, his dick was enormous. It was already hard when he took it out, so it sort of flopped firmly against his hard stomach. It's head came up way past his navel. I guess "marveled" is the right word to describe me watching as he wrapped his big hand around it and began to stroke it gently.

    It was no joke to say his cock was twice as big as Kieran's. It had to be like eleven or twelve inches long, but it was also really thick -- as big around, proportionally, as it was long. He was circumcised, and the crown was significantly wider than the shaft, even. It was maybe about the size of a lime. It looked dangerous, and a little scary. Like it could cause a lot of pain. And maybe also a lot of pleasure.

    He had some moisturizer next to the bed, and I watched as he took a squirt into his palm and really began working his incredible shaft now, using his other hand to scroll through my pictures.

    "God, you're so hot," he moaned -- his first acknowledgement that I was in the room. What was I supposed to do, say thank you? Be offended? I'd given these to him for this very purpose!

    "I want to feel you so bad," he continued, really pumping himself now. "I know it will never happen, but God if you were my girlfriend I would give it to you so good. I would take such good care of you. I'd protect you, I'd provide for you, and I'd love you so slow and so passionate and so deep..."

    God this was turning me on. I wanted to touch myself so bad. I was so wet. My nipples were like begging to be sucked on.

    Now he got to the topless photos. "Oh my god" he enthused. I watched, wide-eyed, as his enormous cock jerked, and this long, thick stream of cum just rocketed out of it, all the way over his head and against the wall behind him. And then another went almost as far, before he adjusted the angle so the rest shot onto his chest and neck and stomach. I was amazed at how much cum this guy generated, and how powerful the bursts were. They just seemed to go on and on, pulsing out of that giant cock head in long, thick streams, spraying onto his ripped torso, then dripping down the side toward the bed.

    He grabbed his underwear and used it to catch the cum and wipe himself clean. I was beginning to feel a little woozy. I couldn't believe I was in here with him, and this had just happened!

    I climbed down the ladder to leave. "Hey," he said, and I turned for a second. He tossed me the cum-soaked underwear! Instinctively I caught it, and instantly felt the sticky liquid on my hands. "Throw this in the hamper for me on your way out?"

    Oh my god! No, I wasn't going to do that. I just dropped it on the floor and ran to the restroom.

    I half expected him to follow me in there, but he didn't. I locked the door. I looked at the bits of his cum on my hand, and brought it up to get a closer look. It had a distinct smell, almost a little sweet, not like other guys' cum I could remember. Weirdly, I found myself wanting to taste it!

    What was wrong with me? Was that how much lust this guy generated in me? It wasn't for his benefit, or to turn him on, but because I wanted to! Deciding not to overthink it, I stuck out my tongue and licked some of the white fluid off my hand.

    It didn't taste bad or anything, but immediately I was struck with what I had done. I'd put this guy's cum in my mouth, for God's sake -- cum that was really meant for me, and inspired by me! I quickly washed my hands, only to notice, as I turned to go, that some of his fluids had gotten on my top, too.

    God, what had I done! There was probably some on my iPad, too. I instantly felt remorse. What about Kieran?

    As I headed back to the bedroom I noticed that I'd missed a call from him. I locked the door, feeling a bit sick. Should I call him back? Then he called again. I decided to answer. "Hey!" I tried to sound casual.

    He was glad to hear my voice. He missed me. Was I in his room? Yes. Did he wish I was there to spoon him? Absolutely. "It's lonely without you," I lied.

    There was a pause. I wondered if the thought had crossed his mind -- what about Billy? Before the moment could get any more uncomfortable, I changed the subject: "Baby I'm so glad you're patient with me. I know it's hard."

    "No, not at all."

    "You're such a gentleman. It's not that I don't want to, you know that."

    "I know."

    I could hear the shower running in the bathroom. I imagined for a moment Billy's hot body, the water on it, him soaping himself down, washing off the cum that my pictures had created and caused. I felt myself getting moist again.

    No! I'm on the phone with my boyfriend! This is not okay!

    But then, an idea crossed my mind. "Maybe we could do it... over the phone."

    "Excuse me?"

    "Phone sex."


    "You have something better to do?"

    I'd surprised him again. And delighted him. I took the lead, already turned on, my fingers happily reaching inside my panties and finding the wetness there, and my throbbing clit. We were into the "act" quickly:

    "God it feels so good to have you holding me down with your big, strong arms, and just taking me..."

    "Yeah... It sure does..."

    Of course, I was thinking about Billy's arms. I couldn't help myself.

    "I'm so hot and wet and open for you, you've waited so long, and you're so turned on..."

    "Yes I am baby..."

    "I feel the head of that huge cock pressing into me..."

    He didn't say anything. I wondered if the "huge" thing threw him.

    I tried to cover, sort of. "Your cock seems so big, so long, so thick as it pushes inside me..."

    "Mmm hmmm..." he sounded like he could be close to cumming. I knew I was.

    "You're reaching places so deep inside me I didn't think any man could ever reach!"

    He could take this either way. I made it sound like I meant emotionally, and in a way, I did. But I was imagining Billy's huge appendage, and what it would to do me physically if I let him inside me...

    "Oh god!" he was definitely cumming now. And I was so close... But not quite there. It wasn't happening. I decided that was okay.

    We talked for another moment and said good night. I felt somewhat better, despite knowing what a bad girl I'd been.

    Then, there was a knock on the door. "Yes?"

    "I just wanted to give your iPad back."

    I didn't say anything. The door opened. Billy was standing there. Naked. And soft. Still gigantic, of course. And holding my iPad.

    "That sounded fun," he said

    "You listened?"

    "Not on purpose. I waited to knock. I didn't realize Kieran was huge."

    I'm sure I was blushing.

    "Or maybe you were thinking about someone else."

    God he was so arrogant right now. Like he knew he had me or something.

    "Didn't sound like you climaxed though."

    What was I supposed to say? I just lie there, in my near naked state, this Adonis standing over me, knowing full well I wanted him. Maybe he had won.

    "I'm pretty good with my mouth. And I promise, that's all you'll feel, if that's all you want to feel."

    "I can't. I have a boyfriend..."

    "Consider it masturbation. You were thinking about me anyway."

    "But it's not. It's cheating."

    "And the other stuff wasn't?"

    "It's worse."

    "I'll leave as soon as you finish. It won't take long, trust me."

    "Listen to you. No, Billy. I went too far already."

    "You really look great in those photos. You liked watching me?"

    "Good night Billy."

    He stood there a moment. He set the iPad on my nightstand. He kissed his finger, and then brought it to my lips. And he turned to go.

    But he didn't close the door. I was so conflicted. I didn't really want him to go. And I did want to climax. I pulled down my underwear, wondering if he would sense that I'd done so.

    I guess he did, because within seconds he was back, and he was climbing toward me from the foot of the bed. God help me!

    My legs were spread wide, knees bent, feet on the bed. Was I out of my mind? I could see his cock hardening dramatically as he came up toward me. God, he could just come up here and fuck me, and there would be nothing I could do to stop him! And I actually wanted him to! What was happening here?

    But he didn't. Instead, those lips -- those big, wide, cocky smirking lips gave me a kiss on my vagina that was as electric as our first kiss on the mouth.

    I was completely toast. I moaned in surrender. He hands found my thighs and held them from the bottom. He'd already broken his promise, sort of, but I didn't care. His tongue was finding my love button, and god was it exquisite. He didn't lie about his abilities. Maybe it was because I was so turned on already, but I just lost it. As he covered my clit with a flurry of wet licks, I found myself jerking, my legs shaking, in the biggest orgasm of my life. "Oh my God... Billy..." I heard myself screaming as if from another room.

    He stayed there, head between my legs, for some time before finally stopping. He looked up at me. I looked at him. We both knew this was the crucial moment. The moment where he would climb on top of me and show me what all the girls were raving about. The moment where he would enter me with his incredibly oversized penis, and I'd let him fill me.

    Instead, he got up, and walked out of the room.

    God I couldn't believe the self-control this guy had. I was there for the taking, and we both knew it. He'd talked his way into going down on me, and if he'd really wanted, he could have had that huge cock inside of me now. He could have had me.

    And I was disappointed! I mean, I would've protested, and who knows, maybe I would have held strong, but my record on that this evening wasn't very good...

    The orgasm was great, but without the ultimate act, I still felt kind of empty. God damn him! Now he had all the power. And he knew it, probably. I mean, really, I did. I could always shut him down, but it was like we both knew that it was a matter of time now. And maybe it would be me who would have to go to him.

    The problem was, now I was kind of obsessed. He had me where he wanted me. I was beyond curious. And I'd already gone so far that I couldn't really turn back now. Or could I? The simple truth was I wanted his cock. I wanted to let him take me.

    Fortunately, when I awoke the next morning, I had a different perspective. I was glad I hadn't gone further, although shocked by what I had done. Somehow I felt Kieran and I could survive this. Maybe I wouldn't come back to the room again when Kieran wasn't there, and just avoid Billy at all costs from now on. I didn't want to get weak again. And I didn't want to let him win -- to lose Kieran, and be another one of those "two or three nights" girls. And even if it could be more than that... we didn't have any basis for a relationship. I didn't even know if I'd like him, really. We just had sexual chemistry (to put it mildly). That was it.

    Still, as I got ready to leave, I found myself taking a moment to select what to wear -- in case I ran into him one last time as I walked out. I still wanted to look good for him! In fact, I still wanted to look super hot for him. "What is the matter with me?" I asked myself as I pulled on tiny black lace thong underwear, then a matching bra, then six-inch espadrilles, and a tiny little red strapless number that basically left the top half of my breasts bare. It also had waist cutouts on both sides. It was essentially lingerie -- and I was certainly going to add a jacket from my bag before I got outside, but for whatever reason, this was the outfit I chose as I exited Kieran's bedroom.


    Billy was just coming out of the bathroom as I closed the door behind me, and rather than his usual tight t-shirt or muscle shirt, I was surprised to see him wearing a suit, with no tie. His eyes met mine, and then he took in what I was wearing. I felt practically naked as his eyes went up and down the long lines of my torso and bare legs. "Nice," was all he said. Nice?

    "Right back atcha," I smiled, truly overpowered by how handsome he looked. Something about such a civilized, stylish outfit covering what I knew was a body of such animal power and magnetism really did it for me.

    "You out of here?" he asked, as if he really didn't care.

    "Uh huh," I said unconvincingly, trying not to make eye contact.

    "Can I just take a minute to tell you which pictures were my favorite?"

    I was kind of mesmerized, the little girl in me wanting any excuse not to leave yet. "You mean, on my iPad?"

    He nodded. I took it out of my bag and handed it to him. He motioned for me to follow him toward the couch.

    For some reason I did. "Just curious" about the pictures. Yeah, right.

    He sat down in the middle of the couch, not really leaving space for me. His legs were spread a bit. He patted his thigh. He wanted me to sit on his lap!

    I guess something about the suit made it seem alright. What could happen? Clearly he was on his way somewhere. I gently lowered my nearly bare little ass onto his powerful thigh, then made a little show of crossing my legs for his viewing pleasure. I put one arm around his neck, my hand on his shoulder to steady myself. For some reason, I felt myself able to be a little flirtier now, since I knew this was it, and nothing else was going to happen between us.

    He turned to look me in the eyes. Uh oh. Something about his gaze burned a hole in me.

    "I know you and I can never be..." he said. "I'm only just sorry that I only got to kiss you once, and so briefly."

    Yeah, I was sorry too. Although it was two kisses, if you know what I mean. Both all too brief.

    "Are we going to look at the photos?" I asked, trying not to bite my lip as I took in his masculine energy so close to me, so ready to envelop me.

    "I just wanted to have one last moment with you, if that's okay..." he said.

    God was it.

    "Maybe one last little... goodbye kiss."

    For some reason it was me who didn't hesitate. After all, it was only goodbye -- and we'd done much worse.

    I moved my lips toward his.

    But this time, it wasn't a quick, closed pucker. We might as well make it good, right? I couldn't unkiss him at this point.

    So I let my lips part, and slipped my tongue into his mouth, finding his. He did the same. Before you knew it, our lips were locking in a passionate, open-mouthed, full-on makeout. And I didn't just pull away after a moment -- I let it continue, positioning and repositioning my mouth so our tongues could dance in every possible position.

    It felt so nice when his hand moved up to my waist, his palm and fingers finding the bare flesh there. That didn't really feel like an escalation. It was just a place for him to rest his hand. But of course, this kind of kissing was uncharted territory. And god, was it heavenly. But it was just kissing. Totally safe.

    It hardly registered, due to the intensity of the makeout, when his hand moved up the side of my waist until it finally, tantalizingly, made contact with the underside of my left breast, outside the tiny half-cup my dress provided for it. He held it and I let out a sharp breath, incredibly turned on.

    I was kissing him like I was in love with him, and maybe I was, on some level. I found myself unbuttoning a couple buttons on his shirt so that I could slip my hand inside it and get its first feel of those incredible chest muscles and abs. Mmm... did they feel nice. So incredibly strong and hard. It really was a shame that we weren't ever going to do it, I thought, as he gently pulled my dress and bra down off of my left breast now, so that he could take it fully in his bare hand, holding the engorged nipple between his thumb and index finger.

    I mean, the guy had had his tongue in my vagina, was this really any more extreme? I didn't think so. On the scale of betrayal, we were still way behind what we'd already done.

    At least, this is what I told myself as I repositioned myself on his lap, facing him, legs on either side of his, and reached behind me to unsnap the bra. He was unbuttoning his shirt as I did so, pulling it out of his pants and opening it so I could have more access to his torso.

    He eagerly pulled the dress down now so both my tits were free. I then presented one of them to his wide, eager mouth. "It's just one last goodbye kiss," I said in a quiet voice, as his mouth found my engorged nipple. Oh. Yes.... His tongue slowly painted all over its surface, like it had my clit last night, and I closed my eyes in complete abandon.

    God, he knew how to kiss my tits! He now used both hands to eagerly cup and caress them, his mouth moving back and forth between them, kissing violently and making small bites around the outer edges before zeroing back in with soft kisses and eager suckling and tongue work on my nipples. I could feel how wet I was getting. Thank God he was in that suit, and this was about to be over -- it was just one last semi-harmless hurrah between us.

    But I had to get that shirt of his off and really feel naked chest-to-chest contact. He eagerly assisted me in doing that, and I pressed my naked tits into his chest as our tongues intertwined again. This time, feeling his hands go underneath the skirt of my dress to cup my naked ass seemed only so appropriate and welcome. Again, he had tongued my pussy to orgasm, so it was no big deal that he was holding me there with both hands. I trembled at the sensation of his thick fingertips pulling me ever-so-slightly apart.

    And then his index finger was moving past the edge of one side of my thong and finding the steaming open wetness that was my vagina. I felt him softly trace up and down my labia and I shuddered with pleasure.

    Now things really were getting out of hand, my mind finally registered, as I felt the first bit of that thick finger find its way inside of me. That was penetration, and more than a tongue tip. This was going to have to stop now. Too bad it felt so good to kiss him. And too bad I'd never see that big cock close-up. That would have to be where I'd draw the line.

    Just for fun, though, I pressed forward so that the front of my crotch made contact with his hardness, through his suit pants, while his finger penetrated a little further into me from behind.

    God his cock felt good. So huge, so powerful...

    Holy shit, he was really finger-fucking me now. And I was eagerly, easily taking that thick long finger as it moved in and out of me. I had to stop this. It was going too far...

    I pulled back, ending the kiss, backing up off him, and he gently removed the finger. I found myself sliding onto the floor woozy and light-headed, on my knees between his legs.

    "I'm sorry you're never going to get to fuck me," I whispered. "Truly sorry, for both of us."

    "It's okay..." he answered.

    "But I just have to see what you've got in here up close, so there will be no regrets..."

    He nodded, tilting his head back, eyes closed, as I unzipped his pants. I just figured I'd take a look, close-up. Just to end the experience. I was so hot, and so intrigued by his massive organ that I'd felt against me so many times now. I gently pulled the waistband of his shorts over what I could tell was the erect head of his dick, which was pointed on the diagonal to one side.

    Fuck. That cock was enormous. I barely even noticed that I was pulling his shorts and pants all the way down and that he was now naked -- so much for the suit being in the way -- and I just stared in wonder at the incredibly oversized penis that was before me.

    And his balls were no slouch either -- they were like a couple of plums hanging tight in a lightly haired sac beneath a foot-long spear that was probably as big around as my wrist. I took the base of his shaft in one hand from beneath, just to feel the weight, the mass, the hardness of the thing, and it did not disappoint. It felt so fucking hot to hold it in my hand.

    My other hand went to his nuts, cupping them and feeling their size and weight on my fingertips. Shit, those things were excessive in size, almost obscene -- their sole purpose to supply sperms to the insane amount of fluid that rocketed out of that gigantic shaft.

    The crown of his cock was especially impressive -- almost beautiful in its shape and smoothness, like a big mushroom cap, engorged and enlarged, pale purple in color, with a tiny slit that didn't begin to suggest the power of what could shoot out of it.

    I had to kiss it, just to see what it felt like. This was one last goodbye kiss, after all, and I couldn't leave now without moistening him for a second with my lips and tongue. And so, I'm sure to his great delight and sense of having "conquered" me, I opened my mouth to engulf his cock head in a huge, wet, sloppy kiss, tongue painting it like he'd done so expertly to my clit and breasts, my hands now both gripping his shaft in baseball bat fashion.

    I think it's safe to say that it felt good for the both of us to have my tongue wrapping around the head of his cock, then moving up and down the top few inches of his shaft. It was so hot and outrageous to kiss such a large penis, my hands holding on to the base of his thick shaft for dear life as my mouth brought such intense sensation to it -- pleasuring him, like he'd pleasured me.

    I removed my hands and gave each one a big lick on the palm, knowing this would increase the pleasure to him as I caressed his shaft and earnest. I began twisting and stroking them back and forth, around and up and down his long shaft, as I tongued his slit like it was a tiny clit, then put the whole thing in my mouth again and ran my tongue all around the enormous crown.

    He was bucking his hips ever so slightly now in total sexual heaven, his hands going to the back of my head to hold me gently in place -- something I'd probably never let a guy do normally. But with Billy, somehow it seemed so natural and right that, for this moment, I not only service him in this gently passionate way for a moment more, but also that his physical power and dominance over me be emphasized by placing his hands there, so that he could feel like he was truly fucking my pretty mouth with his monster cock.

    And essentially he was -- I was letting him -- my mouth opened as wide as it could go, his head on my tongue and moving back and forth on top of it, as my hands continued to stroke that huge shaft.

    Of course the thought crossed my mind that he might be close to cumming, but really, I kind of relished the possibility. If it happened, on "accident," oh well, I would give him one last thrill and let him pump some of his cum into my mouth. I'd try to swallow as much as I could, but wouldn't make any promises. But the key was, he wasn't fucking me. If anyone ever asked or suspected, I could be completely honest and say, "We made out, we fooled around a little, but we didn't have sex."

    Of course, to Kieran, the fact that I blew his hung roommate and swallowed his load while he was away would probably feel pretty much as bad, but in this moment I couldn't think of such things -- all that concerned me was making this last little moment of us together sweet.

    And I was making it sweet for him. God, how hot it must have been for him, to be sitting there like a king on the throne, his suite mate's smoking hot little blonde girlfriend on her knees, dressed pulled down off her beautiful tits, and sucking his cock like she was begging to swallow whatever exploded out of him.

    And I guess maybe I was. Because I was not stopping, despite his moans, and the sensation that his shaft and head, if anything, were getting warmer, bigger, and even harder in my hands and mouth. I could say it was because his hands were on my head and there was no escaping, and something about being his little cock slave forced to give him head felt hot -- but the reality was that I was hungry for that cum shot. I wanted to feel it and experience it. And he did not disappoint.

    I probably had three or four inches of his cock shoved into my mouth when he went off. Suddenly there was this huge rush of liquid I could feel pumping against the back of my throat, and then pouring down it and into my stomach. One of my hands went to his balls, which were too big to contain in one hand, and I gently milked them, as my tongue continued to pleasure the underside of his shaft and crown, totally surrendered now to his ejaculation.

    I wanted to see him shooting, close up, so I pulled my mouth off him but kept it open, and watched in amazement as he powered out several more thick ropes of semen into my opened mouth from inches away.

    He took his shaft in his hand now, directing the flow, so that he could splash cum onto my face and chest like in a porno. I let him have his fun, using my fingers to scoop up the cum that missed my mouth and put it back in there, licking it off my fingertips like they were little penises themselves -- which he seemed to love.

    Finally, as he was subsiding, I took him back in my mouth again and just covered the surface of his crown with my tongue, taking every last drop that he had left.

    I was amazed with myself, as I considered what had just happened, resting there with his cock still several inches in my mouth. Never had I swallowed so much cum, or enjoyed a blowjob like this. (Never had one lasted more than about ten seconds, for one thing -- and this seemed to go on forever.)

    As he finally withdrew, I made a mental note that when Kieran returned, I would have to do with him everything Billy and I had done, to somehow make it even. It was bad enough that I had betrayed him so thoroughly and repeatedly, with a guy who was basically his trash-talking nemesis -- it was the least I could do to repay Kieran in kind.

    I got up and snuggled into Billy's lap as I thought about this, luxuriating in the feel of those big strong arms going around me, and barely noticing that my bare legs were on his, and also in contact with his cum-soaked penis. I then realized his cum was in danger of getting on my dress, and I decided it would be easier to just take it off. So I did, leaving me just in underwear now as I sat on his lap and enjoyed one last makeout with him. God, he was a good kisser.

    His hands went to my tits again and I let them, loving the feel of him holding me there so firmly. I marveled one last time at the up close look and feel of his muscular torso. I found myself starting to kiss his neck, then his pecs, his shoulders -- wanting to cover every inch of that gorgeous torso with goodbye kisses before I'd never see it again. My hands greedily exploring the feel of those huge biceps and triceps, that ripped core, those massive shoulders, as my lips and tongue had their way with his naked body...

    I worked my way down to his thighs, now, even turning him over so I could kiss all over his hard little butt, letting my tongue flick teasingly into the crack for a moment.

    I barely even noticed that he was getting hard again, but when I did, it was like one last treat -- to get to kiss up and down that gigantic shaft again and run my tongue over ever square inch of it this time, feeling its heat and hardness against my tongue.

    It never even occurred to me that his fresh wood might mean something else was about to happen -- so wedded was I to the notion that we were just finishing up, and I had essentially been "good", in the one way that most mattered.

    I'm sure he must have been thinking something very different, though, as my kisses led me back up the middle of his stomach and chest toward his face, with my hand holding and caressing his enormous shaft. Our lips met again in what I thought might be our last -- for the records book -- kiss. Might as well make it the best one.

    Sure I had soaked through my panties and my clit was on fire from all of this, but I honestly wasn't even focused on my pleasure -- it was all about just exploring his body and giving him something to remember me by, something hopefully mind-blowing and unforgettable, to compensate for the fact that maybe I was the one hot girl on campus that he wasn't ever going to fuck.

    Plus my underwear was still on -- tiny though they were -- and somehow that was like a safety switch telling me that I was out of danger, in terms of fucking. There was one more step I'd have to allow to happen, before taking the time to really agree and decide to let him inside of me. And there was no way I was going to do that.

    Anyway, as I said, I wasn't really even thinking about it as I climbed back on his lap and resumed kissing him, and barely noticed anything significant when the tip of his index finger found its way past my panties again -- other than to immensely enjoy the pleasure of it stroking up and down the lips of my vagina, and occasionally finding my clit, for a white hot explosion of sensation.

    And so it really didn't feel like any big deal when he lifted me up by the sides of my waist, and gently laid me down onto the couch on my back, so he be on top of me and resume kissing from that position, one we'd never been in. I especially enjoyed it, because it allowed my hands to go around to his back and caress the incredible muscles he had there, as his tongue moved in and out of my mouth in rhythm with his finger on my pussy.

    I know it sounds incredibly naĂŻve or ditzy that I wasn't even thinking about it, but you have to understand the state I was in -- it was some kind of heightened irrational place where very little in the way of new information could penetrate my little blonde brain other than the glorious feeling of this big strong man kissing me.

    That's not to say I wasn't awoken from that trance in a hurry though, a few seconds after he pulled my panties to the side and placed the enormous engorged head of his penis where his fingers had just been, lodging it quite firmly between the outstretched lips of my vagina!

    His mouth was pressed so hard against mine that if I opened it further in shock, or tried to speak in protest, it wouldn't be heard anyway. And so suddenly, before I could even really react to it, the incredible wetness of my pussy yielded -- despite his incredible girth -- to that massive crown moving past them, and into my body!

    God, what a feeling it was -- not so much a painful stretching, but a fullness, a sense of being taken over in some way, consumed, violated, but in a pleasurable way, with my lubricated nerve endings exploding from the sensation as he insistently, aggressively slid the first few inches of his impossibly thick cock up inside of me.

    As great as it felt, and as long as I had been waiting for this moment, or at last a part of me had, I couldn't let it happen. I broke the kiss, stunned at what was happening, how he'd never even removed my panties, never taken a moment to get permission, but was just plundering me like his prize. "We can't," I managed, despite the fact that my long legs were wrapped around him and crossed at the ankles, and my hands were still on his back, holding him close into me.

    "Just to feel it, for a second..." he purred, like he'd probably said to countless other girls, before he proceeded to blast his cum into their hot little bodies. "I don't want you to leave disappointed. I know how much you want this."

    "I do, but I can't... I have a boyfriend..."

    "I know, baby," he said, kissing my breasts as he moved my ankles up and over the front of his shoulders.

    I squirmed to try to somehow stop what was happening, but I was obviously completely in his power now, and so obviously wanting it and allowing it -- at least my body was -- that it was hard to claim otherwise.


    "It's just this once, and I won't cum..." he continued. "I just want you to feel it."

    Well, that would at least be one distinction -- if he didn't cum. And god, I did want to feel it!

    He had stopped thrusting when I started talking, even pulling back to just the crown. Leaving me wanting more. I had a decision to make. And I made it. I let my arms flop down on the couch, hands resting over my head. When I did, he grinned the grin of a conqueror, who was finally reaching his prize. For a split second I realized that that was probably all I was to him, but before I could even register this completely, I felt his cock start to force itself into me more fully, inch after thick, hard inch.

    The feeling was insane, it was like being impaled by a sword or something, and I was lying there on my boyfriend's couch (yes, he'd bought it), just taking it, as his big-dicked, cocky, trash-talking muscle head boyfriend was taking me, in the most complete way a man can take a woman. His huge condom-less cock was knifing up into my unprotected, tight little feminine essence, its size an obscene affront (I used the thesaurus for this) and an outrage as it just insistently carved its way up into my body.

    Fuck, he was fucking me! How could I let him fuck me? My mind was racing as he flipped one of my legs over his head and turned me over onto all fours, so he could drive his cock into me more efficiently from behind.

    I knelt there on all fours like a dog, out of my mind with a mix of lust, ecstasy and outrage as he took a moment to pull my underwear down, gently holding each leg as he slipped it down past my feet and rendered me totally naked.

    I could have taken this moment to cry foul, to get up, to leave, but I didn't. I lifted my foot helpfully for him and then resumed the position willingly -- back arching, waving my hot little tight ass back and forth to him, spreading my knees on the floor a bit further to open myself up to him more, and then gritting my teeth as he took a thigh in each hand and found my opening again with the incredibly thick head of his cock.

    As primed and welcoming of him as my pussy now was -- despite having only felt about half his length before -- he slid into me relatively easily this time, at first. Not that it wasn't a huge shock to the senses again -- it absolutely was, especially from this new angle. It was a fucking far beyond anything I'd ever experienced, in every imaginable way. Truly mind-blowing, almost like everything and everyone else had only been warm-up for this moment.

    He was only about half way inside me, which is as far he he'd gotten before, and my brain noted that this was about the length of the average guy I'd been with -- including Kieran. Only Billy was probably twice as thick as the biggest of them.

    And this time, he would not be content with five or six inches. He was going to get balls deep in his roommate's hot little girlfriend -- as I'm sure he'd tell it to some envious buddy later -- and she was going to take it on all fours like she was made for it.

    And I guess I was, because here I was allowing it to happen, letting this muscular guy wrap his arm around my waist, the other hand wildly caressing my naked tits as he plowed seven, then eight, then nine inches up into me with each successively deeper thrust.

    "Take my big cock, bitch," he seethed at one point, and though you can be sure nobody's ever said those words to me before, to be honest, I was kind of loving it -- the dirtiness of it, the domination. I didn't really know what he thought of me outside the obvious -- and how much this was just a score for him, and everything leading up to it servicing this one goal. But in the moment it didn't even matter. All that mattered were our two bodies coming together -- and in that process, I was the receiver, the feminine one, the taken -- and he was the conqueror, the masculine one, the taker. He could say what he wanted and do what he wanted. The reality was I his to take his pleasure in. And he was.

    So I ignored or even reveled in what was either trash talk or normal sex banter, for him, as he said things like, "I'm fucking taking you, you're fucking mine," and when he presented his index finger to my mouth, I took it between my soft lips, swirling my tongue around it like a mini blowjob, as the genuine article reached places inside me -- literally, this time -- that no guy has ever reached, and ever could reach. Physically, and also in terms of thoughts, emotions, and the overall sensation of the act. That incredibly big cock was truly taking something from me -- something I wanted to give.

    As he turned me over onto my back again, my butt rising up off the floor to meet his thrusts, we both realized he had done it -- he was balls deep, and I swear, I could feel his cock up into my chest, it was so big.

    "Now do you get the big cock fascination?" he grinned, face inches from me -- but looking much more the conqueror now than the romantic kisser.

    I nodded.

    "I fucking own you right now, like no man will ever own you. I'm touching parts of you no man has ever touched, or probably will ever touch."

    God, he was so cocky. But what was I going to say? It was true.

    "Tell me how much you love it."

    "Your big cock feels so good inside of me, you fucking stud."

    He wanted more.

    "Fucking take me, Billy, I'm fucking yours. Fuck me with your gigantic cock."

    And he was, loving this -- thrusting with abandon and seeming rage, jaw clenched, sweat dripping off his face and onto mine as he hammered me with thrust after massive thrust.

    "But remember what you said," I managed between thrusts. "You are not cumming inside of me. You're not protected, and neither am I."

    "Oh. That's right."

    Something in his face softened, Then suddenly and dramatically he withdrew his penis -- completely!

    The void, the vacuum he left behind, was like I'd just had an organ removed or something. I just lay there, legs spread on the floor, incapacitated. He loomed over me, moving now to present his slick penis to my stomach where he rested it like it was a staging area, and let out a big sigh.

    "Did I say too much?" He had a slight grin on his face.

    "Nothing that wasn't true," I said, barely able to form words at this point. "You made me your bitch, Billy."

    "Well, not totally..."

    He grinned. We both know what he wanted. The ultimate act of completion of this seduction. It was one thing for me to swallow his cum. It was quite another if he were to keep fucking me until he ejaculated inside of me. There was something far more primal and conquering about it -- his manly power reaching its ultimate target.

    He lied down next to me now, and kissed me, taking my face tenderly in his hands. The trash talker had left the building. He stroked my hair and between kisses said things like, "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever been with. I wish you were mine with every fiber of my being."

    I let my hand wander to his cock, which was still incredibly hard. I had to feel it inside me one last time, before I left him forever. He'd pulled it out before I wanted him to.

    I climbed on top of him, and lowered my wet pussy onto his crown. This time, I controlled the pace, and the depth, and the angle.

    Slowly, slowly, I twisted and teased my vagina around his massive shaft, up and down, forward and back, circling, probing... It felt so great. I stared down at his gorgeousness, his hands holding the sides of my waist. He was so fucking hot. This was truly unforgettable -- the fucking of a lifetime.

    I decided I wanted it all again. I lowered myself onto him fully. I arched my back and moved my tits toward his face. He took them gently in his hands, caressing the nipples with his thumbs.

    When I was all the way impaled I just started bawling from the sensation, and shaking in orgasm -- I felt so complete, so utterly filled, so destroyed and yet so renewed. I was filled by him, owned by him -- on top, and yet taken by him with utter and complete cocksmanship. I had to hand it to him. If he meant to play me, he'd done it. What else could I submit to?

    It was at that moment that he turned me over, getting back on top. And started giving me a power-fucking like never before. Slow and smooth, but going from crown-only to balls deep with each breath-taking thrust. His hands gripped my thighs, stretching them apart, his big strong masculine torso lowering down onto my petitie feminine one again, his lips finding mine.

    "Too bad he can't finish inside me," I thought for a second as he gazed lovingly into my eyes. But I also reveled in the thought of perhaps giving him a hand job this time, and maybe suckling down a few more spurts of his cum while I was at it.

    But then he groaned, and in a horrible moment, I realized what was happening. And there was no way I could stop it. No! He made one last thrust to the deepest possible penetration inside of me, pushing my legs further up into the air, and then it happened.

    He began to cum. He let out a deep groan -- almost a roar -- as his massive cock started geysering its fluid so incredibly deep inside of me.

    I marveled at the feeling of that long thick shaft spasming so wildly within me, its thick bursts of semen exploding out of it. What had I done? The feeling was incredible, the completeness of it, the ultimate surrender of it, the feel of his maleness just shooting off inside me with such power.

    His face was right in my face, eyes glassy as he gazed into mine... There was nothing I could do or say. The damage was done. His cock continued to spray its triumphant seed into his willing, surrendered partner. He had taken me from Kieran, powerfully, conclusively -- in the most devastating way possible.

    Knowing there was no way I could undo what he had done, what had been done to me, I reveled in the feel of his body mated with mine, of his still incredibly hard, thick cock gently moving in and out of me in small thrusts -- emphasizing the fact that he had fucked me, he was still fucking me, my body was still his to enjoy as he chose.

    For all I knew, he could have just impregnated me. His semen was probably incredibly potent, I imagined -- and when you combined that with the incredible volume and force with which he filled me with it...

    What would this mean now? What about Kieran? Could this be hidden from him? Could we still make it work? I had no illusions that Billy and I would end up dating. Who knew if I would even want to? In any case, he would probably move on. Other conquests, other seductions...

    Billy kissed me, and my hands went to his face, drawing his tongue into my mouth in what really was one final kiss this time, his arms wrapped around me, my legs wrapped around him, and I told myself I would try to make it work with Kieran, and would write this weekend off as one crazy college bout of insanity.

    But for now, Billy's gigantic hard cock was still completely inside of me. He had taken me totally, and in this moment, I was his. I let the feelings of this wash over me. And I continued to kiss him.

    ----- continued. . .

  2. Liked by 3 users: birita1965, DennisW, VoyeuristicA

  3. #2
    31 Oct 2015

    Re: Billy by openyoureyes

    hot story and great description = very arousing

  4. #3
    Member negator's Avatar
    14 May 2012

    Billy Ch. 02 by openyoureyes

    Billy Ch. 02

    I lay there in a daze, continuing to accept Billy's kisses, and marveling at how long his cock stayed so massively hard inside me -- even as my mind started to race, in shock, at what I had done -- at what I had let him do to me.

    This was not the kind of girl I was! I did not cheat on boyfriends -- and I did not give into fleeting physical attractions with cocky guys who were just looking for a conquest. And I was sure that was all this was with Billy, despite how good it felt to kiss him, and some of the things he had said. In any case, I had serious doubts that I'd want it to be anything more, anyway. I barely knew the guy, after all, and what I did know was largely kind of obnoxious.

    And yet here I was, legs spread wide, with his cock buried inside me.

    Oops, no, he was finally starting to pull out, I registered with some disappointment -- watching in awe at the movements of his hugely muscled torso, and stunned anew at the enormity of his still fully erect cock.

    It was getting visually bigger now, because he was bringing it closer to me, moving it up toward my face and presenting it -- the cocky bastard! -- to my mouth expectantly. Maybe it was his way of emphasizing just how much I had chosen and allowed all this, in the end, but I let him have his final moment of his glory, opening my mouth to let him slide his slick, swollen crown past my lips again, my tongue slathering it lovingly.

    As he removed it, I gave him a long, seductive lick down that amazingly thick shaft, and let my tongue stab playfully at those enormous nuts before submitting to him pushing one, then the other, past my lips for some extended rolling around inside my mouth.

    And then, as if he'd had his fill of me, he simply stood up, and walked off to his bedroom, leaving me lying there naked.

    A few moments later I heard a key in the door! I sprung up, yelling, "Don't come in!" I was terrified it was Kieran returning early. I scooped up my clothes and dashed off for the bathroom.

    Thank God, I realized a few minutes later, as I came out, dressed -- it was only Jared. Billy -- to my surprise and slight hurt -- had left.

    I began my private walk of shame toward student health services to get a morning after pill, burning with disgust at myself for what I'd let happen.

    I walked through the rest of the day in a kind of haze, guilt and shame competing for my attention with thoughts of just how hot sex had been with Billy, to the point where I felt myself tingling in places even now, as if I wanted more of it.

    What was the matter with me? I already had two massive loads of this guy's cum inside me -- I'd totally let him win, and forever lost something in my potential future relationship with Kieran. Even if he'd never know, I would. And yet, a part of me was turned on by the thought that maybe, one day, we'd do it again. How could my mind even go there?

    Well, all that disappeared quickly that evening at the yogurt place, where I had the misfortune of running into that girl he'd told to leave when he'd seen I was there.

    I tried to leave unrecognized, but as I walked out, it was hard to escape her stare, and the smirk on her face. "Something funny?" I asked. For some reason, I was unable to just let it go and walk out.

    "No. Just... predictable," she smiled, in a not unfriendly way. "Come on, there are no other free tables," she said, pushing out a free chair at her table with her foot. Warily, I sat.

    "What's predictable?"

    "That Billy's roommate's girlfriend would be cheating with Billy within forty-eight hours after meeting him."

    "Excuse me?" I responded with faux outrage, and inner alarm.

    "It's okay, honey, trust me, I understand."

    "You don't know what you're talking about."

    "Oh, I don't? So this morning, you didn't relieve him of his suit pants and get a taste of that big dick -- and a nice high-protein breakfast drink?"

    "Disgusting. No. Who told you that?"

    "One of Billy's friends, who's been trying to get me in the sack for weeks. I guess he figured it would put me off Billy to hear it. But I'm like, 'Well, duh, she's hot, and he's him, he's going to go there. It doesn't mean anything.'"

    "Well it's not true."

    "Sweetheart. Relax. Your secret's safe with me."

    "I don't have any secrets."

    "So you don't mind people knowing that you didn't settle for just a blow job?"

    "Didn't settle? How dare you!"

    "Is it true or not, that you let him fuck you right there on the living room floor without a condom, took every drop he could shoot, and then licked him clean after?"

    I got up and stormed out of there. That was all I could take.

    I was nearly in tears as I walked back onto campus, totally enraged. What was I going to do now? Go confront him? Like that would help. Would he tell Kieran, too? Would word spread around?

    But the girl -- Shannon -- had chased after me. I heard her call out, and I stopped. "Listen, I'm sorry," she said, as she walked up to me. "That was really rude of me."

    "It's not true," I practically sobbed.

    She knew it was true. And she gave me a little hug. "The truth is, I was jealous," she said. "He obviously was more interested in you than me. It hurt. I even offered to stay for a threesome and he kicked me out."

    "That wasn't what I wanted him to do."

    "I know. Believe me, I know how seductive he can be. Trust me. I'm not telling anyone else. And I don't think he will, either. That's not his way. That guy is like his best friend. He's probably the only one."

    I still couldn't bear to admit to this girl that she was right about what happened, but I think my silent tears -- and willingness to accept her hug -- pretty much told the whole story.

    I headed home to my dorm room.

    The next morning, I decided what I'd do. I'd go surprise Kieran at the airport. He was getting back today. Somehow, I had to make it up to him, without telling him, of course, what I'd allowed to happen. I had to somehow go beyond what I'd done with Billy -- to erase it, and put it behind me. Kieran called me when he got off the plane and I told him where he could meet me -- the Admirals Club.

    I'd gone to my favorite consignment store and thrown together a sexy flight attendant's outfit consisting of a tiny, royal blue hip-hugging skirt, and a matching vest that displayed a hint of bare belly, and an enormous amount of cleavage. Plus a tiny blue hat and a white neck scarf -- and heels high enough that no girl could ever actually serve passengers in them.

    I was perched on the edge of a couch when he entered the room, legs crossed, sipping a soda water, fully aware of the stares I was attracting. I didn't care. I was a woman on a mission.

    He did a double-take when he saw me, not used to seeing me dress so outrageously in public, and broke out in a huge grin. I got up and took him by the hand, in character now. "Come with me, sir," I said. "I'm sure I know a place where I can make you most comfortable."

    I led him into one of their plush private bathrooms and locked the door. I could see he was already tenting his jeans. "We here at American Airlines know that a flight can be stressful, and for a VIP like yourself, we have special procedures for relaxing you afterwards. If you could please just remove your pants, sir, I'll show you what those are."

    It was Kieran's lucky day. I was a walking sex fantasy come to life. He wasted no time in pulling his jeans and underwear off, as I slowly unbuttoned my vest, eyes never leaving his.

    He gaped at my naked breasts -- his first-ever sight of them -- as I pulled off the vest, and squatted down before him. He was leaning against the sink counter as I took his erect cock in my hand.

    It was such an easily manageable size, I noticed, after what I'd just experienced with his roommate. And I was eager to give Kieran what I'd given Billy -- more, if possible -- to somehow make up for what I'd done.

    "Oh my God," he was practically shaking as I wrapped my lips and tongue around the head of his penis, swirling it seductively. I held the base of his shaft with one hand, the other easily cupping his normal-sized balls.

    I had to admit it was almost like being with a boy or something, now that I'd had Billy. And though it was certainly easier to take more of Kieran in my mouth, I felt a little sorry for him as I noticed how much less turned on I was than when I'd gone to town on Billy.

    Was I that shallow? Was I really a normal-sized guy's worst nightmare? The hot girlfriend who really was more turned on by a huge cock? The girl you could never quite satisfy with your five or six inches?

    I sort of hated myself for this possibility, and told myself it was just because of the illicit thrill of how Billy had seduced me, combined with his hot body in general, as opposed to the size of his dick. I proceeded with my plan -- which was to go beyond the three or four inches of cock Billy had had in my mouth.

    I'd done some research online that day about deep throating a guy (which I'd never done before, despite how slutty I probably seem to you). I had practiced controlling my gag reflex, and now I would put it to the test. Billy might have been deeper inside me than Kieran ever could hope to be when he fucked me, but I'd let Kieran push an inch or two into my throat, if possible. And somehow, that would make me feel a little better.

    Well, it was easier than I thought it would be, perhaps because of his size, and the fact that I had kind of imagined Billy's cock when I was practicing. Kieran, by comparison, was a cinch. Plus, I didn't have to stay there for long, because I could feel him spasming on my tongue almost seconds after I'd gotten him all the way in there. And though his fluids weren't quite exploding down my throat the way Billy's seemed to, I knew when he'd finished, because he immediately started getting soft again.

    I gingerly removed him from my mouth, and proceeded to button up my vest, as I rose to my feet in front of him. "And so, on behalf of American Airlines, we hope you'll fly with us again."

    He stared back at me with glazed shock, and incredible gratitude.

    But I wasn't done with the payback. After a nice dinner, with me still in the "slutty stew" outfit, we returned to his dorm. I was nervous as hell about running into Billy, and especially scared that he might say something. But I was also determined to somehow offset my recent sins as quickly and fully as possible. And if Billy realized how completely I'd moved on from our little wild romp, so much the better.

    We entered the suite holding hands, and sure enough, Billy was on the couch, in a t-shirt and boxers, watching TV. I tried not to notice how good his muscular legs looked, or his cocky grin as he looked over and took in my outfit. "Hey," Kieran said to him, leading me in a hurry toward the bedroom. I didn't look at Billy again as we went, but I hoped he was checking me out in my little outfit, and wishing he could ever have me again. Fat chance.

    Kieran was perfectly happy to go to sleep in our old spooning position, but the thought of Billy out there on the couch made it hard for me to fall asleep. So did the realization that sexually, I was still far more Billy's than I was Kieran's. I had to erase that.

    I put my hand on Kieran's crotch. He was soft. I turned around, on my side, to face him. I took his hand and moved it up under my t-shirt to touch my bare breast. He instantly started to harden.

    "What's... going on?" he marveled at my continued sexual aggressiveness.

    "I just missed you while you were gone. And I decided I'd tortured you for long enough."

    "Are you sure?"

    I nodded, kissing him.

    "Take me, Kieran. I want to feel your beautiful cock inside of me."

    It took him less than a second, it seemed, to open his nightstand drawer and find a condom. He was already unwrapping it before I could say anything.

    Since I wasn't on the pill, it made sense that he should use one, but of course, I felt such shame that I had taken two huge portions of Billy's cum inside of me, and now Kieran was going to use a condom.

    But I didn't stop him. Instead, I slipped off my underwear and lay down on my back, as he mounted me. "Oh God, Kieran," I moaned, a little louder and more enthusiastically than was probably sincere in the moment. "Fuck me, baby. God, I love your cock."

    Yes, I hoped Billy heard. But I also knew that he probably still felt like he was the winner. So I said the only thing I could think of that would somehow restore Kieran to his rightful place. "I love you, baby," I emoted loudly -- the first time either of us had said this to the other. And actually, I did mean it.

    "Oh my god, I love you too!" he exulted, already losing it inside the condom.

    "That's it baby, cum inside me, fill me up with your cum," I called out. Billy didn't need to know he'd used a condom. I then flipped Kieran onto his back and began to grind on top of him. Despite the fact that he was shrinking quickly, I managed to find an angle and the right pressure to start to move in the direction or orgasm. I didn't quite get there, but you wouldn't have known it from the shrieks I was soon making...

    A couple hours later, Kieran was asleep, but I awoke with a start. Was it all a dream? Had I really done what I thought I'd done? Blown and fucked two guys in the same day? Cheated on Kieran? Oversold our sex like a bad actress, just to make Billy in the next room jealous?

    Damn. I had to go to the bathroom. I wondered if Billy was still out there. Should I get fully dressed? Screw it, I decided, putting on just a bra and panties. Let him see what he can no longer have, and will never have again. Let him wish he'd kept his big stupid mouth shut.

    I sneaked out into the living room, half hoping he'd be out there, and would watch me enviously.

    But he wasn't.

    I listened at the restroom door, to make sure nobody was in there. I didn't hear anything. So I tiptoed in.

    As I came back out, I realized I'd been wrong, when I thought the living room was empty. Billy was actually asleep on the couch, still wearing his t-shirt and boxers. I stared a moment at that beautiful body of his, and could feel my nipples tingling ever so slightly at the memory of what we'd done together, and how he'd filled me.

    His hand moved to adjust his crotch, and I realized now that he had a towering boner. In fact, as he adjusted it, his massive crown now emerged from under the waist band. It looked like the business end of a dangerous weapon, which I guess it kind of was. He fondled himself a moment, absently, still sleeping. It was really hot to watch. I found my hand wandering down under my own waist band, and finding a quivering wetness there.

    I had never orgasmed with Kieran, I reminded myself, and all the stimulation of our sex had left me still wanting more. Yeah, right. I wasn't even believing my own lies to myself anymore. The truth was, despite what Billy had said, despite Kieran and all that had happened today, despite the decisions I had made, a part of me wanted to feel that huge cock forcing itself up inside of me again. A part of me was Billy's now, at least on a deep, dark, animal level that I was really not comfortable with.

    My fingers were still in my panties when he suddenly stirred and opened his eyes. I removed them quickly, but I'm sure the image he saw before him pretty much told the story. My nipples were definitely pushing dents into the cups of my bra, and I was standing there, next to naked, staring at him.

    "Hi," he said flatly.


    "You guys have a good time tonight?"

    "Yes. We did."

    "I guess what we had... was just a one-time thing. For you."

    "Kieran's my boyfriend, Billy. What did you expect?" I moved a little closer so he'd hear me if I whispered. "One crazy moment of weakness and suddenly I'm yours? Is that what usually happens?"

    "Take it easy."

    He wasn't even bothering to re-adjust himself for modesty, laying there with the head of his erection just sticking out of his shorts like that. I tried not to stare. "No, I won't take it easy."

    "What's wrong?"

    "What do you think? It's a small campus."

    "What's that supposed to mean?"

    "It means, when you brag to your fucking idiot pals about your latest conquest, word gets around."

    "Brag? I bragged?"

    "I got a pretty accurate description of what happened between us from that girl you asked to leave the other day -- who heard it from one of your best friends. In just the kind of words I should probably expect from a guy like you."

    "Oh, come on. You know why he told her. He's trying to get her into bed. Trying to convince her I'm this predatory player who brags about every girl I'm with. I'm sure that's the way he put it."

    "Yeah, right. Why'd you even tell him in the first place? With every lurid detail?"

    He took a pause. I couldn't help but notice that his cock seemed to be growing, with a good couple inches sticking out of his boxers now. God, it looked hot. My brain and ego were furious with him, but the wetness in my underwear told another story. My vagina was wanting him -- was preparing itself to take that big cock again, right now!

    I don't know if he sensed this, but what he said next seemed awfully sincere: "Because when the best thing that's ever happened in your life happens, you want to tell your best friend."

    Part of me wanted to believe he meant that. But part of me knew it was a line. "Yeah, right. How many girls have you said that to?"

    "One. You."

    "I'm the number one score of the year, is that it?"

    "You really think I'm that shallow?"


    "Fine. Don't get to know me. Don't see what might have been. Retreat to your little fantasy. And be another one of those girls who used me."

    "Please. I used you?"

    "Sure seems that way to me. I'm not the one running away."

    He left the words hanging there as he went off to bed.

    Well, shit. Now I didn't know quite what to think. But I did know one thing. The next day, when Kieran told me he'd finally been approved for a single room, and was moving that afternoon, I was relieved when he didn't ask me for my key back.

    Slow down. Don't judge me. Don't think I just fell for Billy's B.S., and went back there and opened my legs and mouth to him, again. But at the same time, I had to admit, part of my was curious. Was there some truth to what he was saying? I mean, I didn't really believe him. I thought it was more likely that he just had had as good a time as I had, and wanted more. I like to think that one time with me wouldn't be enough for anyone. I know from experience that the possibility of sex with me can do extreme things to guys. But that didn't mean he and I had a future, as a relationship. Plus, I was into Kieran.

    But I had to admit that physically, and with his masculine attitude, Billy did kind of turn me on more. Maybe it was the thrill of sneaking around, and the seduction and all that -- or the muscles, plus the big cock, but it wasn't so easy for me to just let it go completely.

    It didn't mean I wanted to leave Kieran. I liked our relationship. I didn't see it as having any problems. But part of me... just had to see what else there might be with Billy.

    But what was I going to do, just show up there some night, let myself in, and turn myself over to him again? Give him something more to brag about? I didn't really trust myself. If we were alone in the room again, I knew I might get weak. He'd proven he could get me on my knees, and on my back -- and I knew I'd feel even worse about myself if I let that happen again.

    I couldn't call him. Too forward. And he didn't know my last name. I wasn't even sure he knew my first name, now that I thought about it.

    But I did know one place I might run into him. I'd seen a card for a small private gym on his keys at one point -- the same gym that had been sending me flyers for a free session for some time. I decided I'd check it out. By the looks of his body, he probably spent half of every day there, so I thought the odds were good I might run into him.


    I packed two outfits in my gym bag. One extremely modest one to avoid stares, and the other, well... not. I didn't know if I was hoping to seduce him with my looks or just taunt him, but somehow I knew, if I saw him there, I'd be giving him an eyeful.

    Sure enough -- as I talked to the girl behind the counter and casually glanced around the place, I spotted him -- back in a corner with the free weights, working out with a couple of buddies. He was wearing a wife beater and cargo shorts -- his incredible torso on full, proud display -- as he stood there watching one of his friends do leg presses.

    The other guys were pretty well yoked too, but neither of them had the size or definition of Billy's musculature. From what I could see, and from their body language, I could tell Billy was the "alpha" of the group -- the way he pointed at things, giving them tips; the way they moved with each other as they spotted weights, talked, etc.

    There was something oddly exciting about this to me, that even around other big, cocky, powerfully built men -- good-looking athletic guys with jacked muscles -- Billy was the dominant one. In some subtle ways that they'd never admit, probably, they submitted to him. At least, that's what it seemed like. (I knew how they felt.)

    I went to change, and it took me about three seconds to decide what to wear. I knew it would be scandalous in this low-key place full of mostly guys, and not too many young females, but I didn't care. I pulled on a pair of skin tight little boy shorts and a sports bra, along with white tennis shoes with a slightly raised heel. I looked in the mirror and decided to let my hair down. I almost laughed at myself. It looked like I was coming here to make guys stare at me. And I guess I was.

    As I emerged from the locker room, of course I pretended I didn't notice him (or the hungry eyes of practically every guy in the place). I made my way to some floor mats to do a few yoga stretches.

    He was on me within seconds, standing over me, with that cocky grin of his. I saw him in the mirror as I rose up into a downward dog.

    "Fancy meeting you here," he smiled. God, I liked his smile.

    "Oh, hey," I grinned, in fake surprise. I didn't know if he bought it. He was kind enough not to question why I was really there.

    "This your first time here?"

    "As a matter of fact, yes. I got a flyer for a free workout, so I figured I'd check it out."

    "I'll show you around." As if I had no choice in the matter.

    I liked how he took control, and let's face it, this is what I came for -- to be with him. So I got up and followed him, as he pointed out the gym's various features, sauntering around like he owned the place, his buddies glancing our way at one point, and exchanging a knowing glance. Were either of these guys the one he had told about us? I wondered. Or had he bragged to both of these cocky jocks how he'd taken me from Kieran, and here I was back for more apparently, his little gym slut?

    "You know I'm a licensed trainer, I could give you a free session."

    "Like, right now?"

    "Why not? I mean, I can tell from your body that you obviously know your way around a gym, but having someone to push you can be good. To help you get a really good pump." He grinned in a friendly way, waiting to see if I would react to his innuendo.

    "Well, I certainly love a good pump," I fired right back.

    "I noticed."

    "But I think I'll do fine on my own."

    He shrugged, and pulled off his wife beater. "Damn, it's hot in here." He stuck it in the back pocket of his jams and stood there, showing off his gorgeous torso for my inspection. What was I supposed to do, become hypnotized and do whatever he asked? The truth was, it worked, a little bit. I tried to hold it together as I drank in his ripped chest and core.

    "I guess shirts aren't required here?" My attempt to keep things light.

    "I know the owner. So if you feel the need to do the same, I'll smooth it with him."

    "Very nice of you."

    "I do what I can."

    "So let's say I was letting you train me. Where would we start?" He grinned. He'd already won. It was that simple. I didn't want to just give in, but I also didn't really want to go our separate ways.

    And so, we spent the next hour working out together, mostly me lifting weights with him spotting and instructing, making sure to be just as close to me as possible at all times, while pretending to just be training me. I tried to keep calm and strong, with him literally inches away from me, for the better part of an hour. It wasn't easy. The chemistry between us was distracting, to say the least.

    A couple times he stopped to do some sets of his own, showing off, I think. I had to admit I enjoyed watching him lift weights. He looked really good doing it. So dominant, so masculine...

    He started to get comfortable that I was letting him take charge of me in some way here, and the old arrogant Billy returned. "You like my body?" he asked with a straight face. He was actually flexing in the mirror, studying the effect of the bicep curls he'd just done. God, seeing those huge arm muscles pumped and on display like that really did it to me. "You think I look good?"

    "Yes, Billy, I think you look good."

    "No seriously, the size, the definition of my muscles, does that turn you on?"

    "I'm not talking about this."

    "I mean, when we were together, at one point you kind of kissed me, all over my chest, my stomach, my thighs, but I didn't know if that was kind of obligatory, or because you were really into my body."

    "It's hard to recall," I deadpanned.

    "I mean you stayed pretty focused on one area, as I recall, so I felt pretty good that you were into that part of me."

    "You really need to stop now."

    "Is this making you uncomfortable? "

    "Can we be done? I think I've earned a smoothie or something." I was changing the subject, but not completely shutting him down -- clearly I wanted to continue the interaction, and was thus letting him get away with comments like this. He knew he kind of had me.

    "Absolutely," he grinned.

    We retired to the juice bar and sat together for a few minutes with drinks. People were leaving. It was getting late -- It seemed like they were closing down. "Do we need to go?" I asked. He shook his head no, just as some guy -- I presumed the manager -- called out his name, and then tossed him some keys. "You'll lock up?" Billy nodded.

    The guy followed the last couple of members out, and changed the door sign to "closed." I looked at Billy in a little bit of shock. Just what did he have in mind here?

    "What can I say, I'm here a lot," he said. "They trust me. I often close the place down."

    "Is it just us?"

    "Looks that way. You ready for a shower?"

    "Umm... I didn't bring a towel."

    "You can use mine."

    "Don't you need it?"

    "We can share." He was gazing into my eyes now from about eight inches away -- practically burning a hole into my soul, it seemed. I wanted him, on a physical level, but seriously, did he think I was just going to let him fuck me in the gym locker room?

    "You really think I'm going to just get in the shower with you, right here at the gym?"

    "You'd rather do it somewhere else?"

    "Yeah, like maybe back in my dorm. Alone."

    "That's no fun."

    "You sure have a pair, Billy."

    "So I've been told."

    "But I'm not here to give you more stories to share with your friends."

    "Nobody will ever know. I promise."

    "Yeah, right."

    "What's the matter? Come on. I know you like me. I'm pretty sure you find me sexy. You seemed to really like kissing my cock."

    "I'm still with Kieran."

    "For now."

    "This is crazy. I shouldn't even be here."

    "Alright. I'll go grab a shower. Then I'll walk you home."

    And he got up, and headed off to the locker room, leaving me sitting here.

    Well, now I had a few choices. I could leave now. I could wait for him, and then leave with him. Or I could go in the locker room and give him what he wanted. Give him what we both wanted, if I was really honest with myself: another go at him spearing me with his outrageous manhood, on the locker room floor if necessary. I could imaging him holding me down, entering me, taking his pleasure with deep, violent thrusts that seemed to fill my whole body, and then pumping his manly fluids into me with impunity...

    Okay, I had to stop imagining. Because I was really close to just doing it -- becoming his locker room gym slut, who can't get enough of Mr. Hung Muscle God, even if it means cheating on her boyfriend.

    Eventually I decided that maybe there was a middle ground. Or at least a way to go a little further without fully committing.

    He was standing in big open multi-shower room when I walked in, his eyes closed, water cascading onto his muscular shoulders and back. He was using his right hand to stroke his ridiculously large erection. Yes, he was fully hard, and yes he was jerking himself off.

    It was quite a sight. His body looked so powerful, his cock so huge in its engorged state. The action of him pumping it in his big hand while standing under the water was just super hot to watch.

    "Somebody's having a good time," I said, trying to seem relaxed and on top of the situation. He opened his eyes in surprise, hand never leaving his big cock, though he paused the stroking now.

    "Thinking of me?" I asked with a smile.

    "As a matter of fact... yes."

    "Well, I guess I'm the most recent girl you've seen."

    "Or had sex with."

    "Really? I'm disappointed in you. I would've thought you'd knocked out at least another girl or two since me."

    "I'm not always quite what I seem."

    "Well, don't let me interrupt you."

    "You want to stand there while I finish? Or you want to come help me out?"

    That was the question, wasn't it? I realized now that I might have an opportunity -- to get close to him, to get physical again, but to stop short of giving it up again. I could literally finish him, without taking him inside me (much as I would like to do both).

    "How about we sit down somewhere?"

    He had the water off in two seconds, and was heading toward me, still holding his massive erect cock in his hand. I was practically quaking at the sight of him approaching me, so jacked up and ready to fuck. His eyes met mine. I was so his, if he wanted to take me. I was completely locked in his lair -- and if he so choose, he could have been on my like a jungle cat. What would I possibly do? My skimpy undergarments hadn't stopped him before. My boy shorts could be on his locker room within seconds, with his hugeness finding its home deep up inside of me again, as he held me down, helpless on the floor beneath him...

    Okay, I really had to stop letting my mind do that! All he was really doing was taking my hand, and leading me toward a bench by the lockers.

    I noticed a door leading to a sauna across the way. "How about in there?"

    He turned on a dime and led me toward it.

    It was a nice private room, with wide benches, much more comfortable than by the lockers. The heat was turned off, of course. I guess we'd make our own.

    "I'm not going to let you fuck me again, Billy," I said, mustering my most decisive sounding voice.

    "Who said anything about fucking?" he grinned.

    "And I'm not going to suck your dick, either."

    "Wow, I guess you didn't enjoy the other morning as much as I thought."

    He knew that I did. He grinned his cocky grin. "But you can kiss me," I said quietly.

    We were sitting side by side. He leaned in, and I surrendered to that big beautiful mouth enveloping mine again. Oh god, it felt good. His hand went to the side of my bare waist, and I let him, but I was determined it would go no further. As it crept up toward my still covered breast, I stopped the kiss and said, "Please don't." He stopped, as asked.

    Meanwhile, though, my hand was moving up his muscular thigh and toward his hugeness. "Ah, that's the feeling I've been waiting for," I said silently to myself as I wrapped my delicate fingers around the base of his enormous shaft.

    "Actually, Billy, I really did enjoy the other morning," I whispered between kisses, as I moved my hand up and down the bottom few inches of his shaft, reveling in the feel of that thick pole, and the power I was exerting over it.

    His breathing was quickening, loving the sensation, as I began to jerk his big dick in earnest. "I enjoyed sucking your amazing cock," I whispered slowly, really milking it. "And feeling it cum in my mouth. You wish that was happening again?"

    He nodded, really feeling it now, as my hand found the head of his cock for the first time. "You wish I was wrapping my pretty little lips around your manhood again, and letting you pump your fluids down my throat?"

    He was squirming, the fantasy words perhaps even more impactful than what I was doing with my hand.

    I got down on the floor between his legs now. I'm sure he thought I was about to give him the elaborate tongue bath he wanted, and felt he deserved, but instead I used both hands to apply maximum pleasure to his giant appendage, stroking and caressing him from base to crown.

    "I also liked it when you fucked me, Billy," I gushed.

    "Me too, baby."

    "When you held me down, moved my panties aside, and forced me to take your big dick so deep up inside of me..." He was really groaning, out of his mind with pleasure at this. "Do you wish that was happening again, Billy? Do you wish you could just take me, right here in the locker room? Do you wish you could fuck my hot little body with your great big cock?"

    He nodded, but he also made no move to make it so. Part of me was a little disappointed. But I also liked that he let me have the power here. And I was rewarding him for it, pumping him with passion, my face inches from his crown, begging for it.

    "Oh yes, Billy, yes, fuck me, I'm yours Billy!" I shouted, knowing he was close to cumming.

    "Do it, Billy, cum all over my pretty face!"

    Boy, did he. With his hands gripping the seat on either side of him, back arching, and eyes closed in ecstasy, his cock jerked in my hands and a huge stream of semen shot onto my cheek. I closed my eyes and mouth, still stroking, trying to hold the raging beast as it pumped thick gushes of cum onto my face and neck, and into my hair.

    When he finally stopped I just stayed there, holding his cock. I opened my eyes and watched his, as he feasted on the sight of his cum all over my face.

    "Now I need a shower," I grinned, and headed off to wash his cum off of me.

    Believe it or not, I actually felt somewhat proud of myself as I walked home. I mean, of course this was still cheating, but I had taken control of the situation, and not gone any further. Things were at least in a better balance now -- Billy was now the one who had to settle for nothing more than a mere hand job, while Kieran, the guy I was actually dating, got to put his penis further into my mouth than Billy had ever been, and was now getting to fuck me.

    See, I knew that despite all the heat I had sexually with Billy, that was still probably all it was. And I knew that stuff always burns out -- whereas I still felt Kieran had the potential to be something. And it wasn't really fair to compare Kieran to Billy sexually, at this moment, when I was so transfixed by Billy's body. I figured I'd eventually get over that, and Kieran and I could go on to have a wonderful sex life, based on something real -- on love.

    That didn't mean I didn't want to see if Billy might possibly be something more, as well, to give it a chance, just in case. But I didn't think it ever would be, and I certainly wasn't going to just leave Kieran to find out. But maybe now I could get to know Billy a little bit on the side, while pulling things back, sexually.

    After a few days had gone by since the gym incident, I did want to find a reason to see him again. I needed to at least give him some method for contacting me. We couldn't use my cell phone, or Kieran might find out. So I set up a private e-mail account I could check online. I just had to let him know about it.

    So I went over to his room on a Thursday afternoon, just to leave him that information. That was safe, right? I'm sure you're wondering what I wore. Was I going to show off my body for him again, tempt him, tease him, and set something physical in motion?

    No, I told myself, as I pulled on an old t-shirt, and a pair of jeans. Sure, both were tight, but that was all I had. He probably wouldn't even be home.

    He wasn't, to my disappointment. I had to decide whether to just leave the information on his pillow or somewhere. That seemed desperate, like something some other girl might do. I decided to wait a few minutes and see if he showed up. I didn't want to wait out in the common area and be discovered by Jared (who had taken Kieran's room, gratefully, after he moved out), so I ducked into Billy's room and closed the door.

    Of course I was a little curious, so I snooped around a bit. Nothing too exciting to be found. There were some XXL condoms in his nightstand drawer. Funny how he didn't bother to use one with me. But I guess in all fairness, if he'd stopped to get one, he might have blown his chance (no pun intended). He probably only used them when a girl insisted.

    I had the box in my hand when I heard the door open. I dropped them quickly into the drawer, and turned to see Billy standing there. He didn't even question my presence. "Would it make you more comfortable if I used protection this time?"

    "Ha ha," I responded, trying to laugh it off.

    "You want me to model one for you?"

    "No. I just came here to... here." I thrust the piece of paper in his hand with my e-mail address on it. "If you want to contact me."

    "Why would I need this, if you're just going to let yourself in my room whenever you want me?"

    "That's not what I'm doing! And I'm not going to do this again."

    "Why not?"

    "Will you just... email me, if you want to reach me?"

    "Sure. Hungry?"

    "That depends. What are you going to suggest?" I half expected him to suggest a protein shake, courtesy of his foot-long cock.

    "That I take you out to dinner."


    I didn't exactly want to leave, and that did sound nice. He didn't wait for me to answer, pulling off his t-shirt to change into something else. God, the guy was shameless. I checked out his muscular torso for a lovely moment or two while he selected a button-down. Then he unsnapped his jeans.

    "Uh, excuse me?" I said.

    "Oh, come on, don't get modest now," he grinned, dropping them and stepping out of them. He had on briefs this time, and God, did his ass look amazing. I'd never really seen it before, up close like this, from this kind of angle. "You need a front view, too?" he asked, turning so I could see thpackage contained within.

    "That's okay, I'm good," I responded, trying not to look there. He shrugged and pulled on some different pants.

    You'd think dinner would be a less sexually charged, getting-to-know-you experience, but it didn't quite work out that way. He chose an isolated semi-circular booth in the corner of a very dark, clubby Italian place with few other people around, and his main goal for the dinner seemed to be trying to see how far I'd go with public displays of affection.

    He sat pushed up right next to me, his arm around me, hand grasping the side of my waist possessively as the waiter took our order. Then he insisted on feeding me a breadstick. Real subtle. He probably wanted me to swirl my tongue on the end of it, but instead I took a sharp bite, which made him smile.

    He removed his arm, getting the hint, and tried to engage me in conversation. I could see it wasn't exactly his strong suit. His eyes practically burned a hole in mine as he listened to me, and it made me nervous just to be sitting with him. Something about his physical presence so turned me on, that it didn't really matter what either of us said. And so, when he leaned in for a kiss in the middle of me talking about something or other, I didn't hesitate to stop, and accept it happily. And eventually, the kissing got so hot that when he discreetly moved one hand slowly up my torso until he was holding my breast, I didn't stop him. I'm sure the message this sent was clear -- that my body was still his to take his pleasure with.


    After dinner, of course, he wanted me to go back to his room with him. And I'm sure he must have felt after the hand job in the locker room and now buying me dinner, kissing me, and getting to second base in public, that I'd at least be taking more of his cum down my throat tonight. If not actually trying out the XXL condoms. But I really did want to stick to my plan.

    On the other hand, I didn't want the night to end now. As we approached his dorm, I told him that I needed to take a step back, physically. "I want to still see you, to... get to know you..." I stammered. But it needed to be at my pace.

    "Because you have a boyfriend?"

    "I shouldn't even be going to dinner with you."

    "Alright. I get it. Well, I think I'm ready for bed."

    He was ready to say goodnight. I wasn't.

    "I could maybe... keep you company... just for a few minutes."

    "In bed?"

    God, this guy just laid it out there. I decided to give it right back.

    "Maybe you need a little spooning to get to sleep."

    He just looked at me, and I swear, his eyes traveled down my body, as if weighing whether it was worth it to commit this evening to a girl who probably wouldn't put out, when he could easily call several who would. At least, that's what I imagined he was thinking.

    "Okay. That sounds nice," he finally said, as if I'd offered to buy him a latte or something.

    Back in his room, he started getting ready for bed. Again, the shirt came off, and the pants. As his thumb went for the waist band of his briefs, I tried to stop him. "Please. You're not making this easy."

    "I thought you were going to spoon me so I can fall asleep."

    "Uh huh." It sounded so ridiculous when he said it like that. But that is what I had offered.

    "Well, I sleep naked. I hope you're not going to stay in those jeans."

    And with that, he dropped his briefs. I glanced quickly in the direction of his crotch. His cock was totally soft, hanging straight down, and still, I had to admit, a little bigger than Kieran's biggest hard-on.

    I unzipped my jeans. He headed into the bed. God, what was I doing? Who was I kidding? I turned off the light, and unsnapped my bra, pulling it off through the sleeve of my t-shirt, which, along with my thong panties, was all I wore, as I climbed into Billy's bed. We could still see each other a little bit in the moonlight through the window, as he lay on his side facing away from me, really taking my offer literally.

    I was practically shaking as I got in bed with him. Where was this going to go? Could I resist letting him have me again? My nipples were achingly erect, my mouth dry, my panties moistening as I snuggled up behind him, pressing my breasts into his broad back, and my smooth legs into the back of his. My arm went around him, and he took my hand in his. We lay there for a minute, breathing together, the tension thick.

    I squirmed around a little, incredibly turned on, my legs sliding back and forth against his. He took my hand and placed it on his cock, which was now shockingly, enormously erect. I practically gasped as he did so. He held it there a moment, and I enjoyed the feeling of his magnificent organ. But when he removed his hand, I moved mine to his muscled midsection. "Just spooning, remember?" I whispered.

    "So... no kissing? I always sleep better after a kiss goodnight."

    My body felt like it was on fire for this guy. Yes, I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted him to do a lot more to me.

    "One kiss," I said. What was I doing? We both know how that turned out last time.

    He rolled over to face me. He took my face in his hands. And he gave me a slow, lingering, romantic kiss.

    My legs were quivering. I think I was close to tears. "It's okay," he whispered, putting his hand on the small of my back and pulling me gently, lovingly closer. I was conscious enough to imagine what his plan was -- to press his hardness against me, and just assume I'd surrender.

    He went a step further than I expected, pulling out the bottom of my t-shirt slightly so that he could slip his erection under it, and then press it against the bare skin of my stomach.

    God, it felt so good there, so big and hard and powerful, with that impossibly long and thick shaft on my bare skin, and those massive nuts resting on the soaked triangle of my underwear.

    "I've been dreaming about you," he whispered. "What we did in the locker room was so hottt..."

    "I can't, Billy," I stammered, between slow kisses that were even sexier than what we'd enjoyed the first time.

    "Was all you were saying in the sauna just a lie then, to get me off? You really didn't like being with me?"

    "I liked it, okay?"

    "A lot?"

    "Don't make this even harder."

    "Just tell me how much, and then we can go to sleep. Tell me how much you still want me."

    I decided to give him that much, and take him at his word. And to put into words what I was really feeling.

    "I love your body and I love your huge cock. You turn me on so much. I loved sucking it and swallowing your cum, and when you fucked me... it was out of this world."

    He grinned at me, face inches from mine, cock still pressed against me. If he'd wanted, he could've had me again, right there, regardless of what I was saying. We both knew it. My underwear couldn't stop him. I couldn't stop him. What he wanted -- what we both wanted, really -- was for him to drive that gigantic cock up into me, to take me over again, to make me his.

    I could sense that he was considering doing just that, regardless of what I had said. After all, I was here in his bed willingly, and we'd done it once before. He could easily use his superior strength to just hold me down and take his pleasure in me. I trembled at the thought of him deciding to do just that. In seconds, he might be inside of me again. Part of me wanted it. Part of me didn't.

    Instead, all he said was, "I thought so, too." And rolled over to go to sleep.

    God I liked that I had this power over him, and that he stopped when I said to stop. Despite what my body was feeling now, which was disappointment. It made me want him that much more.

    As one last little reward -- and I guess a test for both of us -- I slipped out of my t-shirt, and pressed my now naked breasts into his back. My arm went around him, and this time, my hand willingly found his erection. I caressed it a moment, lightly, and then let my hand rest there, as we fell asleep.

    When I awoke, I don't know how many hours later, it was morning, and I was still pressed up against him, and my hand was still on his cock. And it was still hard. I knew he'd probably gone soft during the night and then hardened again, but still, I couldn't help but marvel at this.

    He was asleep. I lightly tickled his shaft with my fingertips, and then moved down to his huge balls. He woke up. He turned his face to see mine, and smiled. "Good morning."

    "Good morning," I said.

    I remembered that he'd also had some lubricant in the condom drawer, which was on my side, so I opened the drawer and took some out. I squirted a gob into my hand and returned it to his cock. I gripped it firmly, and slid my greased palm all the way up and down the shaft.

    "Oh, godddddd..." he exulted at the lubricated, more serious stroking I was now giving his massive organ. He rolled onto his back and lay there, hands clasped behind his head -- a guy who was obviously used to girls worshipping his cock, while he just lay there and enjoyed it.

    I lowered my mouth to his for a kiss, as I worked his shaft with wanton lust for him. He checked out my tits, nipples having gone to attention about ten seconds ago. "Your breasts look really nice," he said.

    "Thanks," I replied.

    I enjoyed the look on his face as he tried to hold it together -- out of his mind with pleasure from what my hand was doing. "I liked the way you kissed them, the other day. A lot."

    "You did?"

    "You want to kiss them again?"

    "I'm good." He grinned. The cocky bastard. I ignored him. I was too turned on. I moved my engorged left nipple toward his mouth. He accepted it eagerly.

    Oh God, now I might be the one who cums first! I practically squealed at the feeling of his aggressive nipple kissing. I was about three seconds away from settling myself down on that raging hard on and letting him have me again.

    Instead, I summoned all the strength I could, and lay back down on my back next to him. I used one hand to stroke his shaft from that position, while using the other to take care of myself. We looked into each other's eyes as I drove myself to the brink in about ten seconds, screaming his name. He just grinned, still rock hard and containing himself from what I'm sure was now an even more compelling urge to climb on top of me with that huge slickened cock, and re-introduce my pussy to its biggest visitor ever.

    Again, he could have done it, and I would be helpless to resist him. My wetness would welcome his massive intruder and provide a warm and loving home for it, and the cum it would shoot so powerfully and deeply. But he controlled the urge to take me that way.

    "I liked how you used both hands the other day," he whispered.

    Yeah, I'll bet he did. The truth was, I might have liked it even more than he did. I grabbed some more lube and got both hands nice and slick. Then I knelt between his legs, over him, and wrapped both hands around his shaft, twisting them back and forth in opposite directions. "Like this?" I asked innocently. He nodded.

    I combined the twisting with some up and down stroking, my top hand giving his crown plenty of love, and I could tell he was close to losing it. I got in closer, watching the action, fascinated.

    "Oh God, Billy, cum in my mouth, I'm gonna swallow every drop of you!"

    It was just talk, and he knew it. I was holding his cock in a position pointed more toward his own face than mine. But it did the trick. Again I felt his hardness begin to quake in my hand. I reveled in the sight and the feeling, as he began to shoot -- his first burst of semen literally hitting the bottom of his chin.

    God it was exciting to hold this spasming organ and to get to direct its eruption, onto him this time. I marveled as thick streams of semen just gushed violently out of it, the first several reaching his neck and chest. Then I pulled his cock more upright so it shot like a fountain, its gushes of semen arcing up into the air, and landing on his stomach and pecs. When he finally subsided, his torso seemed like it was covered in cum.

    I was so turned on that I couldn't help myself -- I lowered my mouth down and gave the head of his cock an enthusiastic kiss, tasting that cum I'd so eagerly ingested the other day. Mmm. I then licked some off his abs, tongue-fucking his belly button for a moment. What was happening to me? I didn't know, but I loved the feel of my lips against his skin, and I just started going crazy, kissing all over his cum soaked torso, my tongue greedily lapping up his fluids wherever I found them, working my way up to his neck and finally his chin, which I cleaned with one last lick.

    On top of him now, I rubbed my naked breasts and stomach all around on him, taking his wetness onto my own skin. Maybe the fact that he'd already cum gave me confidence that things would end without me getting fucked again, even if I did this. I gave him a final kiss and told him I had to get to class.

    A few seconds after I entered my dorm room to grab a quick shower, there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Kieran standing there. Waves of guilt immediately flooded over me. But he was smiling -- unaware, of course. "Morning! I thought I'd walk you to your first class."

    "Oh... great!" I tried to smile and act natural. "I was just going to jump in the shower."

    "You look hot..." he said admiringly, as I noticed with some panic that he was moving in for a kiss. My roommates were evidently gone.

    Normally I'd be happy to respond in kind, but I was literally not twenty minutes past licking Billy's cum off his chest, and somehow it just felt beyond wrong. I mean, I could literally still taste him in my mouth.

    But Kieran was moving in, and I couldn't very well shirk away, without causing a bigger issue. So I accepted the kiss, trying to keep it short and sweet. But his arms went around me, and he pressed into me. It felt good, and I gave in a little, opening my mouth to him. He responded with an enthusiastic "Mmm" as his tongue found mine.

    God he wouldn't be saying that, if he knew where my tongue had just been! I wondered if he could even taste Billy's cum. The thought of it electrified me in some way, even as it caused me extreme guilt. Instead, he just said, "You taste good..." and I found his hand moving up under my shirt.

    The fact was that it felt good, but there was no way I could let him go further right now, given the situation. But before I could protest, he had my shirt up over my bra and was kissing my stomach, which of course, had just been sliding against Billy's cum-soaked midsection, and gotten a nice coating of its own.

    But Kieran was none the wiser, really getting into it, moving toward my breasts, reaching to unsnap my bra. "He's literally taking Billy's cum in his mouth," was all I could think, and he's loving every second of it. God, this was wrong! And yet somehow, I was getting incredibly turned on.

    But I had to get to class. And Kieran, ever the gentleman, slowed things down when I asked him to, and helped me get my stuff together. And then he walked me, like a good boyfriend, across campus.

    All that day I couldn't help thinking about Billy's hot body and the feel of that mighty cock in my hands. I had to see him again. I couldn't just wait for an e-mail from him (I checked, and none had come). So during a break in the afternoon, I found myself wandering in the direction of his dorm -- wearing a fetching little dress that Kieran had picked out for me to wear that morning.

    But as I approached from a distance, I saw something that made me stop short. Billy was coming out of the building. And he was holding hands with some chick. A tall, deeply tanned brunette (at least I was his only blonde, that I knew of) with long, thick hair and gorgeously shaped legs, which she showed off in a miniskirt and six-inch wedges.

    Billy pushed her against the wall, her legs spread in acquiescence to him as he pressed his crotch into hers, kissing her hard. As he broke the kiss, her hand went to his crotch, and then she squatted down and gave it a kiss! Then, with a wicked grin in his direction, she strutted off.

    I hid behind a tree, in shock, as Billy went back inside.

    I mean, I knew he probably had lots of girls, and obviously he and I weren't "dating," per se, but he'd gotten an amazing hand job from me THAT MORNING! I'd licked the cum off his body, and now he had apparently already fucked someone else, the same afternoon?

    I felt sick to my stomach.

    And yet, what did I expect? He was obviously after one thing, and I was giving it to him, whether in small doses or large. He didn't care. I was one of many.

    That night I took Kieran out to dinner, and I made a point of going back to his room with him. I spent a good half hour on my knees before him as he sat on the bed -- sucking, licking and kissing his cock, while doing everything I could to prevent him from cumming too soon -- which wasn't easy, as he was really sensitive, and I really turned him on.

    Okay, being totally honest, I did think about Billy's cock from time to time as I did so. What do you want from me? I mean, seriously. And when Kieran put on a condom -- after first asking me if I was really sure I was okay with going all the way -- I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined it was one of those XXLs, on that cock I'd jerked off only that morning.

    As he pushed up into me, I hated myself for thinking it, but in my mind it was Billy who was inside me -- as upset with him as I might be. Kieran came in about thirty seconds, and we fell asleep together.

    The next day, I was yet again debating about whether I would ever see Billy again. I mean, who was I kidding? We had one kind of chemistry - physical. Sure, we had it in spades. But he had it with lots of other girls, as well. Even if he were to commit to me, what would be the point?

    I checked my email. He'd sent me one, just seconds ago. "Yesterday morning was nice. Really, really nice." That was it.

    I hammered out a reply: "How was your afternoon? She looked 'nice' too." Send.

    I refreshed my browser about ten times, until I saw he'd replied. "Come again?"

    I typed. "I saw you kiss her goodbye as I was walking toward your dorm." Like I was some innocent virgin shocked that a guy could like other girls.

    His reply was fast. "Didn't know you'd have a problem with that, seeing as you have a boyfriend."

    My reply was faster. "I have no right to have a problem with it, it just goes to show that this is not something I should be doing, because it gets confusing, as a girl, the feelings and such, which I'm sure you don't share at all, and maybe it would be better if I just lost your key, and you lost my email."

    If I was strong, I'd have shut down the computer then and really acted on it. But of course I didn't. I waited for his response. It came. "I do share them. I want to be with you. If I was, there'd be no one else. It hurts to hear you say that." Yeah, right. It hurts. You'll get over it, big guy.

    But at the same time, I kind of wanted to believe him. That if had me, that would be the ultimate. All he needed or wanted. I guess it was my ego. But I liked hearing those words.

    It didn't change anything else though. I really thought I should stop this madness. I didn't reply to his email. I decided to turn my attention to other things. Days went by. I moved on, mentally. But my body hadn't. I still ached for him, on some level, and dreamed of him -- or at least of his physical presence, his masculine power.

    Eventually, I went back to his gym. The truth was, I was looking for a good place to exercise, and it had everything I wanted. Even without Billy. This time, I kind of hoped I wouldn't run into him. So I was relieved when I got there, and he wasn't there. That didn't mean I didn't wear a tiny pair of shorts and a cropped t-shirt, just in case. Somehow with this guy I always wanted to look hot, even if I thought we were completely done.

    Well, I didn't have to wait long. He strutted in with his homies about a half hour into my workout, alpha male-ing it across the floor toward the locker room, not noticing me at first. While he was in there, my mind flashed to what we'd done in that same place, and how dirty and wrong it was. And how hot.

    When he came out, I made sure to be working a machine well within view of the locker room. Pathetic, right? Whatever.

    He smiled when he saw me and walked over, his jacked upper body bursting out of a skin-tight t-shirt. I just kept doing my exercises, trying not to get ruffled by his presence standing over me, watching. "Nice form," he said. "And the way you lift the weights is good, too." Ha ha.

    The truth was, I didn't want any more drama. This was really tormenting me, this whole thing. I kind of wished he didn't exist.

    But he was standing there, looking at me: "I didn't hear from you after my last e-mail. That made me sad."

    "I'm sure you found someone to dry your tears."

    "Uncalled for. But understandable."

    "I think this time I just need to work out alone."


    He walked off. That was it.

    I watched from a distance, over the next half hour or so, as he lifted weights and laughed with his buddies, like nothing was wrong.

    I decided that was fine with me, and finished my workout, then headed into the locker room.

    I knew I hadn't seen too many women in the gym today, but I was surprised to find that there wasn't a single one in the locker room. It was a small place, so I guess it wasn't all that shocking, but I decided to go ahead and shower, which I normally wouldn't do in public.


    The water felt good as it pounded my bare skin. I closed my eyes and breathed it in, luxuriating in having the six-shower area all to myself. Well, maybe this was it. I'd seen Billy, I'd said no to him, and he had moved off. I'd been strong. Perhaps it was over. I was a little disappointed, but I also felt proud of myself.

    When I opened my eyes after a few minutes of introspection about this, I was shocked to see that Billy was standing there, watching from about ten feet away.

    I instinctively turned away, covering my breasts with my hands. Yeah, like they hadn't been soaking in his cum a mere days ago.

    "What are you doing in here?"


    "Well, stop."

    "Stop just watching?"

    "Billy, this isn't cool."

    "You're right."

    He stripped off his t-shirt. For seemingly the hundredth time in the short period since I'd met him.

    "Don't worry, I locked the door," he said. "No one will disturb us."

    "What do you think you're doing?"

    He was unbuckling his cargo shorts, that's what he was doing. I couldn't think of anything else to say. He dropped them to the floor and walked toward me.

    I just stood there, dumbfounded. Turned on, as always, by his physical presence, by the look of his body, even by his attitude. But I wasn't going to just let him take me, right here! I had decided we were done. And I was going to stick to that.

    "I'm not okay with this," I stammered. He'd never forced himself on me before. I was a little freaked out.

    I saw now that he was headed to the shower opposite mine. He turned it on.

    "What, to me showering?" he asked innocently.

    I just watched as he adjusted the water temperature a moment. "The pressure's so much better in here than the men's, or so I've been told."

    He moved his ripped nakedness under the water, and let it wash over him. "Ah, it's true."

    What did he think, that I'd check out his hot body for a few moments and decide I had to have him again? No. I wasn't going to do that.

    I debated leaving. I was basically done showering anyway. But God, he did look good, ignoring me now as he wetted down his short, thick hair, his eyes closed as he felt the warm water. But I'm sure he was fully aware that I was watching him.

    This time his cock wasn't hard, and that didn't change when he started to soap it up. I just stood there, pretending to still be showering, trying not to obviously watch him. He looked over at me: "God, that was fun last time we showered in the same place," he grinned. "I guess those days are gone."

    "I guess so." I wasn't bothering to cover myself now. What was the point? I continued to rinse, far beyond what was necessary.

    He watched, and I noticed his cock begin to rise. Uh oh.

    "I guess we're back to how we started," he said. "Where you don't touch me. And the most I get is to jerk off looking at you, dreaming that I could be so lucky..."

    This wasn't going to work this time, his whole "woe is me, you're out of my reach" act.

    He looked at me. Those eyes. "Do you mind?" He was seriously asking if he could jerk off while watching me shower. He had his cock in his hand, staring at my naked body. And it was rapidly hardening into its amazing size again.

    I just stood there silently, frozen in indecision. I knew this could lead nowhere good. I needed to leave, right now. I needed to shut him down. But since I didn't, I guess that made it clear to him that I didn't mind. Because he began stroking himself as he stared at me, looking me up and down lustfully.

    It was really hard not to gape in wonder at the sight of him jerking that huge thing. I continued to stand there as his visual stimulation, pretending to continue showering, trying not to stare. After a moment, I realized I was kind of posing for him, enjoying what my looks were creating in his body. I even found myself moving in slightly stripper-y kind of way, playing into it, gyrating a little bit, using my hands to apply just a little more soap to my breasts -- all while acting as if this was all part of my showering process, as if I was oblivious to what he was doing.

    What was I doing? Well, I suppose if he just came while watching me, that could be the end of it. It might be a nice ramping down of what we'd enjoyed together.

    But of course, I was getting really turned on. I made peace with the fact that I wanted him, physically, no matter what decision I had made. I didn't want to just see him jack himself to orgasm. I wanted to feel it happen inside me. At least, my body did.

    Alright, fine. I can live with that, I told myself. It doesn't mean I have to give into it.

    I peeked again at his muscled torso, and realized somehow that my hand was cupping my breast and fondling my swollen nipple. I was facing away from him, so he couldn't see this. God, my pussy was aching to be touched. Furtively, I let my other hand wander to it. I didn't want to be too wanton with the gesture, and give him the wrong idea (or the right one).

    My body jerked a little when my fingers found my eager folds, and went inside them. I just had to give myself a little pleasure. I looked over my shoulder. He was watching me intently. But he couldn't see exactly what I was doing. I let my fingertip travel to my aching clit. I shuddered at the sensation that shot through my body as I did so.

    I turned to see if he had noticed this. And he was upon me -- pushing me up against the wall!

    "No, wait, Billy, don't!" I cried out, but he was so strong, pressing his wide chest against me, and forcing my back up against the concrete shower wall. He grabbed both of my wrists and raised them over my head, holding them there with one hand, as his other hand grabbed my left thigh from underneath -- lifting it, so that my foot came up off the ground.

    "Stop, no, you can't..." I breathed, as I felt the engorged head of that massive cock find the slickened entrance to my vagina. It squeezed its way forward into my tiny opening, its thickness outrageously oversized for where it wanted to go.

    Sure, I was conflicted, and a part of me wanted this, but he had to stop! He didn't get to just fuck me because he wanted to, no matter how much he turned me on. It had to be my choice. And he'd always backed off when I'd said no before.

    But that enormous crown of his was pressing forward, opening me, stretching me apart, and moving into my body, with twelve inches of hard shaft to follow!

    Oh my God, this was the feeling I had been longing for, I had to admit. It felt soooo good. But damn him! How he could just take me like this? His huge fingers were intertwining with mine now, holding my hands against the wall, as I did my best to tell my brain to tell my mouth to form sentences that would hopefully take control of the situation.

    "You can't... oh God... Billy..." I squirmed, trying to get away from him, but of course totally in his power. My mind and body strained, in conflict, to process the outrage, the powerlessness, but also the unspeakable pleasure of his thick hardness sliding into me.

    As its first few inches found its place inside my pussy, claiming its prize and seeking its ultimate depth, my feminine physicality couldn't help but yield itself to its masculine power. I gave up. There was no reasoning with him this time. He was going to fuck me, and there was not a goddamned thing I could do to stop him!

    i looked him in the eye, trying to gauge what he was thinking, but his face was a mask, as he continued to slowly push his hardness up into me, violating me, holding me there pressed against the wall. He already had half his shaft inside of me -- about Kieran's length, although, of course, SO much thicker -- and he was enjoying the sensation terribly as he took his time, advancing the penetration with agonizing slowness.

    I quaked with the degradation of what he was doing, out of my mind with the helplessness of him holding me there, forcing himself into me -- despite my body exulting in what it had craved for days. But what could I say? He knew I wanted him.

    I found it hard to breathe, hard to maintain rational thought. Had I really taken that whole cock inside me once before? It seemed impossible now, unthinkable that I'd ever been so completely filled, so thoroughly impaled. I opened my mouth in shock at the sensation, and noticed that the leg that was off the floor was wrapping itself around his leg, holding on for dear life.

    Of course, he probably took that as an additional sign that my body was saying "yes" -- and I guess it was, in a way -- allowing his onslaught, and even thrilling, on some level, at its own inability to do anything but accept every inch of him.

    Soon, he was fully inside me again, and I was out of my mind with a combination of fury at what he'd done, mixed with near-orgasmic physical sensation. Billy was totally caught up in the thrill of conquering me again in this primal, dominating way. His hand went to my throat, encircling it and lightly squeezing, just barely this side of "out of control", as his other hand began to wildly fondle my naked breasts.

    He'd released my hands, now, but what could I do with them? I let them rest lightly on the back of his neck, realizing there was nothing left for me to do, but take it. This definitely had to look like I was willingly participating now, even encouraging him (like he needed it).

    He began to withdraw and then plunge that massive shaft into me -- taking long, steady thrusts that brought me near tears. The sensation was so shocking -- to be momentarily emptied, then violently and dramatically filled -- over and over again. My butt was pressed hard against the wall, and climbing up, inch by inch, with each powerful in-stroke.

    I was babbling incoherently -- "Oh God, no... you're fucking me... your cock... Billy..." -- as he pushed me up the wall a few more inches, until my other foot also left the ground. I was suspended against the wall now, pinned by him, and was literally being fucked up it. I had both legs bent at the knees and wrapped around his thighs, holding on for dear life, as he thrust in and out of me with an intense animal rage.

    My entire insides were convulsing, on sensory overload from being forced to wrap themselves around his oversized manhood. Was I going to cum, this soon, from him forcing himself on me?

    But rather than wait for me to finish, he grabbed me around the waist with both arms, and set me down on the shower floor, on my back, still buried to the balls inside of me. And he continued to fuck me like an animal. It was dirty, it was rough, and I was being pelted by both showers as he held me there beneath him -- glorying in his conquest, holding my wrists down with both hands, and feeding his gigantic hardness into me with long, violent thrusts.

    And he wasn't going to take his release quickly and easily. Now that he'd penetrated me again, now that I was his, he was going to really take me, and I would have to just submit to his ravaging.

    And so I hung on for dear life a few minutes later as Billy lifted me up off the floor, hands under my thighs, still buried inside me -- and walked me over toward the lockers, where he laid me down on the wide wooden bench where he'd wanted me before.

    With my arms helplessly splayed next to me, and him standing at the end of the bench, he held me by the ankles, my legs spread wide apart. He continued taking his pleasure in me, sliding his huge cock in and out of my body with slow, agonizing strokes.

    Then he lifted one of my legs, turning me to assume a face-down position on the wet bench. I complied like a helpless slave, unable to even summon the will to speak at this point. My face and breasts were pressed hard against the bench, then, as he continued spearing me from behind, working those twelve inches in and out of me again like the conqueror he was -- my thighs in his hands, feet up in the air on either side of him.

    Unlike our first and only other full-on sex, there was nothing remotely loving or tender about this. No whispered sweet nothings, no talk of relationship, no sensitivity to my needs or requests. I was his locker room whore, who he was taking his pleasure in -- regardless of what I said or did.

    As he brought me to new levels of pleasure from this angle, I tried to give in to the situation, to revel in the physical sensation of it -- and get past the outrage and humiliation over how he was just taking me. At one point, I reached up behind me, grabbing the tops of my feet, and holding them in place for him -- trying to just enjoy this, and take an active part somehow. He moved his hands to the sides of my waist, holding me there for a moment as he continued to fuck me.

    But then he pulled out, and walking over to where my face was turned sideways on the bench. He presented the enormous, slickened crown of his penis to my lips.

    God, the nerve of him! He wanted me to show him I was participating, that I was "in" -- to really surrender to him in the most obvious possible way. My ego said, "Forget it!"

    But then an idea came to me: maybe if he didn't cum inside me, I could still escape with some shred of my dignity intact. I could assert some small degree of power over the situation. Maybe I could get him to pump his fluids down my throat instead of in my unprotected pussy.

    I couldn't keep taking morning after pills. And poor Kieran!

    And so, I opened my lips, and allowed him to push the head of his cock into my mouth.

    He did so with glee, I'm sure -- loving the fact that I was letting go of any last appearance of protest, but I didn't care. I was on a mission now -- and I decided to let myself enjoy having his glorious cock in my mouth again, which I'd been fantasizing about for days.

    My tongue went crazy on his huge crown as he gently face-fucked me, grabbing a clump of my hair roughly in one hand while the other held the base of his shaft. Soon I was rising up into a sitting position on the bench and replacing his hand with both of mine, bobbing on his cock with purpose as both of his hands now held the back of my head.

    I pleasured that massive organ in every way I knew how: licking up and down it, stroking it with both hands, tickling and tonguing his swollen balls, and even letting that impossibly big crown reach the back of my mouth, lodging at the entrance to my throat. He was loudly emoting at the pleasure I was giving him.

    But Billy was not going to be stopped from his ultimate prize. After enjoying my mouth work for several minutes, he started to pull out. I looked up into his eyes, silently pleading. We both know I was his to do with as he wanted, even if a part of me still held out hope that he'd show mercy.

    I was near tears again at the intensity of the situation as he took me by the hand, lifting me to my feet, and walked me over to a counter across from the sinks, with a mirror above it.

    Grabbing me by the waist, he lifted me up onto very edge of the counter, which was just the right height for him to fuck me, standing up. "Please, Billy, just don't cum inside me...." I begged, trying to hang onto one last bit of my personal power here.

    He ignored me completely, spreading my thighs, and finding my feminine opening again with the huge head of his cock. I leaned back slightly, my hands on the counter behind me to steady myself, and closed my eyes. I just breathed into the sensation of being filled again, of allowing this outrageous intrusion so deep inside of me. He buried himself in one incredible thrust this time, his hands holding my thighs and spreading them apart, seeking maximum depth and closeness. And God, did he have it -- I felt I had more of him in me than ever before. Thoroughly and utterly filled.

    I opened my eyes to find his face inches from mine. God, he was gorgeous. I looked into his eyes, seeking some small trace of tenderness, of humanity, or affection for me. I couldn't find it. I moved my hands to the back of his head, pulling him toward me, wanting him to at least kiss me if he was going to empty himself in me once again.

    At first he resisted a little -- as if this would take something away from the effect he was trying to have. But as I gazed at him, lips slightly parted and inches away from his, he finally relented. His mouth pressed hungrily into mine. Our tongues wrestled savagely as he continued to violently thrust himself in and out of me.

    Eventually he ended the kiss, and pulled my ankles up over his shoulders, intensifying the angle of penetration even further --and positioning me for the deepest possible intake of his manly fluids, which I could sense was about to be delivered inside of me with a depth, power, and volume beyond that which I'd ever experienced.

    He lifted my ass up off the counter now, holding it in both hands as he buried himself with one final stroke as deeply into me as he could possibly go. My hands still on the counter behind me, suspended in mid air, ankles over his shoulders, I was as vulnerable, surrendered, and fucked as I possibly could be.

    It felt like the length and thickness of that gigantic organ seeming to fill my entire body as he neared orgasm. I was in tears at the overwhelming mix of sensations, finding myself going over the brink of orgasm, almost in spite of myself. I began to shake with intense convulsions. And Billy's huge cock began to spasm, somewhere deep inside my feminine core. His warm fluids began erupting into me with incredible force and volume. I hung on for dear life as he groaned his release, out of his mind with the pleasure of his ejaculation.

    He pushed me back up onto the counter and climbed onto it with me, forcing me up against the mirror. My feet were on the counter now, knees bent and spread wide, with my hands on the back of his neck. He was kneeling before me, fully inside of me, torso pressing into me with such power -- both hands flat against the mirror on either side of me. He stared into my eyes with a kind of madness as he continued to pump blast after blast of his cum into my surrendered body. He took his time, enjoying his orgasm to the fullest.

    But when he was done, he was done. There was no kissing, no sweet words, and no gentle aftermath of any kind. He grabbed his shorts and was out of there, leaving me splayed out on the counter, filled once again with his cum. Utterly defeated, yet somehow satisfied at the same time. And wondering if I ever would be the same again.

    ----- continued. . .

  5. Liked by 2 users: birita1965, DennisW

  6. #4
    Member negator's Avatar
    14 May 2012

    Billy Ch. 03 by openyoureyes

    Billy Ch. 03

    After Billy left the locker room I stayed there on that counter for a moment -quaking with emotion, naked and wet, processing the fact that I now had another enormous load of his cum inside of me. My head was spinning. I was still in shock that he would just take me like that, and force his hugeness into me - using me for his pleasure like some sort of sex toy. He'd taken me, and he'd pumped his fluids into me, like there were no potential consequences. He assumed, I guess, that I had birth control covered - if he even considered that. (As it turned out, I did, having started taking the pill as a precaution - but he didn't know that. And neither did Kieran.)

    At the same time, I knew that no jury in the world would convict him, if they knew the full story: that we'd had sex before, that I had pleasured him on several occasions, and that, at the time of the incident, I had been touching myself for his visual enjoyment, naked and alone with him in the shower, seemingly begging for him to do what he'd done to me. No, Billy had just owned me, and there was not a thing I could do or say about it. This is what went round and round in my head as I struggled to pull some clothes on, and slink out of the now empty gym.

    Of course, I also had to admit that, physically, and maybe even emotionally, it's what I'd fantasized about, and he'd just brought me to a series of orgasms far beyond anything I'd ever imagined possible. On some deep level that I really wasn't comfortable with, I apparently enjoyed having no choice, and being manhandled. And of course, his size meant that he touched me in places that no other guy ever could, and probably ever would. Both his length and his girth created physical sensations in me that were just beyond reason, and it had been even more intense, somehow, than our first time together.

    So this was the seesaw of emotions I felt in the days that followed. I hated him on one level, but on another, I had to admit that I wanted him again, despite everything that had just happened. Or maybe even because of it. As terrible as it was, and I know it is, I found myself actually daydreaming about the incident in class, or on a run, and finding myself moistening. It was like my own body was betraying me, and preparing itself to take Billy's enormous cock again someday - and maybe willingly this time.

    As I had sex with Kieran - who lately had been the beneficiary of my increased erotic drives - I found myself fantasizing about Billy, in spite of myself. I had to admit it was harder to be as excited and satisfied by Kieran's caring, respectful, "normal guy" fucking, when I had been repeatedly taken to earth-shattering mega-orgasms by a cock twice as long and thick as his - not to mention that gorgeously jacked body, that arrogant mouth, and those cold eyes...

    At first I felt guilty about all this, but eventually I said to myself, why should I? It wasn't entirely my fault. These were like animal instincts and urges I was dealing with. It didn't mean I'd see Billy again, and really, Kieran WAS benefitting. He didn't ever have to know. At least, that's what I told myself for the first couple of weeks. Then I found myself starting to check the secret Billy email account, just in case he decided to reach out, check in, maybe even apologize.

    Nope. Nothing. Did this mean he'd finally had his fill? Was that all he wanted from me? Or did he maybe feel guilty - or concerned about the repercussions of what he'd done, and thought it best to steer clear of me?

    There was no way to know. But the more time went by, the more I felt an emptiness in my life (and yes, my body) that Billy had filled, which nothing else quite could. I toyed with the thought of trying to fix that. Maybe I could just have a physical affair with Billy, I reasoned, one where I'm not so tortured about the whole thing, but instead wilingly participating, just every once in a while, without changing anything else about my life. Would that be so horrible? Don't men do that all the time? They have a wife, and then some mistress where it's just about sex? Why couldn't I? I'm sure Billy would be up for it.

    Eventually I realized that I would only ever see him again, if I reached out So I sent an e-mail.

    Subject line: "Hey."

    Body: "How are things?"

    I didn't want to put myself out there too much. I was still the girl here. What he did was wrong. And I had SOME pride left. But maybe this would let him know I wasn't still mad, and open the door for future communications.

    But nothing. He didn't respond. Was he serious? Was the fact that he had fucked me twice really enough for him? I hate to sound braggy, but that was hard for me to believe. You don't realize how much guys normally obsess about me, and chase me. If I told Kieran about all of them, he'd be so paranoid, he'd want to never leave my side. I have guys hitting on me CONSTANTLY - following me, emailing me, trying to get me to have coffee with them, etc.. But Billy was done, already?

    I decided to give him one more chance. I sent another e-mail. I couldn't just be neutral this time. I had to make it clear that he was basically forgiven, and I wanted to see him again. God, did I? Was I sure about this? What would happen next? My hands were literally shaking, as I typed, "What happened was intense". I knew I could just delete it all, and I probably would, which made me a little bolder "And I realize that I kind of asked for it." Did I really just write that? My head went crazy with protests. "No, I didn't ask for it!" So I added "Kind of," and underlined it. Shut up, mind, I'm probably not going to send this anyway. Then I decided to just throw it all out there. I finished with: "And I want to cum like that again." Before I could talk myself out of it, I pressed Send.

    I immediately regretted it. How could I admit this to him? He had essentially ignored my "no," and I'm telling him I want more? Where was my pride, my rights as a woman, my ability to say "no" and have it be respected, no matter what? He'd surely be showing this to his friends within seconds. They'd never believe his story of what happened, and especially that I responded to it like this. But it was all true.

    I kicked myself about this as I refreshed my gmail page, over and over that night, waiting for a response. Finally I got it. Seven words: "It's a really busy time for me."

    Yeah, whatever. He was playing mind games now. There was no way on earth he was over me. I'm sorry. Maybe he gets a lot of hot girls, I'm sure he does, but no guy treats me like that. No guy has EVER treated me like that. They're either scared, or overly worshipful, or else full-on seductive. They're never disinterested. He could play like he didn't care, with me at a distance, out of sight, maybe even out of mind. But there was no way Billy could resist me in the flesh. Of this, I was certain.

    And of course, I still had a key. Yes, I had tried to throw it away, several times, but somehow I still had it. I could go over there any time and show him what he was missing. I was more than confident in my ability to get a guy's attention, including this guy, and I had more clothing options that it was safe to say would be boner-inducing.

    His nonchalance became a challenge for me. With each passing day, my resolve to show him he wasn't over me strengthened. I began to fantasize about what I'd wear for my eventual return to the scene of the original crime. The outfit I finally decided on was a little cut-off half sweater that was meant to have a dress shirt under it, but instead, it would be my entire top. It showed off a crazy amount of cleavage and my entire tight little torso. I'd throw on some tiny bikini bottoms, and of course, be fully waxed for the occasion.

    Was I serious about this? Was this really going to happen? I asked myself these things as I put on this outfit, on the day I'd decided that maybe, just maybe, I'd wander over to Billy's suite. I looked at myself in the mirror, strapping on six inch heels to complete the picture. There was no way I could be this slutty. Or could I?

    I knew one thing - if I showed up looking like this, Billy was going to fuck me. I was giving it to him on a platter. Of course, that was what I wanted, I told myself. I needed to get this out of my system. Try this new approach out. Kieran was busy studying all night. This was the day to do it.

    So I did.

    I got lucky. Billy was there, and he was alone. I'd decided to strip down to "the outfit" just before putting the key in the lock - first impressions matter, right? I found him playing Xbox on the couch, in a muscle shirt and cargo shorts. Ah, that couch. Scene of our first kiss, and our first fuck. If he really wanted to feel his massiveness blasting its fluids into me again, well, this was his lucky day. Baby had come to play.

    He didn't even turn to see who had come in. He probably assumed a roommate. What a surprise he got, then, when I sauntered into his field of vision, in my ridiculously sexy little outfit. I stood there, a hand on one hip, which was cocked seductively, letting him drink in the amount of flesh on display. He glanced over for about a millisecond, then continued with his game. Saying nothing.

    Mother fucker!

    But that was okay. I came expecting anything, and nothing - and willing to go with whatever transpired. And most of all, to keep my cool. Whatever happened was going to be my choice this time. Although that might ultimately mean giving up my choice, if it came to that. If he decided to manhandle me onto the floor again, force me to suck his cock, slam me against the wall while entering me, well, I suppose I'd roll with it. Maybe it was even how I wanted it to play out. But I was also a little scared, seeing him there in all his masculine power - those huge shoulders and arms, his muscular calves, bare feet, and a day's stubble... God he was sexy. And I was truly just a plaything to him, a toy to pull down from a shelf when his manhood felt like dancing - a conquest rendered sweeter, perhaps, by the fact that the hot little body he was filling with cum was his ex-roommate's girl. Otherwise, I was nothing. Or so it seemed. I weighed my next move.

    "Is there room for me on your lap?" I grinned, remembering fondly how our first fucking had begun.

    He paused a second, still playing his game. "Not really."

    Okay, he was going to play this the hard way. But I knew he had to be getting aroused by my presence, even if he was trying to avoid looking at me directly. I mean, I was sex on a stick, and he had to know that me showing up there meant "game on", to a most extreme degree. His hot little blonde plaything was asking to take his cock, asking to be fucked - for the first time, really. He had to register that my presence there meant he would soon be feeding his thick hardness into my sexy little body again, and I would be a passoinate, willing recipient this time. Surely it was already warming up to the dizzying excitement of that, even if he was acting aloof.

    So I sauntered over to him until I was blocking the television view, forcing him to take in my hotness. I knew it had to be beyond distracting. Then I lowered myself to my knees. He kept playing his game as I moved into position to unbuckle his shorts, and unzip them. At least he didn't stop me from doing that. I proceeded with a sense of purpose. I would find the hard-on, and it would be game over. Don't tell me you're not turned on.

    But as I slowly pulled his shorts down over his hips (nope, no underwear), what I was met with was a soft cock. Still a pretty amazing sight, size-wise, but hanging down flaccid - as if the sexiest girl on campus (or so guys kept telling me) wasn't acting like she was about to give it a tongue bath. Okay then. I took a beat. Rather than take it in my hands and see if I could rectify the situation, I decided to stand back up on my towering heels. I stepped slightly to the side so he could still see his screen, but he could also choose to feast his eyes fully on what I was doing. I was going to get him hard without touching him first. Of this, I was sure.

    I began moving my body, slowly, in what I hoped was a hypnotic fashion. I played with my hair, tossing it back and forth. I pranced around in little circles, so he could see how tight my ass was in a thong. "I liked seeing you get hard watching me in the shower, Billy. I liked teasing you. It was such a turn-on..." I moved my hands up to cup my breasts as I circled my hips. I saw a twitch in his mighty organ. I was having an effect. "Do you like how my body looks, Billy? Does the thought of it being yours to enjoy again turn you on?"

    I continued dancing. How hard was I going to go with this? As far as I needed to, to get him to admit he still wanted me, to demonstrate my power. My words might seem like they were about his power, but this was my ultimate goal. So I laid it on thick. "You reached places in me that nobody else can ever reach. And you pumped so much cum, so deep inside of me... It was... hotttt..." His hugeness was definitely on the rise now. He was still focusing on his game, but he would glance at me from time to time, as if bored and disinterested.

    "Your cock is the biggest I've ever had, Billy," I gushed, as I unbuttoned the three buttons on my half sweater. "It's the longest, the thickest, the hardest, the most powerful..." I was just going for it now, saying whatever I knew would turn him on the most, but it was all true. I reveled in the sight of that incredible organ lengthing, thickening, rising... for me...

    I pulled open my half sweater. My tits were free and proud for him, nipples engorged and distended. He finally turned to gaze at them, his manly weapon now arching into its full outrageous erection. I pushed my chest out in his direction as I continued slowly moving to some imaginary music, trying not to focus on the video game's violent sounds and driving rage metal.

    He finally spoke. Three simple words that changed everything: "Still with Kieran?"

    I kept moving to the music, not sure how or whether to answer this. My mind was racing. Was that it? He wanted me for his girlfriend? And the thought of me still being with someone else was what had kept him from engaging? I thrilled at this idea. Even if I still couldn't see us as a couple, I loved thinking that not only wasn't he over me, but he wanted me more than any other girl.

    But a part of me was worried that the wrong answer would mean I would leave there having failed to get what I came for, and even shown the door. He'd proven he could hold off in situations no normal man ever could. So I decided not to answer. Instead, I took the half sweater completely off now - slowly, for his delight, arching my back to pull it slowly off my shoulders. I tossed it on the couch next to him. And I got back down on my knees between his legs.

    So maybe I was just one of those girls who wanted him for his body - and maybe that really did bother him. But at least I could set myself above the rest, in his eyes, so there was no way he could stop seeing me, if that's what I wanted. And I knew how to achieve that. I would pleasure him like nobody had ever pleasured him. I would worship that mighty organ of his longer, more enthusiastically, and more creatively than any girl ever had. Billy was about to get the blowjob of a lifetime.

    I started by planting a big wet kiss on the underside of his thick shaft, about halfway up it. With one hand, I gripped the base of his pole and tilted it upward a little to allow this. Then I planted another kiss, then another, each one wetter and with more tongue than the last, moving up and down the bottom side of his cock. And I made a lot of noise as I did so, noises that said this was the most delicious and exciting thing I had ever experienced. And it kind of was. Because this time, I had a goal, and I was going to achieve it. He was mine.

    I kept up my wet kisses for quite some time, going up and down his shaft, stopping before I reached the crown every time. Eventually, he let out a sigh. I knew I had him. He was actually still playing the game, or pretending to, but when I glanced up at him, I caught him looking down at me. How could any guy resist gaping at the sight of this sexy topless blonde covering his massive cock with kisses? Of course, what he instinctively wanted was to get his huge crown past my lips, but that would have to wait. Oh, it would happen, but first, I was going to paint that thick shaft from top to bottom, and I was going to take my time...

    I ran my tongue, ever so slowly up it, from his balls all the way to the crown, though again, careful not to touch that. His cock jumped in response. I did my best to wrap my tongue around his thick pole, just slathering it with my girlish affections. I decided right then that I was going to take him up and down, get him so close to cumming and then slow it down again, so many times, that I was going to drive him insane. That is, if he could take it. There was a chance he might get impatient, relieve me of my bikini bottoms, and show me who's boss again. Which I decided would be a win-win.

    But it turned out he was a patient man, and perfectly willing to see how much time I'd be willing to spend using my lips and tongue on every inch of his glorious spear and huge nuts. The answer, as it turned out, was well over an hour. Close to ninety minutes, actually, of licking and kissing and suckling him. After the first half hour, he gave up all pretense of playing the game, tossing the controller aside and fully focusing on the sight of me going to town on his massive genitalia. I made much more of a show of it than I'd done before, really giving him the porn star treatment, as I covered his shaft with licks and kisses. At one point I think I spent a good ten minutes just tonguing and kissing his balls, gently taking them in my mouth, nibbling on them and rolling them on my tongue, marveling at their size and weight. All the while, my hand languidly stroked his cock.

    At one point, I glanced up at his face to see his expression. His eyes were glazed, with small beads of sweat forming on his magnificent pectorals. "You okay, baby?" I said in an innocent little-girl voice.

    "I could use a beer," he said, without a trace of a smile.

    Fine. I could do that. I rose to my full height. Then I turned and strutted in my heels and bikini bottoms off to his kitchen, giving him a great view of my swaying ass as I went. I found him a beer, opened it, and began the walk back - slower and more sensuous than the trip there. I hoped this sight, combined with how incredibly turned on he was, might result in him just throwing me on the couch and doing what we both knew he'd end up doing.

    But it didn't. He took the beer, drank a sip. No "thank you", no nothing. His expression was completely blank. So I lowered myself back down to my knees, and resumed making love to his mighty organ, holding the shaft with both hands as I finally, after close to an hour, considered touching my lips to his enormous crown.

    "You want me to kiss it here?" I asked innocently. His cock was practically dancing in my hands. He tried to hide it, but he was breathing heaavy, and practically shaking in anticipation. I'd made him wait SOOOO long.

    "I don't know," I said. "I'm afraid if I take it into my mouth, that you'll want to push more and more of it in. You might grab me by the hair, and just start to lose it. And then you might end forcing me to swallow all of your cum... You won't do that, will you?"

    I knew I was driving him insane. I tongued the underside of his shaft where the crown began, which I knew was most guys' most sensitive spot. "That's good," he said. I glanced up at him. He was holding up the beer bottle, like that's what he was talking about.

    Keep playing your games, Billy. You are never going to forget this experience. No girl this hot has ever spent this much time on your cock, I don't care how big it is and how handsome you are. Don't act like this is ho hum. You think you own me? I'm owning you.


    In absolute slow motion, I brought my lips, finally, to the engorged head of his penis, and planted a big, wet, tongue-slathering kiss there. "Oh God..." I heard him emote. I fucking had him. I pulled my lips off of him, looked up into his eyes, and placed them there again, in a different position, taking about half the bulbous head into my mouth from one side. He was practically shaking from the sensation.

    Rather than taking it all in my mouth, and pumping him like I was in some hurry, though, I just got slower and slower. My tongue went around and around his crown, marveling at its shape and size. I licked and kissed it from all angles, engulfing it between my lips for a moment, and letting my tongue tease its hole, then pulling off to just look at it for a few moments, then resuming the kissing and the licking, then engulfing again.

    He was out of his mind with pleasure; I knew this from the sounds he was making. Finally I started going to town on him, for real, pumping my mouth up and down on the first few inches of his cock for a while, then pulling off and kissing and licking the shaft all over wildly, then going back to the pumping.

    Eventually, he got so turned on that he stood up. I tried to move with him, still on my knees, keeping my hands and mouth on his genitals the whole time, as he grabbed me by the hair, and started thrusting into my mouth, first a few inches, then maybe five or six, face-fucking me like no guy had ever come close to doing. But we were in uncharted waters. I let him do this, my fingers gently teasing his testicles, waiting for the cum shot, but then he slowed down, deciding, I guess, that he could go longer, and wanted to. So I pulled him out of my mouth, and resuming my torturous kissing and licking, which was now causing him to grunt and moan like some sort of wounded animal.

    I was totally soaking my bikini bottoms, and what I really wanted, what I craved, was for him to relieve me of them, and spear me to multiple ograsms again, but I kept at the blow job with laser-like dicipline.

    Finally he bent down and scooped me up into his arms like a little rag doll. Was he going to fuck me now? It felt so fucking hot to be held by him. I just surrendered, in that moment, letting him take over, fully ready to be plundered. He laid me down on the couch, with my shoulders propped up on one of the arms. But rather than spread my willing legs and inserting himself where I really wanted him, he moved to the other side of that arm. He took both hands to position my pretty face where he wanted it, essentially upside down, and bent back, so there was a straight path from my mouth into my throat. My God, we were really going to do this.

    I tried to stifle my fear and opened my mouth wide for him, as wide as I could - which was really necessary, due to the thickness of his shaft. Again I felt that huge crown sliding past my lips and onto my tongue, followed my inch after inch of hard, thick shaft. Only this time, the head of his cock didn't stop at the entrance to my throat. It kept going.

    Oh. My. God. Never in my wildest dreams or nightmares did I imagine myself in this position, feeling my throat starting to be invaded like this, by such a thick, outrageously large cock head. And the guy had a good six inches of shaft left! I lay there surrendered, hands at my sides, back arched, feet on the sofa, as he slowly drove his manhood into my throat, inch by torturous inch, until his massive nut sac was pressed firmly against my face. And then he started thrusting, face-fucking me slowly and relentlessly, with long, fluid strokes, really breaking me in as a world class deep throater.

    I was his slut now, his fucktoy - there was just no getting around it. If I had all the power moments ago, he had it now. He held the sides of my head with both hands, firmly, and just buried himself inside of me. He pulled back out, just in my mouth now, only to drive back in to the hilt. Over and over again. Finally, as he held himself fully inside me, I could feel his cock pulsating. And then the whole thick cock started jerking in my throat and mouth, and I realized what was happening. He was pumping his cum into me. I had already swallowed his cock, so there was nothing else to swallow. He was just flooding my stomach with his fluids, like it was his divine right. And I was letting him. He was groaning his release, pulling my hair, out of control with the pleasure, and just pumping and pumping and pumping. I hung on for dear life, proud of myself that I'd taken him so completely. He was not going to forget this night!

    When he finally, slowly, agonizingly began to pull his 12-inch shaft out of my mouth, it was covered in fluids, which I proceeded to lick off of him with passion. I was rewarded for this with a couple more small spurts of cum onto my tongue, which I held in my mouth, savoring its slightly sweet taste, as he lowered himself, exhausted, onto the floor. I lay there a moment, beyond horny, still lusting for his hardness inside of me. I untied my bikini bottoms to reveal my waxed clean private area, open for business, and ready for him. For the first time, I was surrendering to him. I knew how fast his cock could recover, and I would be ready. In case he didn't get the hint, I took a big swipe of his cum off my tongue with my finger, and rubbed it all over my aching clit, then slipped it inside of me. Was he getting the message? I was here to get fucked.

    Instead, he said he had an early morning, and headed off for the bedroom.

    Okay... Not the response I expected. But I wasn't going to be dissuaded this easily. I followed him into his private lair. In seconds, he was already between the sheets. He really was planning to just go to sleep! We'll see how possible that is, I thought, as I slipped in next to him, and wrapped my lithe naked body around him, my hands reveling in the feel of the big muscles of his arms, shoulders and chest. I was so turned on I could barely stand it. I climbed on top of him to kiss him, but he turned his mouth away at the last second. Bastard!

    Okay, plan B: I presented an erect nipple to his wide mouth, teasing his lips with it until finally they opened, and took it.

    Ohhhhh... yesssssss... that was what I liked, as his hands grasped me by the waist on either side, holding me in place as he tongued my nipple. Feeling his hands on my body again set off quite the strong charge in me. I was squirming in delight at what was happening, so primed to mate again with this man that I thought I might pass out from the intensity. As his tongue swirled my aching nipple, one of his hands reached up to hold my other breast. The feel of those strong masculine fingers closing in on my erect nipple thrilled me beyond reason. His cock, I hoped, was hardening again, and soon going to find its happy home inside of me. There was no way he could resist this opportunity. I was naked on top of him, practically begging for it.

    And now I felt it. His incredible hardness, ready to go again, pressing against my lower abdomen. I was near tears in anticipation. Billy was going to fuck me again!! I mentally tried to prepare myself for the onslaught, for the incredible sensation of his hugeness splitting me open, which I'd proven I could never fully prepare for.

    He pulled his mouth off my nipple and looked up at me. My eyes must have conveyed absolute animal lust and surrender. He held my other tit in his hand, teasing the areola, still not quite touching the nipple. And then his other hand slid down my belly, next to his shaft which was staged there, and his fingertip found my clit.

    OHHH... MY... GODDDDD... Electricty sparked through my entire being as he touched me there. And now his other fingers were on my nipple, probing it, exploring it... I was so wet I was sure I could take his whole cock in one single thrust. I writhed to his touch, trying to position myself so I could engulf that giant crown. But clearly he was going to be the one to call the shots, as always. He would decide when, where, at what angle, with what force his gigantic penis would again part the soaked lips of my vagina. He would decide whether he'd be on top of me, my legs wrapped around him, or my feet over his shoulders - or whether he'd be behind me, with me on all fours - when he'd begin to spear me with his thick shaft again. All of it was up to him. I was merely present, waiting...

    Now he replaced his finger on my clit with the massive crown of his dick! Oh, it was too much, that big knob, still slick from cumming, pushing and sliding and pressing against my distended love button. I knew what was coming. He was going to enter me. God, when and how would he do it? I was shaking from the sensation. I wished I could kiss him, but he was holding me up several inches from his face, his hand firmly gripping me by the ribs below my left breast, his other hand now going to my face. I eagerly engulfed his thumb between my lips and suckled it as his crown continued to tease my clit mercilessly. "Oh, God, Billy, please fuck me," I begged as I swirled my tongue on his finger. "I want to feel you inside me. I want you to cum inside me. I'm yours, Billy. Take me."

    But then he stopped. Not only did he stop, he picked me up with both hands around each side of my waist, easily lifted me, and placed me on the bed next to him. And he rolled on his side away from me. "You can stay if you want, but I need to sleep," he said.

    Well, this was truly new territory. Not that everything with Billy wasn't, but jesus, the will power this guy had! One minute he's forcing himself into me in the locker room, and now he's back to the guy who can stop at any time, even with a hot girl on top of him, primed for it, begging for it. I reached around him with my hand, found his hard shaft. He was still outrageously erect. I stroked it lightly, trying to catch my breath, and consider my next move.

    If this was how he was going to play it, well... I wasn't going to be the girl who begs and pushes and pleads. I could be the chick who could hang with whatever. So I wrapped myself around him as best I could, and continued my slow stroking, hoping at any moment he'd change his mind, flip me onto my back, and skewer me.

    But he didn't. Within a few seconds, he was asleep.

    I couldn't sleep. I spent the better part of the night stroking his jacked body, exploring every inch of his glorious muscles with my hands. I did some kissing, too. At a certain point, I accepted that I might not be able to awaken him. But his cock stayed hard. And I stayed aroused. Eventually I found myself kissing it and suckling on it again, but even that didn't wake him. I wondered if I could get him to cum while sleeping, and if THAT would, but I decided to save it, hoping that when he did wake up, he'd take one look at the hot naked babe lying next to him, and decide he needed to fuck her, now.

    I got a little chilly, so I put on one of his tight little tank tops. I knew my erect nipples looked amazing poking through it, pushing the fabric out insanely. I thought this could be a good look for when he woke up. Waxed and bottomless, nipples poking through his muscle shirt. But when he woke up, he just grunted in my direction, and headed into the shower.

    I decided to follow, pulling off the shirt, and presenting my nakedness to him yet again in the shower. I took the soap out of his hands and proceeded to lather his entire body, paying special attention, of course, to a certain twelve inches of him that was nice and hard, and really seemed to need washing. The feel of his cock and his muscles in my soapy hands was a huge turn-on, and it was even better when he returned the favor, washing me from head to toe, spending a lot of time on my breasts - but still not kissing me. But he had me incredibly aroused, nevertheless.

    But then he turned the water off. He dried me, and I dried him. Well, this was nice. So intimate. His touch soft, even caring. Maybe this time he would really make love to me. Th combination of his dangerous power and this small tenderness was incredibly intoxicating. His cock was hard. I was wet. I stepped out of the shower and approached the sink counter. I lifted one foot up onto it, rising up onto my toes with the other foot. God what a view he had now - my pert little ass sticking out toward him, my moistened waxed opening beckoning for his cock. "Just the tip, Billy," I cooed. "Just to see how it feels."

    I turned back toward the mirror, moving my hands up onto it now, placing my palms flat there, admiring my own yummy nakedness for a moment, but more focused on that gorgeous muscular man behind me, moving toward me. I arched my back. I was ready for him to mount me. I looked back at him with fire in my eyes. "Please, Billy..." I begged. He took a squirt of moisturizer and rubbed it on his cock. I turned back to the mirror, gasping in anticipation, as he moved in closer. I felt his hand on my left hip. Then suddenly, the hugeness of his greased shaft was pressing up between my butt cheeks. He directed his massive crown down my crack, slowly. Just a little lower, I thought. But then it was stopping - at my rear entrance. Okay, no. That's not happening. But he had both hands on the tops of my thighs now, holding me there firmly, as he pressed his crown up firmly against my tiny hole! I had never had a guy there before. I wasn't going to start with Billy! There was no way he would fit there! It would be agony!

    "No Billy, no...!" I panicked.

    "This is all you get," he said. "Until you break up with Kieran."

    The words rang in my ears as continued the pressure. Warning bells were going off all over my body. This had to stop! I couldn't do this! But at the same time, I felt my sphincter yielding ever so slightly to his huge greased knob, which was trying to press itself into a space where it surely was not designed to fit.

    "Oh my god, no, you can't..." I pleaded. This was more of an outrage than what happened in the locker room! I was truly a virgin there, nothing had ever been there - I was crazy with fear and helplessness. He just stared into my eyes, in the mirror, not really increasing or decreasing the pressure. I felt in the moment I had to make a decision. And if it was the wrong one, he might really be done with me. Forever. I had to accept this. I had to give in.

    So as scared as I was, as shocked as I was, as outraged at what he was doing as I was, I stared back at him. And I nodded. I was no longer going to be his conflicted, hot and cold girl. I was going to be his special, always hot, up for anything, outrageous girl who he couldn't get enough of. I bit my lip. He grinned.

    And the assault began.

    What had I agreed to? My mind raced as my body cried out in shock from the sensation of what he was doing, as his slick mushroom head continued its pressure. It took a few minutes, but eventually, inevitably, I felt more and more of him widening my opening, finding its way into me, little by little, that giant crown pushing and pushing, and my body accepting its intrusion, until finally I could feel that it had popped entirely through. Holy shit! He was in! And he had eleven more inches of thick shaft behind it, with nothing to stop it! I was beyond panic now. Tears were coming.

    "Shhhh..." he whispered, as he began to push - insistently, firmly, inch by inch, into me. I was convulsing in fear and pain. It literally felt like my insides were being torn apart. There was no way he could do this! But he was. He was taking my virgin ass.

    Overwhelmed by emotion, I tried to hold it together. My body was being violated more dramatically than it ever had been before. He took it very slowly, gently, even, with a totally different energy than in the locker room. And after a few minutes, when I adjusted to what was happening a little, both physically and emotionally, I had to admit - it was pleasurable, in an extreme way that was beyond my frame of reference. But of course, that was with only about three or four inches of him inside me. I tried to focus on his face, and his torso, to get my mind off the fear and outrage of what he was doing to me, below the waist. The image in the mirror of him giving it to me from behind was so hot. I tried to imagine he was in my other hole. But it was impossible. The sensation was too shocking and outrageous. And he was just burying his shaft inside of me, relentlessly - its thickness violently forcing my acceptance, its length carving its way so deep inside me that I thought I was going to split apart.

    But I didn't. Some way, somehow, he got it all in me. And when his fingertip found my clit again, it was like a lightning bolt. And then he started thrusting. Oh my god! With his fingertip playing with my clit, that massive foot long pole pulled most of the way out of me, then, with agonizing slowness, pushed all the way in again. I thought I was going to faint. Instead, I came. After about ten such thrusts in and out, his finger drove me over the edge. I trembled, then I screamed, then my entire body felt like it was being turned inside out. And he was still fucking my ass! I came and came, heaving and trembling, my ever nerve endings on fire, my whole torso shaking. He grabbed my tits with both hands now, holding them firmly as he skewered me, in and out and in and out again, really enjoying the sensation, apparently as I struggled to just maintain consciousness.

    Mercifully, my body calmed a bit as he held me like that and slowed his strokes, until eventually it seemed like he could just slide in and out with ease. And that's what he was doing. "I don't want to see you again," he breathed in my ear, buried to the hilt. "Unless you're all mine." And at that, he pulled out of me, suddenly. He turned me around completely, so I was leaning against the counter and facing him. Was he going to fuck me now? Did I even want him to? No. He was stroking himself to orgasm. The first thick rope of cum hit me in the face. I lay back on the counter, totally surrendered, as he proceeded to pump his fluid in thick white bursts all over my chest, my neck, my stomach. Some got in my hair. He was just fouling me with his jizz, reveling in releasing all over me. I wasn't going to seem beaten. I met his intensity. I started scooping the cum off my bare skin with my fingers and bringing them to my mouth. He watched, finally finished, as I sat splayed there on the edge of his sink there, methodically finding every bit of cum I could find and licking it off my fingers, staring him in the face the entire time. I was still doing it when he left.

    My ass ached for days. It felt like my entire insides had been rearranged, and maybe they had been. I begged off seeing Kieran for the first couple nights, lying in bed alone, confused, empty, wondering what to do. I'd degraded myself and been humiliated more than ever by going there, by worshipping his cock and begging for it, and instead getting fucked in the ass and drenched with his cum. Was I really willing to break up with Kieran in order to get fucked by Billy again? And how long would that "relationship" even last? Did he really want me for a girlfriend, or just to know that he could have me? Did I really want to be his girlfriend?

    The answer, as much as ever, was no. I know it seems like I'm just this horny little slut who only cares about sex, but truly, that's not the case. That was one part of life, a part that Billy could stimulate beyond any man I'd ever dreamed of, but it was only one part. For everything else, Kieran was a dream. And I suspected Billy would be a nightmare. For my birthday, Kieran flew in my entire family to surprise me, baked a cake by hand, and bought me a gorgeous promise ring. And what had I done for him? Blown his cocky former roommate for over an hour before taking him up the ass. I was terrible.


    So fine, Billy wouldn't fuck me again. Was I really missing out on so much? I still had the thoughts of him, if I ever needed a ready fantasy to push myself over the top when Kieran was going down on me, or I was grinding on top of him. There was no way I could dump Kieran, lose him forever, break his heart, just to get some more fucking from Billy. What would that make me? And where would it leave me? I was in love with Kieran. He didn't just buy me things and worship me. I truly loved and respected him. I didn't want to break up. And I wasn't going to.

    In fact, I decided it was time to give Kieran some extra fun of his own. Guys like strip clubs, right? And they love their hot girl to take them to one, and then be cool about some other hot girl grinding all over them. This is what I assumed, anyway. I'd never been to such a place. But I knew if I was going to take him to one (on his birthday, which was only a few weeks after mine), I was not going to be outclassed. I decided to dress for the occasion in a tiny little skirt and a skin tight white tank top, with seven-inch stilettos. I got us a cab and took him there blindfolded. He didn't see my outfit until we got out of the car. He took a moment to drink me in, and then realized where we are. "Happy birthday baby," I giggled. He seemed a bit trepidatious, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.

    The place was higher class than I expected. Several stages, great lighting, nice leather booths, decent music. I think some of the guys there thought I was a dancer myself, from my outfit. When Kieran was in the bathroom, several came over to ask me how much a private dance was. And then the manager wanted to know if I wanted to take the stage for a song, as a try-out. Kind of flattering, I suppose, but that was NOT why we were there. Plus I couldn't see myself doing what these girls do. Sure it's kind of fun to watch the stage and pole work, and some of them are pretty hot, but then to go have to wiggle around on some strange guy's lap, and tease him like you're interested, to get his money? No thanks.

    But this wasn't about my opinions. This was about Kieran having a good time. I asked one of the girls how it worked, and she explained the different levels and locations for private dances, the most private being couches in special booths upstairs. I decided Kieran was going to pick a girl and we would spend a good hour on one of those couches. Let her do her worst. It couldn't even begin to make up for what I'd done with Billy.

    And then, just as I was driving Kieran's former roommate out of my mind again, and smiling at my boyfriend coming back to join me in our booth, a girl I hadn't seen in a while took the stage. A tall brunette, with an amazing body, and one tattooed arm. Where did I know her from? She locked eyes with me, and I saw a big smile cross her face. Shit. It was that girl who knew about me and Billy. What incredible bad luck I had! And she totally recognized me. What could be worse?

    How about Kieran, having already been told to pick out the girl he wanted, selecting her? That's right.

    It was hard to blame him. She was the cream of the crop here. And there were some girls with really hot bodies and pretty faces. But she was something else.

    She had on a tiny little cutoff t-shirt that didn't completely cover her very full breasts, and left completely bare her long, sinewy, sculpted lower torso. She was obviously very serious about the gym. She had long, toned dancer's legs which she moved very gracefully, a dark tan, and about half an ounce of body fat on her entire 5'9" frame. So she was taller than me, her tits were bigger, and her body more sculpted. Oh, and she was a brunette. Was that what Kieran really liked?

    I know, who was I to even begin to ask such questions? Imagine the questions he'd ask about me and what I really liked in a guy's body, if he knew what I'd been doing? And imagine my difficulty answering. Of course, I didn't ask any of these questions out loud. I just gritted my teeth when he pointed at her with a rueful little boy's expression, and said, "Are you sure?"

    Or course, my real concern was that she might out me somehow, and I was just NOT comfortable getting up close and personal with her - or letting Kieran do the same. But before we could even try to get her attention, she finished her one-song stage routine, and strutted toward us in her lucite stripper heels, eyes locked on mine. God, I hoped she didn't say anything about how we'd met. Please be cool. Please!

    She just winked at me slyly as she positioned herself on Kieran's thigh, putting one arm around him, while the other very forwardly moved toward his chest to stroke it. "Hey babies," she said, "what a fetching couple. This a special occasion?"

    "His birthday," I said in a small voice.

    "Well nice to meet you," she said. "I'm Amanda."

    "Alyssa," I said, shaking her hand like an idiot. I knew her name was Shannon, but I guess they used stage names. "And this is Kieran."

    "Well, hi Kieran," she said, mouth inches from his. "Did you pick out a girl yet to have some birthday dances with?"

    "Actually..." Kieran stammered, looking at me.

    "He picked you," I blurted out. I couldn't bear the suspense. If she was going to out me, then get it over with.

    Amanda smiled at me. Her eyes seemed to say, "I recognize you, but I'm not going to say anything." At least, I think that's what they were saying. Her beautiful mouth said, "I hope your girlfriend is going to join us."

    "Absolutely," Kieran replied.

    She took us each by the hand and led us to an upstage booth, where she pushed Kieran onto a loveseat. Then she turned to me, her free hand going around my back and pulling me up against her, and kissed me! And it was not just a little "hello" kiss. It was a strong, passionate, "I'm in charge" kind of kiss.

    After she broke it, she looked me in the eye for a reaction. Did I have one? Well, I have kissed girls a couple of times in the past, and I was kind of tipsy both times, and never did anything more than that. And I didn't really feel anything, either time. But this was a little different. There was an... electricity with her. And she seemed to sense it. I looked over at Kieran. His eyes were wide.

    "Your girlfriend's so gorgeous, do you mind if I kiss her some more?" She didn't ask me, mind you. Just him. He just kind of smiled. Amanda placed her hands gently on the sides of my waist as she moved a little to the music that was playing. She was definitely sexy, I couldn't argue with that. And if this was going to turn Kieran on, and be part of the show... fine. She kissed me again, and this time, I decided to really play along. I kissed back, and I moved my hands around to the small of her back. She pressed those big breasts up against mine. God they were firm. Implants, I assumed. She was definitely bigger and stronger than me. It was not exactly like being with a guy, but I was definitely the girl in this kiss. Her hands moved down to my ass and cupped it in both hands, just like Billy had done when we first danced together. I allowed her to pull my crotch toward hers as her tongue slipped into my mouth. I'm sure Kieran's eyes had to be popping out of his head at this point. But we were just getting started. Amanda pulled her t-shirt up to reveal her naked breasts to me. I had to admit I was a little fascinated by them. I slowly moved my hand toward one of them. I cupped it lightly. It was so full, so round. I marveled at the feel of it. I let my thumb graze against her engorged nipple. She let out a gasp as I did. This was pretty hot!

    She moved her mouth to my ear. "If you guys want to come back to my place tonight, I am so there. As long as you're participating." Seriously? Was she really proposing this? What kind of place was this? She looked me in the eye with intensity. "I mean, if you want to lessen your guilt a little, this could be a good way," she whispered. She kissed me again, her fingers finding one of my breasts now, and gently caressing it. It felt gooooooooddddd.

    I stood there wobbly, a little light-headed. Would I even consider this? Going home with her, and letting Kieran have some fun with her? She did have a point about the guilt. That would certainly help even the score, a little...

    She moved over to him now, and perched on his lap, facing him. She slowly moved one of her distended nipples toward his face, and rubbed it on his cheeks and lips, driving him insane, I'm sure. Somehow I had the feeling that he might go along with her idea, if she asked him...

    Her hand was on his crotch now. Then she took one of his hands, and placed it on one of her tits. "It kind of seems like you'd really like to fuck me," she said to Kieran in an innocent voice. "Nod if I'm reading this right."

    Kieran, god love him, looked over at me, for permission, I guess. I nodded. He nodded sheepishly at her. She looked over at me now, laughing. "Your boyfriend really wants to fuck me. I guess the question is how nice of a birthday you want him to have." God, this girl was aggressive. Kieran seemed confused now. She turned around, her back to him, and pressed her round little ass onto his lap, grinding on what I'm sure was a massive (for him) erection.

    She gave him a mind-blowing half hour, then told us it was time for her turn on stage. She asked if she could see my phone, and typed something into it. Her number, and her address. Then she whispered in my ear, "I'll be home by midnight."

    I had a decision to make, as I plopped down next to Kieran, and watched her walk off. Would I really be okay with him going all the way with her, if she let him? I looked him in the eye. The fact was, I loved him enough to give this to him. But more than that, I wanted to repay him in some small way for what I'd done with Billy. And I had to admit, the whole idea did turn me on a bit. Would I go further with her than just kissing? Did I want to explore her body a bit, and have her explore mine? The answer, on a basic primal level, was "yes", even though I didn't really know what that might lead to, or if I'd really want it when it was happening.

    Maybe having given up Billy, I craved some other sort of illicit fantasy outlet beyond just sex with Kieran. In any case, I told him what she'd offered. And that I was okay with it. He was beyond stunned.

    I made clear to Kieran on the cab ride to her place that I was setting no ground rules. It was a threesome. I wanted to be with her, and I wanted him to be with her. And she made it clear she wanted to be with both of us. Whatever happened, I was okay with.

    He was truly conflicted. "But why would you do this?" he asked.

    "You've been so good to me baby. And it's your birthday. I'ts just a one-time thing."

    But somehow he didn't seem convinced. I looked at him.

    "She turns you on, right? It's okay to admit it."


    "And if you were single, and she was available, you'd do anything to get inside that hot body. Right?"

    He half smiled.

    "So if it goes that way, and she's game, do it, baby. I want you to have fun."

    Little did he know this was all about my conscience. If I'd never been with Billy, I would probably have NEVER done or allowed something like this. He put his arm around me, not believing his luck.

    Shannon/Amanda had a nice one-bedroom apartment on the high end side of town. Damn, I guess stripping paid well, at least for her. She buzzed us in. As we got to her door, Kieran stopped and looked at me. "Are you sure about this?" he said.

    "I'm sure," I said.

    "I guess if we do this... I might owe you..."

    It took me a minute to realize what he was saying. Then it hit me. A threesome with another guy? Not at all on my wish list. And before you ask, the answer is, "Yeah, no." A night with Kieran AND Billy sounded more like a nightmare than a fantasy to me. No thank you.

    But before I could answer him, Shannon was opening the door, looking more normal, but still very fuckable in a tight t-shirt, jeans and bare feet. Of course, I was still in my tiny little outfit. It looked like I was the stripper. She smiled at him, but her eyes were really on me, as she said, "Come in."

    Off work, she seemed more shy at first, with none of the boldness she had in the club. She got us drinks and we sat on the couch in between us. But then she brought up a subject I was hoping she wouldn't. She turned to Kieran. "Wait a minute, I think I've seen you before. Did you use to room with a guy named Billy?" Kieran's face kind of fell, like the mention of Billy's name took all the fun out of the evening. I knew exactly how he felt. She'd promised!


    "We used to go out. Well, not really out. We spent most of our time in, if you know what I mean."

    Kieran didn't seem the least bit interested in carrying on this line of conversation. He just kind of nodded.

    "I hope we didn't keep you up at night," she grinned.

    "No worries," he said softly.

    "It must have been a revolving door of young ladies there," she mused. "I know Billy got around. It's okay. Hard to blame him. When you've got it, use it, right? Did you ever see him naked?"

    Kieran shook his head. He looked like he wanted to leave. I felt bad for him. I wished she would shut up.

    "The guy's huge. He's arrogant as hell, and totally disrespectful, but damn if I didn't spend hours upon hours in his room, as his little plaything. I met him in the club and went back to his room that night and let him have what he wanted. And I never do that. Well, until tonight..."

    With that, she climbed onto Kieran's lap, facing him, and lowered her lips softly to his mouth. "I'm gonna make you feel so good tonight, baby," she cooed to him between kisses. "You're gonna get to go where Billy went... Has that ever happened before? You two ever both get with the same girl?"

    Dammit, what was she doing? This was not what I came here for. She hadn't revealed my secret life with Billy, but she was coming too close...

    "I don't think so," Kieran said quietly.

    "I hope I didn't make you feel bad," she said between more kisses. "Not every girl is into that kind of guy. I mean, I am, obviously, but your girl here is a mega hottie, and she's all about you." She looked over at me, sitting there next to them. "She's not easily seduced by a jacked body or a huge dick." Of course, I didn't dare even try to respond to that. Instead, I turned up the chill music she had on and started dancing a bit, doing my best to impersonate a professional like her, and hoping things would start moving in a different direction.

    Shannon pulled her t-shirt off. "This is what you wanted before, isn't it baby," she said to Kieran, offering an erect nipple to his waiting mouth. "You want to suck on my tits before you fuck me. That's cool. I like that." She was kind of grinding on his lap again now, topless, and he was getting into it, despite what she'd said about his cock. His hands were holding her big breasts from underneath as he kissed them all over. I guess any reservations about a threesome that he had were gone now.

    "You probably want me to put your cock in my mouth first, huh?" She was moaning, clearly affected by what he was doing with her tits. Finally she pulled herself off him and stood up. "Take your pants off, baby." This took him about three seconds. Meanwhile, she was shimmying out of hers, and was down to just a thong. Kieran was totally erect for her. It was weird seeing his cock out, excited by another girl. Of course, I was dancing for him, too, but I knew it was mainly about Shannon.

    She got down on her knees between his legs and gave the head of his cock a lick. She grabbed his shaft at the base in one hand. "Did you ever meet Billy, Alyssa?" she asked, turning to me.

    I hoped I wasn't blushing.

    "Once or twice." I couldn't make eye contact with Kieran.

    "With some girls, that's all it would take," she mused, licking Kieran's erection now. "I'm sure one look at you, and he was ripping off his t-shirt to show off that ripped torso. I bet he even flirted with you when Kieran was around. Or maybe even in front of him. He's so that guy."

    I turned my back to them both now, shocked that she was doing this, not wanting Kieran to see my face. I continued dancing.

    "If I had a girlfriend that hot, I'd keep her away from Billy," Shannon said to Kieran. "Girls might think he's obnoxious and into himself, but secretly, they want to feel all that size and power take them, and be inside them. Even if they know that he tires of girls quickly, no matter how hot they are. And the only way back in his bed then is to offer him a threesome with another hot girl." Interesting. I wonder why she brought that up? Was it true?

    Somehow Shannon was saying all this while still giving Kieran a pretty impressive blowjob, and if her words were tormenting him, his cock didn't show it.

    I guess she noticed that too, because the next things she said was:

    "Does that turn you on? Do I have you imagining your baby's soft lips and tongue on Billy's huge cock? Or picturing her on her back with those beautiful legs around him, as he feeds those twelve inches into that hot little body?"

    Kieran was close to orgasm now, I could tell. I turned to watch him. His eyes were closed. Was it possible that this DID turn him on?

    "You sure seem like it does, baby. Well who knows, maybe you can make your fantasy a reality. You are gonna owe her after this. I gotta warn you, though. BIlly never wears a condom. So when he fucks her, he's gonna pump a massive load into her. His cum shots are epic..."

    At that Kieran lost it. He was cumming hearing about Billy cumming! She pulled her mouth off him just in time, and he squirted disappointingly (for him, I'm sure) on her hand, which was jacking his cock expertly. "That's it baby, let it all out... Enjoy your fantasy. I'm going to have to get you guys his number."

    Kieran kept his eyes closed for a beat. I had no idea what he was thinking. Part of me wanted to kill her. But she'd obviously gotten him off, so who knew if this was a bad thing?

    Shannon wiped her hand off with some tissues, and pranced over to me. I was like a deer in the headlights, as she gently pushed me up against a wall.

    "What about you, Alyssa, did that get you turned on, too?" she asked, between gentle kisses on my face and lips. Her hand went to my panties, which were soaking. "Sure feels like it did." She turned to Kieran, who was now looking at us. "She got soaked just imagining it, baby," she grinned. Her hands were on my breasts now. I was royally pissed at her, but also totally aroused, thinking about Billy, even though I wished I wasn't. She kissed me aggressively on the mouth. I opened my lips slightly, yielding to her pressure. Her tongue found mine. It felt good, I had to admit it. She was a GREAT kisser.

    She broke the kiss. "Excuse me for a minute," she grinned, strutting off to the bedroom. I looked over at Kieran. He was soft, and spent.

    "You okay, baby?" I asked. He was pensive. I went over and sat on his lap. I pulled up my tank top, presenting my naked tits to him. My nipples were almost painfully erect. "Aren't you glad this body is all yours?" What a liar. But I felt bad for him. He put his hands on the sides of my waist, and started kissing me on my breasts. God, it felt good. I wriggled out of my little skirt and G-string and pushed him down on the couch, continuing to feed my breasts to his eager mouth. Then I started kissing him furiously, really getting into it. Damn her and her snide suggestions. This was the man I loved, and he loved me. And I was going to show it. If he could get hard again this quick, I'd let him take me right there. But for whatever reason, he didn't.

    Then we both noticed Amanda come back out, wearing the most outrageous thing I have ever seen in my life. It was a strap-on dildo, sticking out and up from her crotch at about a 45 degree angle. And it was huge. Roughly the size of Billy's erection, maybe a tiny bit smaller. She also had on heels and a tight tank top. And a big grin on her face. The phallus bobbed as she walked.


    "How do you like my new look?" she asked, standing there posing for us. I didn't know what to say. This girl was insane. "I figured Kieran might need a few minutes before he's ready to fuck me - " He just looked at me. Was this really happening? Was she going to let him fuck her, and was I going to let him go through with it? I smiled. Happy birthday.

    "And in the meantime, I thought Alyssa might want to meet my friend."

    "I don't think so," I demurred. She brought it closer, standing there, in front of me. "I think I'm good. Thanks, though."

    "Kieran?" she moved over toward him. Was she kidding? "I know it looks way too big, but you get used to it. Trust me." He just stared at her - was she serious? "I'm just kidding," she said. "This is all for your girlfriend. If she's game. I mean Kieran, you want to see us together, right? This is a threesome, after all..."

    "I don't think we need to go that far," I said, truly out of my element here. Would I let her put that thing inside me? There was no way. Especially not in front of Kieran.

    She was looking at him expectantly. "Whatever she wants is cool with me," my loving boyfriend said. You see why I stay with him?

    "Well," Amanda said, "I suppose she could fuck me with it, but I kind of thought me being the guy would be fun. And just in case she's at all interested in what this feels like..."

    "I'm not."

    "Okay." She pouted. "Will you at least give it a little kiss, before I take it off? I'd kind of like to see that."

    This was getting weird. But whatever. The sooner the subject changed from big dicks that I might enjoy, the more comfortable I'd be. She moved it toward my mouth. I had to admit, whoever designed it did a pretty good job. I mean, it was a piece of rubber, but the detail was pretty striking. It had veins sticking out of it, the crown looked like a real crown. Its weight even looked about right for a cock of that size. Which of course I now had a lot of first hand experience with. It didn't mean I wanted to kiss it, but... what the hell. I'd had a few drinks. So I kissed its big head. Then I looked over at Kieran. He seemed a bit transfixed.

    "Mmm, that felt good," Amanda emoted. "Can you do that some more?"

    With my eyes glued to Kieran, curious now to see his expression, I kissed it again. Then I gently ran my tongue under the crown, flicking there a couple of times. Damn if his cock didn't start to rise! And damn if Amanda didn't notice this. "I think someone's enjoying the show," she grinned. "Maybe you should see if you can get your lips around it."

    I don't know what came over me. Other than using alcohol as my excuse. I decided to go for it. I opened wide, and slowly engulfed the thick crown between my lips. Kieran looked like he might have a coronary. The thing tasted weird and wrong on my tongue, but not so wrong that I needed to stop . It was just... unusual. "Mmm, that's it baby, suck on my great big cock," Amanda said. She very slightly thrust her hips toward me, pushing a little more of that huge thing into my mouth. I sat there surrendered and let her face-fuck me with it, just a few inches in and out. I found my hands going to hold her hips as she did this. I'm sure it really looked like I was avidly participating now.

    Although of course it couldn't come close to replacing my muscular, big-dicked lover (ex-lover, at this point), the sensation of having my mouth so filled and dominated by a phallus of that size got me thinking about Billy even more. God, how I missed the way it felt to be filled by him. I mean, I was letting Kieran fuck me on a regular basis now, and it was nice, and sometimes I even came, but it was just such a different experience. Billy had the looks, the body, the alpha attitude, and yes, the cock size that I guess just did it for me physically in a way Kieran never could. I guess that's pretty clear to you by now. ? But this is all my way of explaining what I allowed to happen next.

    Amanda pulled the dildo out, and took me by both hands, pulling me off the couch and down onto the floor with her. "I want to kiss you some more," she said. I was game for that. I let her gently push me down onto my back. I was kind of in a daze now, not even thinking about what I'm sure you're thinking about - kind of like during my first time with Billy. I was so in the moment, it was just like, "Okay, let's kiss." She climbed on top of me. I felt the gigantic rubber thing resting on my tummy as she lowered her sexy mouth to mine. Mmmm, that was a good kiss. I was really wet now, I realized, as I felt her feminine fingers find my opening. Oh Godddddd, I exulted silently as she slipped two fingers inside of me. And her thumb found my clit. I was in heaven...

    Her mouth went to my breasts now as she finger-fucked me gently. Her kisses on my nipples were electric, they sent chills up and down my spine. I glanced over at Kieran. He was stroking his erection, eyes glued to the show before him. I was so glad he was enjoying himself. So I didn't really even think twice when I felt Amanda withdraw her fingers and replace them, at the entrance to my wet pussy, with the head of that enormous dildo. She arched her back up now, hands holding me at both sides of my waist. God she looked sexy. Those tits were amazing... and that torso... and that face... I felt the wide rubber crown begin to fill the space between my labia. She was entering me. She was pushing. And I was so wet, so ready... my body was yielding to it. I looked over at Kieran. He was stroking himself faster. He looked like he could lose it at any moment. And now she was sliding that massive thing into me, inch after inch, powerfully, insistently, steadily, filling me, like only Billy had ever filled me. "Oh, yesss..." I cried.

    And then she had to open her mouth. "See, this is how Billy does it," she said to Kieran. "In case you didn't already know it." I noticed Kieran slowed in his self-pleasuring. Just as Amanda was increasing the speed and power of her thrusts. I was beyond reason now, loving the sensation, outraged by it in a way, but totally turned on - and totally surrendered. My hands were on her gorgeous tits, fondling them, marveling at them. But somewhere in the back of my mind, I hated what she was saying, and that she was saying it now. "So he's got this great body, which he's always showing off, and he's so handsome, so a girl's gonna kiss him, thinking she can always stop things at some point. I mean, even if she doesn't know how well-hung he is, and doesn't know his reputation, if you've got a brain in your head, you know he's a player, you know he's just out for one thing. But then he's kissing you. And he's such a good kisser..."

    She was slowing her thrusts now, but they were so long and deep - she would pull almost all the way out, then sink all the way back in, making me squeal and gasp from the sensation. "And at some point, some part of his crotch rubs against you, and you're like, 'Damn.' That's the moment when you know you should probably go. But for some reason, you have to see the damn thing. And once you've seen it, you have to touch it. And the next thing you know, you're kissing it, and you're thinking maybe you'll just blow him, at most, and it's so hot pleasuring that huge thing that you let him cum all over your face, and in your mouth, and then you're swallowing his cum..."

    Kieran was still stroking himself, was still erect, I dimly noticed, and still watching us. That was good. I really couldn't think too much about him right now, though. The fucking I was getting was pretty all-consuming. It had all of my focus.

    "And then damn if he isn't hard again a few minutes later when you're just kissing him again, and of course you're totally wet, and he offers to go down on you, and like an idiot, you think you'll cum that way and then leave..."

    God, had he told her our entire story? Was this what happened with Billy and every girl?

    "But at a certain point, you're so turned on, you just have to feel that great big thing inside you, just for a second. He promises he'll pull out."

    She buried herself all the way up inside me again now, hands holding my wrists on the floor, mouth moving in for a wet kiss.

    "Then the next thing you know, he's fucking you all over his room, in every conceivable position, and you're cumming longer and more intensely than you ever have before..."

    I was so close to orgasm. I couldn't look at Kieran. I couldn't look at her. I kissed back, but all I could think about was Billy.

    "And you think he's going to pull out without cumming. I mean, he doesn't have a condom on. You told him he should. He agreed that he would. And then you feel it. His fluid just exploding inside of you, somewhere so deep, so unimaginably deep, and you know he's just pumping his cum into you - he doesn't care - and you're just taking it, out of your mind with pleasure."

    "Oh, Godddd!!" I gushed, my orgasm overtaking me in waves. I opened my eyes. Amanda was frozen there, staring at me as I bucked my hips, out of control, so filled by that huge cock. Kieran was frozen too, cock in his hand.

    After a beat, Amanda smiled at me. "You adjusted so easily. It's almost like you're used to a cock of this size. See that look in her eyes, Kieran? Maybe you never have... But maybe somebody has."

    If I wasn't so out of my mind from my orgasm, which was still rolling, I would probably have been furious with her. I can't imagine what her words were doing to Kieran."

    "You ever been with a guy this big?" she asked me, all innocently.

    I shook my head no. She had withdrawn herself all the way to the crown. My body begged to be filled again. I wasn't done. I knew from my experiences with Billy that I was capable of extending this. I needed to. It was like we stopped halfway through.

    "Come on, play along with the fantasy. Whose cock are you thinking about right now?"

    "No one's."

    "Well, you've heard all about Billy's and this is about his size... and you've met the guy. So you know how hot he is."

    "Whatever." I was holding firm. I would not do this to Kieran.

    "If you want me to keep fucking you, I think you should call me Billy."


    "Fine," she said, pulling out.

    Aaagggh! I was in agony. I had to have it back.

    I looked up at Kieran. I couldn't do this to him.

    "I know he wants to fuck me, and that's what's happening as soon as you cum," Amanda said. "I'm so turned on I can't stand it. I have to have a cock inside of me. He knows we're just playing."

    He took his hand off his cock. Maybe he was so aroused that he had to stop before he lost it. Surely the thought of getting to fuck Shannon had to be a turn-on.

    "He knows you're okay with it, right?"

    I looked into his eyes. I don't know what I saw there. A mix of emotions. "I am baby. I want you to fuck her."

    Shannon pressed the first few inches of the phallus into me again. Aaaahhhhh. "He knows I'm just teasing, and it's just a fantasy," she said. "Just say his name and we'll keep going."

    I looked at Kieran. He shrugged. Fine.

    "Okay 'Billy,'" I said, trying to keep things light.

    She grinned, the fucking bitch, and complied, sinking back into me with a victorious abandon. "Whose cock is inside you?" she asked.

    "Billy's," I said in what I hoped was a quiet and unenthusiastic voice, for Kieran's sake. But god, her thrusts were doing it to me now. I was so close to orgasm, it was torturous.

    "Tell me what you want me to do, and say my name" she said, pulling most of the way out, and just teasing me there.

    "Oh god, fuck me, Billy," I finally said, deciding to just cut loose. She rewarded me with full penetration. "You're making me cum."

    "Like no other guy's ever done?" she asked.

    She kept thrusting. I nodded. I was in sexual heaven. I closed my eyes. I imagined Billy's muscular torso on top of me, and his even slightly bigger and harder weapon deep inside of me.

    "Oh yeah, baby," she emoted, "Billy's going to blast so much cum into you so deep, baby, are you ready?"

    "Yes," I panted, beginning to quake in the biggest orgasm of the night. I was out of my mind with the intensity of the feeling that was overtaking me. My eyes were closed. Kieran wasn't there, Shannon wasn't there, it was just me and Billy, and it was our first time together, when I received his ejaculate with such shock at the feeling it created inside of me, with that massive explosion of fluid.

    "Billy's cumming inside you Alyssa," Shannon said. "He's filling you with his cum. You're taking more of it than any other man could ever give you. It's shooting so deep, so powerfully, just on and on and on. Billy's making you his forever. There's nothing you can do. He owns you. His DNA is inside of you. Forever. There's no turning back. Ever..."

    I like there, in shock, as she finally stopped her thrusting, buried fully inside me.

    Slowly, very slowly, I started to come to my senses. I opened my eyes. She was staring at me, totally turned on. And she was unbuckling some sort of strap that held the dildo on her. She got up on her haunches, leaving it in me. She looked over at Kieran. He was still hard, sitting there with a stunned look on his face. Oh shit. What had I done? She grabbed a condom that she had evidently also brought out with her, and unwrapped it. She went over to him and unrolled it onto his erection. Then she climbed onto his lap.

    I don't think either of us had any time to react. She was engulfing him inside of her. She put her hands on his shoulders and bobbed up and down on him. "Was that hot, honey? Were you picturing them together?"

    Kieran was stone faced, but I'm sure out of his mind with sensation. "Now you get to fuck Amanda the stripper, is that hot? By the way, my real name is Shannon. You gonna cum inside me, Kieran?"

    He was clearly getting close. He closed his eyes. "It's okay to have naughty fantasies, Kieran. It's okay to imagine big muscular Billy sliding his huge cock into your hot girlfriend. You can imagine it like she was imagining it. Who knows? Maybe it's even happened."

    With a grunt he lost it inside of her. It wasn't fair, sullying his orgasm again with that kind of talk. But he was cumming so loudly. I doubt it was BECAUSE of the Billy talk. But who knows? Is it possible he kind of got off on it, in a way, and she was right? Even if he did, that didn't mean he'd get off on the real thing, or ever forgive me, if he knew.

    The cab ride home was tense and awkward. I finally broke the silence. "All that talk she did..." I began. "It was just wrong and uncalled for. I'm sorry. I wouldn't have gone there if I knew she was gonna do that."

    He didn't say anything for a while. Finally: "It's okay. I still can't believe you would even do that for me. I mean, a threesome. A first, for me. Ever."

    "I love you," I said. And I meant it. I kissed him with passion, hoping to wipe the Billy talk out of his mind - and maybe even my mind - forever.

    Kieran wasn't going to bring up the possibility of "owing" me again, and I certainly didn't need any "payback." Of course, I still owed him more than I could EVER repay him, if he only knew. But as we went to sleep that night, him exhausted, and me still a little turned on, my mind went to the one experience I'd had with two guys at the same time, and how hot it had been.

    So at the risk of sounding even more trampy than you probably already think I am, I'll tell you about it. It was a couple months before I started dating Kieran. I was going out with this jock who was in one of the frats. Typically cocky athlete, tall and muscular - not at Billy's level, but he had a hot body. And he was good-looking. I didn't really know how much I liked him yet, but he was courting me pretty heavily, and he was the kind of guy that I guess people expected a girl who looked like me to be with. After a few dates, we'd only made out with some "petting" - over my shirt, to his great disappointment. I could tell he was ragingly aroused each time, and the bulge in his pants looked promising. But I wasn't the kind of girl who just let a guy fuck her, or who even gave a guy head, that early in a relationship. (Contrary to what it might seem.)

    Then one night we were at a big party, and a bunch of guys from the football team where there, who had just won some big game, and were super cocky, and looking to score. One friend of his was a wide receiver, I think, about 6'6", light-skinned black guy, with a powerful body. A little taller than Billy, not quite as ripped, but almost in Billy's ballpark. He was every girl at the party's dream, I heard later, but once he met me, he was fixated - despite being friends with my date. Whenever my guy was gone for even a second, getting me a drink, talking to some friend, whatever, this guy Shiloh (I think that was his name, something weird like that) was all up in my grill, telling me how beautiful I was, how I was the hottest girl there, blah blah blah. He seemed kind of empty and too confident, for my taste (at least my taste then) but I have to admit he was really handsome, and I was drinking like I planned to have something bad happen that night.

    One time when my guy was in the bathroom, Shiloh (let's just call him that) offered to show me his bedroom. Oh, how nice of him. And how convenient that it turns out this was his frat house. "What about my date?" I asked, as if I was seriously considering it.

    "He can watch, if he wants to." He did NOT just say that. I guess that's how you talk when you know you can have any girl you want. "Just give me one kiss," he then said, recovering a bit. "If it's not there, you can move on."

    So just to shut this guy up, I leaned my head back slightly, looking up at him, and he moved in for a kiss.

    Shit. That felt good. I was a little weak in the knees. His arm snaked around my waist, catching me and holding me there. Damn, that felt good too. Especially his hand on my bare skin. (I was wearing some sort of crop top, as I recall.)

    Somehow, the next thing I said was, "You sure he only gets to watch?"

    He looked at me in awe at his incredible luck. Was I shitting him? I went on:

    "I mean, he did bring me here. We've been going out."

    "Hell, he can join in, if he wants."

    "Give me two minutes."

    What can I say? I was horny. It had been a while since I'd had sex. I found my date, and took him somewhere private. I kissed him. I placed his hand on my breast. I put mine on his cock. Mmm, it was hardening, and seemed very nice sized. It was the first I'd touched it. His eyes were on fire. "Listen, here's what we're going to do," I said, all sure of myself. "We're gonna meet your friend Shiloh in his room. It'll be the three of us." He looked at me. He couldn't believe I was saying this, I'm sure.

    "Shiloh? What do you mean?"

    "What do you think I mean? Are you in, or out?"

    The implication was that if he wasn't "in," Shiloh might still be "in." And if he was "in," he might soon be "in" me. The hot girl he was courting might let Shiloh fuck her with his big (I imagined) dick, right here, right now. And he might be left out in the cold. Or... he could join the fun. He weighed his options. Finally: "fuck yeah."

    I think it's safe to say those two guys are still talking about that night. No, I didn't let either of them fuck me, but I let them strip me down to just a thong, and enjoy my body in almost every way they wanted to. Each of them took their time kissing me from head to toe, literally, and it was truly heavenly. As my date used his mouth hungrily on my breasts, covering every inch of them with licks, kisses, bites, and intense sucking on my engorged nipples, Shiloh concentrated on my lower body. I let him freely use his big hands to position my legs any way he wanted them, as he worked his mouth up and down my inner thighs, and kissed all around the tiny triangle of fabric that covered my pussy. I didn't even stop him when he kissed on the fabric - and God, did it send a shiver up my spine - but I wouldn't let him go farther, despite endless attempts on his part to pull them down, or slip a finger or a tongue underneath them.


    But I rewarded his attention to pleasuring me with great enthusiasm when their cocks finally came out. They were both well-endowed - not at Billy's level, but bigger than average, and I drove them both out of their minds with a lot of slow licking and kissing, gentle hand work, and finally taking each in my mouth for some glorious pumping. I'm sure they were each hoping this was all a prologue to taking turns fucking me - or at least making me swallow their cum - but I wasn't going to go that far. I mean, what do you take me for? ? They both had to settle with losing it all over my tits, after which I quickly cleaned up, got dressed, and got out of there. I went home to my vibrator. And of course, I broke it off with the guy.

    But that was a different time. I had a boyfriend now, who I loved, who loved me.

    So I also had a muscular big-dicked lover for those moments that I needed something more. Can we just get past that?

    Well, apparently Billy was past it. I hadn't taken him seriously with what he'd said before, not really. I knew if I showed up there again, I could tempt him. Maybe he wouldn't fuck me, but jesus, the guy made me cum without doing so last time, so was that really such a problem? I know I said that I had decided not to go back there, but by now, you probably know I didn't stick to that for too long. The truth was that as much as Shannon pissed me off, her words cut to the bone. I DID cum because I was thinking about Billy, and I HAD become a bit addicted to this guy. So it took me a while, but yes, I eventually went back to his room with my special key, wearing some sexy little outfit. At a time when I thought there was a good chance he might be there alone. Only this time, the key didn't work. What? Had he changed the locks? I knocked and got no answer. Was this really happening?

    I went home and shot off an email to find out what was going on. The next day I got my answer. Yes, he had changed the locks. And if I was still with Kieran, he didn't want to see or hear from me. "Lose my email address," he even said.

    Goddamn. What was this guy's deal? Was he really shutting me out permanently? I couldn't believe he was really sticking to this, and wouldn't even see me now.

    I stewed on this for a while. A long while. Like weeks. Weeks of normality with my loving boyfriend, and nothing crazy going on. I mean that in both a good way and a bad way. I really wasn't sure what to do, or what I could do. But I was still not having luck getting Billy out of my head.

    Then one day I remembered what Shannon had said. How when a girl is moved out of Billy's "rotation" (whatever), one way for her to have a chance with him again is by offering a threesome with some other hot girl. Was this a possibility? Was it my only chance, save breaking up with Kieran?

    Of course I wasn't going to let any other girl know what I was up to with Billy, so clearly I had one person I could call. I finally swallowed my pride and looked her up, to see if this was something she might be interested in. Hell yes, she was interested. I didn't admit that I was now the one who was shut out - I made it seem like I was offering her a way back in. But of course, I never would've done that, especially after all the lines she'd crossed talking about me and Billy in front of Kieran.

    But I was desperate. Billy had totally written me off. And Shannon was super hot. Maybe if the two of us showed up at his place some time, it would be too enticing too refuse. And I could show him I'm the wild, fun girl that it's worth carrying on an affair with, whether she has a boyfriend or not.

    So we agreed we'd surprise him when he was coming back to his room some day. Maybe he could turn me away on his own (and I still doubted that he would, if he actually saw me, all dolled up for him), but the two of us together? Forget it.

    I knew Billy's gym schedule, and figured we had a good chance at catching him coming home from a workout (all pumped and sexy) late on a Friday afternoon, so that's when we decided to be waiting outside his dorm room door, looking like we just stepped off the pages of some magazine guys would jerk off to.

    I spent hours preparing my look, hoping to outclass Shannon in every way possible. I didn't really want her to be there, or to share Billy with her, and my hope was that she'd just be a little bonus for him, as he really concentrated on his blonde goddess, who had gone so out of her way, yet again, to please him. I pulled out every beauty stop I could think of, so that I'd arrive at his place with my hair and makeup professionally done like I was going to a photo shoot, and my body tanned and sculpted even more than usual, thanks to an insane workout regimen. I also waxed completely clean, got a french manicure and pedicure, and applied what I hoped he'd find an intoxicating scent.

    For an outfit, I chose a a skin-tight, zip-up, thigh-length cardigan, unzipped enough to show tons of cleavage as it clung to my breasts on either side, just waiting to be pulled apart by him. It came down to my crotch and was also unzipped a few inches there, revealing that only a tiny G-string stood in the way of where his penis really needed to go. And, of course, I was wearing towering fuck-me pumps. My hair was in an up-do, my neck bare to him and begging to be kissed.

    My competitive instincts definitely kicked in when I saw what Shannon looked like standing outside of Billy's dorm suite. I guess being a stripper, she was used to dressing outrageously and having men staring at her, so she didn't mind the stares she was getting from other guys walking up and down the hall. I think totally naked would've been a more subtle look. She had on tiny skin-tight pink micro-shorts, their color contrasting appealingly with the deep tan of her toned thighs and tight belly. On top, she was spilling out of some tiny little bra that covered barely fifty percent of her impossibly full breasts. Over that she had on a cut-off jean vest, unbuttoned and sleeveless. She had on modest (for her) four-inch heels, and was leaning against the wall next to Billy's door, one gorgeous leg lightly crossed over the other.

    Of course, I wasn't exactly dressed for church, either, but as usual, when I went to Billy's the hot clothes were either in a bag, or covered up by some sort of jacket or sweats. In this case, the heels were in the bag, and I had a long dress that covered the sluttier garb on underneath. Seeing what she was wearing, I decided that just wouldn't do, so without so much as acknowledging her presence, I pulled off the dress (making sure no guys were in the hall at that moment), and stuffed it in my bag, then strapped on my fuck-me pumps.

    She kind of smirked at me. I didn't like the look on her face. "You look pretty fuckable to me," she said. "But it's not my taste that matters."

    I tried to ignore this, positioning myself facing on the other side of the door from her - trying to decide on a position that was sexy without looking too ridiculous. By my estimate, Billy would be there within a few minutes. I'd called the guy at the front desk of the gym and asked him to text me when Billy left. I think he was so excited to get my number that he would've hired a private detective to follow Billy, if I'd asked him to. And I'd gotten the text moments before, giving me time to get here and be ready.

    Several guys went up and down the hall as we waited. I kind of felt sorry for them. Most tried not to stare, but I can only imagine the envy they might've felt, at what was waiting their big-dicked, muscular dorm mate when he got home. Maybe they were used to a parade of hotties going in and out of Billy's room in various tiny outfits, but I dare say nothing quite this blatant had ever greeted their innocent eyes when they traversed this corridor.

    It must suck to be them, I thought - knowing a guy like Billy would always top them when it came to pulling girls who looked like Shannon or me. There was literally nothing they could do to compete. Even if they had muscles like Billy's, and were as handsome as him (and trust me, none of them came close, on either front), unless they also had a cock who could do things to a woman that his could, chances are babes like us wouldn't be so stuck on him, and wouldn't be waiting in his hallway for a chance to cover it in lipstick and spread our long, pretty legs so he could fill our tight little bodies with his hugeness.

    Such thinking led me to consider my own boyfriend, who had to count himself as one of them (if he only knew the truth), even if I was his girlfriend, and he was having sex with me on a regular basis. The fact was that his supposedly faithful girlfriend was literally begging this macho jerk to have sex with her, and was willingly taking him in whatever orifice he chose to penetrate. Kieran was still wearing a condom every time we did it, for God's sake, and had never dreamed of trying to cum in my mouth or on my face, and here I was hungrily ingesting as much semen as Billy could shoot. And now I was preparing to greet him at his door with some stripper, desperately hoping to get another fucking. I was such a bad girl.

    But when Billy appeared at the end of the hall, such thoughts vanished immediately. He stood there a moment, I assume noticing us and wondering what he ever did to deserve this, and then began a slow, nonchalant walk in our direction. He had on a t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off, workout shorts and gym shoes. His hair was just long enough to be slicked back. I tried not to visibly tremble as he got closer, instead just staring him down with what I hoped was a smoldering, confident gaze.

    He reached me first, stopping to stand in front of me. My heart jumped as he stared openly at my cleavage, his hand slowly finding its way to the zipper on my sweater. He pulled it down a few inches. God, was he going to totally unzip me, right here? I prayed no one else walked down the hallway now. What if one of them knew Kieran, and recognized me? I'd never thought of that before.

    But he stopped with the zipper just above my navel, the fabric mercifully still covering most of my aching tits, albeit with a scandalous amount of side boob now on display. He slid his hand under it to cup my right breast. I was toast. Totally turned on.

    Maybe he wondered to what extent I would let him be my complete sexual master again - how far I would go this time. As if there was any question. His thumb and index fingertip found my distended nippple. I stood there, breath quickening, letting him do this. Yes, Billy, once again, I will do as you command, and my body is yours to enjoy. God, what was wrong with me?

    I let my shoulder blades and arms rest against the wall, leaning back slightly, breasts pressed forward toward him. He squeezed my nipple gently. My mouth opened. My heart was pounding. I was losing it. I felt my panties moistening.

    Then he spoke again: "You stop by to give me another 90-minute blowjob?"

    He stared in my eyes, the cocky bastard. What was I supposed to say? I just met his gaze, trying to hold onto some of my pride.

    I heard Shannon snicker: "Ninety minutes? That's nothing."

    And now Billy's head turned to take her in, the bitch. There was no way that was nothing. Fuck her. I don't care what she says.

    She was still in her same pose. God, she looked hot. To my great disappointment, Billy removed his hand and walked over to her. She had a big, gorgeous smile on her face as he approached, and said in a little-girl voice, "Surprise." He didn't touch her. But he openly ogled her banging body for a few long moments.

    Then she spoke again: "She brought her boyfriend into the club, and we went back to my place. It got me thinking about old times..."

    Perfect. She had to mention my "boyfriend." I was kind of hoping the subject didn't come up, this time.

    "Of course, I didn't tell him I knew about you two. She really didn't seem to want him to know."

    Billy glanced over at me for a beat, with an intense look. I kind of melted. Then he turned back to her. He moved his face slowly toward hers. She seemed to be trembling. His lips met her lips. They kissed. Slowly. Deliberately. Apparently in heaven, she moved one hand to the back of his head, the other to the side of his waist. She lifted one foot, bending her leg at the knee and pressing into the back of his calves with it, trying to will him closer, or maybe to say to me, "He's mine."

    He kissed her for what seemed like a minute or two. It was kind of hard to watch, to tell you the truth. Don't get me wrong, they looked super hot together, but I found myself sick with jealousy. Especially when his hands went to take hold of her gloriously full breasts. I'm sure he loved how they felt in his hands, so big and firm... She started moaning, as their tongues intertwined. I hated her so much.

    Then she took her hand off his waist and brought it to his crotch, resting her palm there. Was he already hard for her? I wondered. How lucky she was to have that big cock, that I missed so much, in her hand. Was he going to fuck her with it? Would he hold true to his word and not fuck me, because I was still with Kieran?

    I was about to find out. He broke the kiss and took her hand, leading her to his door. He unlocked it with his free hand and pushed it open. He pulled her in. I followed, seemingly an afterthought now.

    Billy let go of Shannon's hand and pulled off his muscle shirt. I gaped in open lust at Billy's muscles, for the millionth time. My mind traveled back to the first time he'd taken his shirt off in this room, to impress me. It had worked. And now look at me - so desperate for him to take me on another sexual ride that I'd come here with this girl I didn't even like. Who he was now pulling onto his lap, on "our" couch!

    I had to admit they looked amazing together, as she took the position of honor on his thigh, crossing her long legs, and pulling her denim vest off her shoulders. Those big breasts of hers were just begging to be fondled, and he eagerly took one in each hand as he brought his lips to hers again. God, what was with all the kissing? It was all open-mouthed, dueling tongues, starving-animals-being-fed type of necking, as if Billy fucking missed this girl, who he'd once kicked out of his bedroom because I had shown up - and before he even knew he had me!

    Trying not to feel like a third wheel, I walked over to them, considering how or whether I would try to join in. He did have one free thigh, but as she saw me approaching, she fixed that little situation, swinging herself around so that she was straddling both of his thighs now, facing him. Perhaps to further distract hiim from my presence, she reached around and undid her bra, pulling its tiny half-cups off of her gloriously high and round breasts, nipples awesomely erect. She arched her back, pushing her chest out toward his face, presenting these wonders for him to do with as he pleased. He glanced over at me for just a second, to say, "Will you get me some water?" before taking a breast in each hand and attacking one of her nipples with that wide, arrogant mouth of his. She squealed in delight, as I fumed my way over to the fridge. What the hell had I signed on for here? Was he going to humiliate me on purpose, just to rub my face in it?

    Well, she could try all she wanted, but I was not going to play second fiddle, to anyone. Least of all her. When I returned with Mr. Big Dick's water, I got down on my knees between his legs, under her, trying to ignore the sounds of passionate tit-suckling that was going on above me. She was up on her knees now, leaving me just enough room to go for the waistband of his shorts. Isn't this what every guy wanted? Having one hot girl on her knees sucking his cock while going crazy on another one's big breasts? I'd be willing to indulge Billy in this little fantasy. He was holding her with both hands on the sides of her tiny little waist now, and she had her hands on the back of his neck as he kissed and licked and suckled every inch of her pretty globes.

    It was immediately obvious that he was almost totally aroused for her, his glorious pipe hanging hard and heavy in one side of his shorts. I carefully pulled the shorts and boxers off of it, and it sprang to life before me, in all its massive glory. Oh Billy, I had to sigh to myself, how I love your big cock. I really do. I marveled anew at its power and beauty, gently running a fingertip up and down its long shaft, noticing it continue to lengthen and expand as I explored it with my hands. I drank in this sight, and the feel of it in my hands, with newfound wonder. It had been denied me for so long...

    But before I could get any further, Shannon was swinging one leg over my head and dismounting the couch, to get down and join me. I wanted his cock all to myself, but before I could even bring my mouth to it for the first time, she was going for the prize, engulfing his thick crown between her thick lips and pushing down onto it so that he got to feel several inches inside the warm wetness that was her pretty mouth. He let out a deeply satisfied moan as one of her hands wrapped around the base of his shaft, pretty much claiming his gigantic organ as hers. I started to get up, but he pointed with his finger that he wanted me to stay down there. Great. There was little for me to do, but move further underneath him, to pleasure his extra-large testicles. He had moved onto the edge of the couch to allow such a thing, so I busied myself with kissing and tonguing his huge sac while Shannon bathed his oversized penis with her tongue.

    "Alyssa," he managed to say between moans. I thrilled at hearing him speak my name.

    I took my lips off of his big balls long enough to answer: "Yes Billy?" I hoped he was going to invite me onto his lap now for my turn at making out, and getting my tits suckled.

    "Take her shorts off."

    Okay, fine. This was how he was playing it. For now. She was the main target. I was the helper. Of course he was punishing me for not breaking up with Kieran. Not for a second did I believe he was more interested in, or attracted to Shannon, than me. But fine. I can play along. It's all part of the threesome fantasy, right?

    So I got behind Shannon, and reached around to unsnap and unzip her shorts. I slowly pulled them down over her curvy hips - not easy, as they were practically painted on, and dropped them down to the ground. Got her ass looked spectacular. This girl was so fit, so tan, and with skin to die for. She had on the tiniest little g-string. "Get her ready for me," I heard Billy say next.

    Well, I knew what that meant. And I didn't exactly relish the task. But if I was ever going to lick a girl's pussy, I had to admit, just from a beauty standpoint, Shannon had it going on. Much as I didn't want to give her the satisfaction - or give her to Billy. But what choice did I really have? I pulled down the tiny g-string.

    "Shannon, get down on your back," Billy commanded. She reluctantly left his cock then, all wet and shiny from her ministrations, and painfully, toweringly erect, and lowered herself onto her back - legs spread, back arched, arms oustretched. If anyone ever looked fuckable, it was her. I held my breath and moved in toward her waxed clean pubis, on all fours, my ass waving in the air. God, I hoped Billy came behind me and took off my G-string and gave me a warmup fuck. But somehow I didn't think that would happen. Instead, I plunged my tongue between Shannon's moistened labia, and began licking and kissing her pussy. I actually have to admit, I kind of enjoyed it, hearing the moans of pleasure coming from her. I took my time, putting on a show for my man, who was sitting there stroking his cock languidly as he watched this.

    "Oh Billy," she enthused, after enjoying my work for several minutes. "I'm ready for you, daddy... I want to feel you inside of me..." God how I hated her. But damn if he wasn't giving her what she wanted! He got up off the couch and pushed me lightly on the shoulder with his foot. I could go now. The bastard. I slowly brought myself up off of her, licking my lips as I gazed into Billy's eyes, pulling open my sweater so he could feast his eyes on my slamming naked torso. He just grinned at me. He wanted me to move out of the way so he could fuck Shannon!


    And so I did. And I was forced to watch, kneeling there, as Billy lowered himself onto this fucking stripper, using his hand to direct the head of his cock to the pussy I'd just prepared for him. She lay there in glazed surrender, already close to orgasm from my efforts, as he found her opening, and introduced his enormous cock head to it. He pushed it slowly into her. I heard her gasp. This was really happening. He circled his hips subtly, his crown moving around the inner edges of her labia, moistening them further, stretching them, preparing them, knocking at the door... And then he was pushing, and I knew when the engorged crown had pushed all the way in. I remembered the sensation distinctly. She let out a huge "Ohhhhh..." sound. And then he was free to fuck.

    And God, did he fuck. I just kneeled there in wonder at the sight of him sliding inch after inch of that gloriously thick and hard erection into her tight little sexy body, until all twelve inches of him was completely inside of her. I'm sure she was out of her mind from the sensation of it - I knew what it was like to feel that entire shaft penetrating you, impaling you so deeply, that it seemed to take over your entire being. There was nothing that could prepare you for it. God how I missed that feeling. And now he was pulling out, and pushing in, pulling out, and pushing in, just fucking taking her with that obscene masculine hardness of his, owning her, forcing himself into her, over and over again, and preparing to eventually (I dreaded) fire his man fluids somewhere deep inside of her.

    At one point Billy glanced back at me, to say, "Tickle my balls." His eyes were glazed with lust and exertion. He was thrusting powerfully in long, urgent strokes. So I crouched over his ass and found his huge scrotum with my hand. I cupped his balls, lightly tickling and fondling them as he moved his cock in and out of Shannon, as if milking him for an especially sperm-rich ejaculation inside of her.

    But he wasn't going to cum so fast. He was either putting on a show for me, or enjoying her more than I really thought would be possible. Whatever it was, Billy gave her the fucking of a lifetime, in every position you can imagine, in every part of the suite, and with every possible mood - from slow and sensual with deep eye contact and kissing to animalistic ravaging, and back again. She completely surrendered her gorgeous body to him, letting her manhandle her into whatever shape and placement he wanted her in. It started with her on her back there, where he experimented with lifting each of her legs into a variety of positions, holding her by the ankles - pushing both feet high up into the air, then resting them one on each shoulder, then pulling one apart to wrap around his waist.

    My job, it seemed, was to simply watch, and I had to admit, it was quite a show. Watching this amazingly powerful guy use his superior size and strength to force this incredibly sexy girl into absolute submission - it was like he owned her body completely. She was his plaything, and he asserted his utter dominance over her with every gesture and movement - twisting her like a pretzel, squeezing her almost violently with those muscular arms wrapped around her, pinning her to the ground or against a wall with a hand around her throat or wrists, he seemed to be making a point of just how thoroughly he could sexually use her. And of course, through it all, the one constant, was twelve inches of impossibly thick cock moving in and out of her tight little pussy with a limitless variety of speeds, angles and rhythms. It brought back memories of he locker room, only this was a far more extended and varied experience, and one she gave herself over to with utter enthusiasm and abandon.

    But as erotic as it was to watch, my dominant emotion was jealousy. It pained me to watch "my" lover enjoy himself with another woman like this. And he was clearly enjoying himself. He was reveling. As was she.

    One of the last positions saw him taking her from behind, with her on her knees on the floor, torso resting on the couch, and him on one knee, powering that huge cock into her with slow, deep strokes that had her literally in tears. They were streaming down her face. She was so out of it. Then he grabbed her around the waist and, holding her attached to him, lifted her up and spun her around so that he could sit on the couch with her on his lap, her back to him, fully impaled on his massive rod.

    He caught my eye, his look glazed with lust. "Lick my nuts," was all he said.

    God, the gall of this asshole. As if I was there to just do whatever he commanded, no matter how arrogant or vile he might be. I burned with indignation, but I dropped to my knees before him. Her legs were spread wide, knees straddling his, which were also pulled apart, giving me a wide open space with which to work. Again he moved to sit on the edge of the couch, so his great big testicles hung down freely in front of it, all engorged in their tight sac. Her hands were on her thighs. His were on her naked tits. And she was moving up and down on his enormous shaft.

    As I moved in close to this pretty incredible sight, I marveled at the thickness of his shaft, as she moved up a few inches to reveal the glistening root of his cock, and down again. I brought my lips softly to his scrotum, my hands gripping his muscular thighs for support. God, did they feel good in my hands, so hard and strong. I licked his balls like he little slut he had apparently turned me into. I hated the idea that I was somehow assisting in his pending ejaculation into her.

    "Lick her clit," he commanded now. "Go back and forth."

    He held her in place now, fully buried in her, so I could bring my lips to her distended love button. She'd probably cum a half dozen times since they'd started, but the reaction I got from beginning to tongue her clit was the strongest I'd heard yet. Her hand went to the back of my head, holding me there, as she exulted in what had to be another orgasm.

    After a few seconds of helping her to have the time of her life with Billy's cock inside her, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to speak up for myself. I stopped, pulling off her. "I want to lick your cock," I said.

    They both looked down at me, as if surprised that I dared to speak. But he responded by pulling her up a few inches, both hands under her armpits, like she was a limp ragdoll, to reveal a good several inches of his shaft. I eagerly wrapped my tongue around it. He liked this. A lot. He pulled her up further, so that I could take long slow licks up the underside of his massive cock. He shuddered at the sensation, then lowered her back down so that he was completely buried in her again, causing her to shriek at the sensation. For a moment, I moved back to his balls, suckling them with purpose and focus now. Then he pulled her back up, and I went back to his shaft. I became a woman possessed. I was not going to let him finish inside her. I didn't want either of them to have that experience. As he unsheathed the majority of his cock this time for my mouth, I rewarded him with passionate kisses all up and down the shaft, one hand wrapping around its base, the other encircling his nuts and gently fondling them. He was out of his mind from the pleasure of this. I don't think I'd ever seen Billy this excited.

    Now when he lowered her back down onto him, and I went back to his balls, I could feel fluids running down onto my face. His, I hoped. It turned out that yes, they were. This was pre-ejaculate, apparently gushing out of the head of his cock and running down his shaft. As he pulled her up again, this clear fluid came leaking out of her in abundance. I lapped it up like it was the fountain of youth, painting his cock shaft with my tongue, over and over again.

    I knew he was going to lose it any second now. One of us lucky girls would be the recipient of what I had to believe would be a mammoth ejaculation, after how long he'd held out. For some reason, I needed it to be me. Or at least, I didn't want it to be inside her like this. "I want you to cum in my mouth, Billy, so I can swallow every drop," I gushed.

    Amanda countered. "Cum inside me Billy, make me yours, you own me..."

    He buried himself in her again, and I thought I'd lost the battle. But then he slowly lifted her back up. This time, to her frustration, he let his crown pop out of her. By the time it did, I had both hands wrapped around his shaft already, and I eagerly angled his cock down and wrapped my lips around that enormous head. I bobbed up and down on it like a woman possessed.

    But after a few moments of this, he said, "Enough," and I reluctantly pulled off. She used her hand to help guide him back to her opening, and sat down on him again, practically passing out from the sensation of this complete and sudden impalement.

    But this time, I didn't touch his balls. Instead, I just stared up at him, with a look of absolute sexual intensity. He met my gaze. After a few more strokes inside of her, he pulled her up off of him again. I held his shaft in both hands. Only this time, I just opened my mouth and held it just in front of his huge crown. I let my tongue reach out and lightly flick his head, as my top hand gently stroked up and down, from just below the head, to about four inches from the base of his shaft, where it met the top of my other hand. I looked up into his eyes again. She looked down at me as well, seemingly in pain from the sudden evacuation of her body of the fuckstick that had owned her for the last hour.

    He was making no movements to stop me. So now she was swinging a leg over my head, dismounting the couch, and getting down on her knees next to me. "Cum in my mouth, Billy," she said. "Cum all over my face." Was she serious? If he was going to cum in someone's mouth, it still had to be hers?

    He took his shaft our of my hand and held it in his own. I could tell he was so close to cumming. He languidly pleasured the area just behind and underneath the crown with his thumb and index finger as Shannon and I knelt there, each holding onto one of his legs, mouths open like every porno guys jerk off to, begging to be the one he chooses to cum on. What had become of me?

    He pulled his hand back to the base of his shaft, and we each desperately assaulted the head of his cock with our lips and tongues. "Kiss each other," he commanded, and on cue, his two little sluts were tongue dancing and lip smacking with each other, in between licking every inch of his cock that we could get our mouths on.

    Finally he groaned, "Stop," and we both pulled off, waiting there open-mouthed, as he stroked himself gently toward his orgasm, moving his cock back and forth, aiming at my mouth, then hers, then mine, then finally... he EXPLODED into Shannon's opened mouth. She greedily accepted his gigantic ejaculation, gulping down the first thick spurts of cum as he blasted it onto her tongue, then wrapping her lips around his crown so there was no chance it would go anywhere else but inside her. His cock pumped over and over again into her mouth, for a while, and then he pulled off, still shooting, but rather than turn to me, waiting there pathetically with my mouth open, he proceeded to spray it onto her face, hair, neck and tits.

    When he had finished, she was just drenched in his semen. He looked at me, still holding his hard cock in his hand. "Lick it up," he said. And so, one final indignity - I proceeded to lick his cum off of her. Her neck, her shoulders, her big tits, and her pretty face - I lapped up every drop I could, like the eager cum queen he'd turned me into. I was disappointed that he'd finished in and on her, and treated me this way, but I was not going to stop trying to prove myself. Shannon just rested against the couch now, seated on the floor, allowing me to bathe her face and upper torso with my cum-seeking lips and tongue, until finally, the job was done.

    But despite my hard work, it was Amanda who he took by the hand and led into his bedroom. I was left kneeling there on the floor.

    If he really didn't give a shit about her, he was putting on a convincing act that the opposite was true, because as I finally summoned the strength to follow them into the bedroom, I found their naked bodies wrapped around each other, and they were making out again. Damn it! She'd made it seem like she couldn't even get his attention these days, and he was ravaging her like she was the one who had kissed him off.

    Eventually, he slowed down, and positioned her with her back up against his chest, his arm going around her, his hand onto one of her glorious breasts, spooning her, with her back, ass, and legs pressed up against him. She smiled blissfully.

    All that was left for me to do was to spoon HIM. But my hand couldn't even reach his cock, he was pressed so tightly up against her. The best I could do was press my naked tits up against his back, and my legs up against the back of his, with my wet pussy, now sans g-string, up against his tight ass. My hand languidly fondled the huge muscles of his upper arm and shoulder.

    But at least I could whisper in his ear. After we'd laid there a while, and she was apparently asleep, I cooed to him: "I want you to fuck me, Billy... My pussy is all yours." I know, I was implying that I'd broken up with Kieran, but I was desperate at this point. I wasn't going to out and out say that I had, but I had to do what I could to get him to change his mind.

    He wasn't moving. I decided to pull out all the stops. I had to somehow counteract the reality that I was still dating Kieran. "I want you to know, Kieran always uses a condom. I make him use one."

    That last part wasn't entirely true. It was Kieran who insisted on this. But I had to do some selling here. "You're the only one I ever let cum inside of me. The inside of me is all yours. His cum has never been there."

    He seemed to like where this was heading, because he rolled onto his back. She was clearly asleep. Now my hand could freely explore his chest, his abs, and yes, his cock, which was soft, but god, it was so big already.

    He slowly turned his head to face me. My god, those eyes. Those lips. I wanted him so badly. "Then why are you with him?" he asked. God, why did he have to ask that? I felt myself tearing up. This was torture! I shrugged, evading the question.

    He continued. "What's his cock like?"

    God, I didn't want to get into this territory. But I wanted Billy so badly! I gazed into his eyes, filled with emotion. "It's SO much smaller than yours, Billy. It's maybe half as long, and half as thick."

    "So he doesn't satisfy you." How could I answer that? It was so complicated.

    "I'm here, aren't I?"

    "Whose cock do you prefer? Whose body?"

    Well, this was an easy question. And how could the truth betray Kieran any worse, if I answered honestly, than I'd already betrayed him, so many times, with my actions?

    "Oh, God, yours, Billy, I love your body so much..."

    "Keep talking."

    "I love your big cock, so much more than his. I love how much you can fill me with it. I love your big muscles. I love what a... man you are. How you take me, and make me yours."

    "And my cum?"

    "I love swallowing your cum. I love how powerfully your cock shoots, and how much cum, and how deep into me you can shoot. I love having so much of you so deep inside of me. Where Kieran's cum can never go..."

    His cock was hardening now. Was this finally going to be the moment?

    "But you want to keep being his girlfriend."

    God, why was that such a sticking point? I couldn't answer. But his cock was rising. This could be our moment! He might finally take me again!

    "I don't know..." was the best I could do.

    Then he got an idea. A sickening, evil idea. "You want me to fuck you again?"

    "So much, Billy."

    "I'll do it under one condition. Next time, he's there."

    I just looked at him. Say what?

    "He owes you a threesome, right? Tell him you pick me. I won't give away our secret. I'll act like it's the first time."

    "I could never do that."

    "Then I can never fuck you again."

    He got up to go to the bathroom.

    Why was he doing this? I knew why. He wanted to humiliate Kieran. He wanted to take his girlfriend from him, in front of him. He wanted Kieran to see how hot my sex with Billy was, how much I lusted for him physically, and how much bigger, and yes, more manly Billy was, on a physical level. But I knew the level that would be most hurtful to Kieran. Billy wanted to show off the fact that his cock was twice as long and probably twice as thick as Kieran's, and that his sexy girlfriend wanted it more - much more - than his. He wanted to revel in owning me in front of him. And maybe that would end our relationship.

    I followed him into the bathroom, where was washing his face. His cock was at half mast. God he looked good.

    "I couldn't do that to him," I said. "It would be cruel. For him to compare himself to you, I mean... he can't compare. And he'd see how much more I enjoy your body, and sucking your cock, and getting fucked by you, without a condom..." I was behind him, stroking his back, then his ass, hoping he would just stop this nonsense and take me now. But what I said probably only encouraged his sick idea. "He'd see how much I love your great big man's cock and how his can't compare." I didn't really think of it quite like this, but I thought this talk would turn him on,and would make him see that he owned me enough already. It didn't. He just turned to me, as he dried his face. I was lowering myself into a squat, my hand wrapping around the base of his big shaft again.

    "You can blow me again, if you want," he said. "But that's it. I'll only ever see you again if it's the three of us."

    God. Why? I started licking his cock again, hoping to make him change his mind. He was hard again in seconds. Then I slowly stood up. I put one foot up on the counter next to him, facing him this time - not repeating my previous mistake! And I positioned the head of his cock at the opening of my moistness.

    "You want to feel what you've been missing?" he asked.

    I nodded kittenishly.

    And then, in an instant, he was positioning his crown at the lips of my pussy. Oh my God. Was this happening? I gasped, in shock, as he grabbed my face with both hands. My hands went to his wrists, holding on for dear life, as he slowly slid the head of his huge cock into me - taking his time, letting me really feel the difference, the thickness, the length, the wildness of being so overtaken and filled, inch by glorious inch. I gasped, beside myself with the reality of what was happening. Finally, with torturous slowness, he buried himself completely inside of me. And he kissed me - softly, romantically, with more intensity of emotion, I felt, than I'd ever seen with him and Shannon. Or than there had ever been between us. Then he stopped. And he slowly, agonizingly, began to pull out. Was he going to thrust in again? No. He pulled all the way out. And he stared into my eyes.

    "I need you to leave now."

    Was he serious? I stared at him. Could he really do this? I was there for the taking, naked and sexy and wet. Willing as any girl could ever be willing.

    He walked past me, and got back in bed with Amanda.

    Humiliated more than I'd ever been with him, I grabbed my clothes and headed for the door.


  7. Liked by 4 users: alsosprachzar, DennisW, livfox, schmdtfranz

  8. #5
    16 Jan 2020

    Re: Billy Ch. 03 by openyoureyes

    This story is a work of art, except the cliffhanger haha, are you working on the next chapter?

  9. #6
    26 Feb 2020

    Re: Billy by openyoureyes

    Really great story i have read until the end and i find it really attractive , keep the good and good luck for your next stories escortreal

  10. #7
    1 Mar 2024

    Re: Billy by openyoureyes

    I know we’re approaching a decade but still I must beg you to finish this story. I’d honestly pay at this point.

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